STCMDX Stride Staked Comdex
Stride Staked Comdex is awaiting listing on exchanges.
The token price for STCMDX is unknown.
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Price of Stride Staked Comdex (STCMDX)
Exchanges where STCMDX is traded
No dataToday Stride Staked Comdex (STCMDX) not traded anywhere. During the week, the minimum price for Stride Staked Comdex (STCMDX) is fixed on Monday at 0.0284 cents. Currently, the token Stride Staked Comdex is trading in the range of 2.99905 cents or 2.94 ruble for 1 STCMDX.
Calculator STCMDX
1 STCMDX = 0.03 USD
What is Stride Staked Comdex?
stCMDX is the token received in exchange for staking CMDX with Stride. CMDXis the native token of Comdex. Comdex is an Interchain DeFi Infrastructure project in the Cosmos Ecosystem. By staking CMDX with Stride, users can mint stCMDX, which are redeemable for CMDX at a 1:1 ratio, subject to the unbonding period on the Comdex blockchain. Stride currently supports liquid staking CMDX on its mainnet, which launched in late July 2022. With stCMDX, users can retain liquidity in their staked tokens while also earning staking rewards. stCMDX can be staked now on Stride at
Official websites and links for Stride Staked Comdex
There are currently about 3 official links to Stride Staked Comdex websites and social media:
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