Today PulseLN (PLN) not traded anywhere. During the week, the minimum price for PulseLN (PLN) is fixed on Wednesday at 0.0059 cent. Currently, the token PulseLN is trading in the range of 0.591 cent or 49.63 kopecks for 1 PLN.

Price of PulseLN (PLN)
Exchanges where PLN is traded
No dataCalculator PLN

1 PLN = 0.0059 USD
What is PulseLN?
What is the project about?
PLN is a Founder Token that accrues all swap fees from PulseLN Crypto Exchanges.
What makes your project unique?
PulseLN allows you to swap PLS, BTC, ETH, BNB, and other crypto in less than ~15 seconds for extremely low fees thanks to full Layer 2 support for Lightning BTC and Optimism.
At the heart of PLN's Tokenomics is a buy & burn system that leads to a continuous reduction in its total supply (based on PulseLN exchange demand). From its initial maximum supply of one trillion tokens, burns will keep occurring at random intervals indefinitely.
History of your project.
PLN launched with zero value & was airdropped for free to PulseChain addresses in early 2023. Since launch the exchange has added many popular assests, gained massive community support, and grown to 10s of thousands of weekly active users.
What can your token be used for?
PLN is used for fee discounts on the PulseLN Exchange, referral fee percentage bonuses for Referral Program Participants, and passive accumulation of PLS (PulseChain's Native Token).
Official websites and links for PulseLN
There are currently about 3 official links to PulseLN websites and social media:
- Website -
- Twitter -
- Facebook -