Space Xmitter (SX)

Space Xmitter SX

Last price update: 28 January
$ 0.985

Space Xmitter is awaiting listing on exchanges.

The token price for SX is unknown.

Exchanges that list tokens earlier than others:,

We regularly announce listings of top projects in our X (Twitter) - HOLDER_IO

Price Min/Max
24 hrs
30 days
$ 0.89
$ 1.4
1 year
$ 0.89
$ 1.4
Market Cap
Trading Volume, 24h
$ 2,126.34
Supply token
Max Supply

Today Space Xmitter (SX) During the week, the minimum price for Space Xmitter (SX) is fixed on Wednesday at 0.96 cents. Currently, the token Space Xmitter is trading in the range of 98.54 cents or 90.82 rubles for 1 SX.

Price of Space Xmitter (SX)

Exchanges where SX is traded

No data

Calculator SX


1 SX = 0.99 USD

What is Space Xmitter?

he Space Xmitter project was inspired by the world's most legendary company, SpaceX, and its founder Musk, who was on the verge of failure and bankruptcy for several years before achieving great success. New companies are born every day in Silicon Valley, and many go bankrupt, but it is in this constant grind that technology giants such as Apple, Google and Facebook emerge.While space Xmitter is a project inspired by Musk's tireless spirit and is conducted in a completely open and transparent manner.50% of the entire platform proceeds will be invested when Musk's spaceX opens a new round of funding, and the stocks and dividends earned will be distributed in the form of tokens to players who hold Space Xmitter NFT.
Space Xmitter is a pure contract game platform to earn while playing, all playing rules are on the contract, there is no loophole, all contract games only use small amount of money to participate, gather less into more, achievement of the crowd, to create a completely free and fair contract game platform.
Our vision is the same as Musk's - to take to the skies and "see the planet like never before".

How to add Space Xmitter to Metamask?

To add SX to the metamask you need:

  1. In the wallet select the desired network and then in the cryptocurrencies section scroll to the bottom - click "Import tokens".
  2. Copy the smart contract address for Space Xmitter from the list below.
  3. Paste into the "Smart Contract Address" field.
  4. Click the "Add Custom Token" button.

The SX is available on the 1 blockchain сети. Below is a list of Space Xmitter smartcontract addresses to add to the metamask:

  • Ethereum - 0x96eb50804d0ef2790f2e1a33670feff6040cf89d

Official websites and links for Space Xmitter

There are currently about 4 official links to Space Xmitter websites and social media:

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