Suicune (HSUI)

Suicune HSUI

Price of 1 Suicune today (29 June)
$ 0.00932
Price Min/Max
24 hrs
$ 0.0088
$ 0.0094
30 days
$ 0.008
$ 0.02
1 year
$ 0.008
$ 0.02
Market Cap
$ 2,283,171
Trading Volume, 24h
$ 715.82
Supply token
245,000,000 HSUI 100%
Max Supply

Today Suicune (HSUI) торгуется только на . The maximum trading volume is observed for the trading pair HSUI/0X2::SUI::SUI and reaches 7.1 ths. dollars (99% of the total volume across all exchanges). During the week, the minimum price for Suicune (HSUI) is fixed on Thursday at 0.0085 cents. Currently, the token Suicune is trading in the range of 0.93 cents or 79.86 kopecks for 1 HSUI.

Price of Suicune (HSUI)

Exchanges where HSUI is traded

Exchange Pair Price Volume, 24h
1 Turbos Finance HSUI/0X2::SUI::SUI
$ 0.02
¤ 0.0165
$ 6,371 Go
2 BlueMove HSUI/0X2::SUI::SUI
$ 0.0093
¤ 0.0117
$ 714 Go
3 Turbos Finance HSUI/USDCET
$ 0.02
USDCET 0.0179
$ 92 Go

Calculator HSUI


1 HSUI = 0.0093 USD

What is Suicune?

The Legendary Beast of SUI is believed to be both the embodiment of the north winds and compassion of pure spring waters.

Suicune is the perfect mascot for the Sui Network, and is all about learning and having fun on SUI!

Suicune has been embraced as the SUI network's mascot by developers, infrastructure providers, thought leaders, "KOLs", and parallel SUI projects.

Suicune is an organic community token fostering a culture of being based, eliminating FUD, inclusion, curiosity, and respect.

How to add Suicune to Metamask?

To add HSUI to the metamask you need:

  1. In the wallet select the desired network and then in the cryptocurrencies section scroll to the bottom - click "Import tokens".
  2. Copy the smart contract address for Suicune from the list below.
  3. Paste into the "Smart Contract Address" field.
  4. Click the "Add Custom Token" button.

The HSUI is available on the 1 blockchain сети. Below is a list of Suicune smartcontract addresses to add to the metamask:

  • Sui - 0x8c47c0bde84b7056520a44f46c56383e714cc9b6a55e919d8736a34ec7ccb533::suicune::SUICUNE

Official websites and links for Suicune

There are currently about 4 official links to Suicune websites and social media:

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