Today Bagholder (BAG) not traded anywhere. During the week, the minimum price for Bagholder (BAG) is fixed on Monday at 0.0028 cents. Currently, the token Bagholder is trading in the range of 0.283 cents or 23.48 kopecks for 1 BAG.

BAG Bagholder
Price of Bagholder (BAG)
Exchanges where BAG is traded
No dataCalculator BAG

1 BAG = 0.0028 USD
What is Bagholder?
Bagholder is an ERC20 derived from the fractionalisation of a growing emblem vault of dank rare pepes.
The liquidity pool from the $bagholder vault collects fees, those fees will be used to further accrue rarepepes for this vault to own. any trading will enduce fee collection meaning chart progress in either directions helps to form more value into the underlying asset (the collection).
Token Holders are free to add more assets to the vault, to assist the $bagholder community as a whole, but it is not required.
Initial Holders of the bagholder token are mostly RAREPEPE OGs which have further contributed part of their own loved collection into the vault in return for a share of token supply.
RAREPEPEs is the original NFT community, born in the guts in bitcoin op_returns with a history from 2015. While the vault may contain other assets of interest and value our main concern is more RAREPEPEs eventually being able to track us through the legedary RAREPEPEs holder leaderboard.
Official websites and links for Bagholder
There are currently about 3 official links to Bagholder websites and social media:
- Website -
- Twitter -
- Facebook -