Bridged Wrapped stETH (Fuse) does not belong to any sector.
Exchanges where WSTETH is traded
No data
Today Bridged Wrapped stETH (Fuse) (WSTETH) not traded anywhere. During the week, the minimum price for Bridged Wrapped stETH (Fuse) (WSTETH) is fixed on Tuesday at 3,492.37 dollars. Currently, the token Bridged Wrapped stETH (Fuse) is trading in the range of 3,620.22 dollars or 306,279.19 rubles for 1 WSTETH.
Bridged Wrapped stETH (Fuse) is a wrapped version of stETH, designed to provide a DeFi-compatible token. It maintains a constant balance through an underlying share system, reflecting staking rewards without daily balance changes. This allows for seamless integrations with various DeFi protocols.
wstETH is a wrapped version of stETH. Due to the nature of Lido, the amount of stETH on your balance is not constant - it changes daily as staking rewards come in. As some DeFi protocols require a constant balance mechanism for tokens, wstETH keeps your balance of stETH fixed and uses an underlying share system to reflect your staking rewards.
How to add Bridged Wrapped stETH (Fuse) to Metamask?
To add WSTETH to the metamask you need:
In the wallet select the desired network and then in the cryptocurrencies section scroll to the bottom - click "Import tokens".
Copy the smart contract address for Bridged Wrapped stETH (Fuse) from the list below.
Paste into the "Smart Contract Address" field.
Click the "Add Custom Token" button.
The WSTETH is available on the 1 blockchain networks. Below is a list of Bridged Wrapped stETH (Fuse) smartcontract addresses to add to the metamask:
Fuse - 0x2931b47c2cee4febad348ba3d322cb4a17662c34
Official websites and links for Bridged Wrapped stETH (Fuse)
There are currently about 5 official links to Bridged Wrapped stETH (Fuse) websites and social media: