Today Staika (STIK) is traded on 5 exchanges, including Bitget,, XT, GoPax and others. The maximum trading volume is observed for the trading pair STIK/USDT and reaches 2.7 mln. dollars (94% of the total volume across all exchanges). During the week, the minimum price for Staika (STIK) is fixed on Thursday at 1.54 dollar. Currently, the token Staika is trading in the range of 1.87 dollar or 186.07 rubles for 1 STIK.
STIK Staika
Price of 1 Staika today (22 January)
$ 1.87
Price of Staika (STIK)
Market Cap
Trading Volume, 24h
$ 2.7M
In circulation STIK
Price Min/Max
24 hrs
$ 1.68
$ 1.87
30 days
$ 1.3
$ 1.87
1 year
$ 1.21
$ 2.82
Exchanges where STIK is traded
Calculator STIK
1 STIK = 1.87 USD
What is Staika?
The Staika token is the governance token of the Staika project and the ticker is marked as STIK.
STIK can be obtained by purchasing from a designated exchange or by swapping from a DEX(decentralized exchange) or Staika Wallet.
The use cases of the Staika are as follows:
- Means to receive benefits and rewards within the Staika platform
- Payment methods avaiable within the various services provided by the Staika platform
- Exchange (swap) means for other altcoins
- Payment and exchange methods(swap) for Staika-based Altcoin
Official websites and links for Staika
There are currently about 4 official links to Staika websites and social media:
- Website -
- Twitter -
- Reddit -
- Facebook -