Zeebu (ZBU)

ZBU Zeebu

Price of 1 Zeebu today (29 March)
$ 3.65

Price of Zeebu (ZBU)

Market Cap
$ 18.3B
Trading Volume, 24h
$ 1.4M
In circulation ZBU
Max supply
Price Min/Max
24 hrs
$ 3.55
$ 3.82
30 days
$ 3.45
$ 3.83
1 year
$ 3.45
$ 5.27
ZBU Sectors:
Zeebu does not belong to any sector.

Exchanges where ZBU is traded

Exchange Pair Price Volume, 24h
1 BitMart ZBU/USDT
$ 3.64
₮ 3.6460
$ 248,278 Go
2 Biconomy.com ZBU/USDT
$ 3.65
₮ 3.6530
$ 168,843 Go
3 PancakeSwap V3 (Base) ZBU/WETH--16
$ 3.65
WETH--16 0.0019
$ 154,570 Go
$ 3.65
₮ 3.6510
$ 135,962 Go
5 Gate.io ZBU/USDT
$ 3.65
₮ 3.6490
$ 116,407 Go
6 Bitget ZBU/USDT
$ 3.66
₮ 3.6620
$ 104,164 Go
7 PancakeSwap V3 (Base) ZBU/USDC
$ 3.66
USDC 3.6578
$ 81,938 Go
$ 3.65
₮ 3.6513
$ 48,309 Go
9 Balancer V2 (Base) ZBU/USDC
$ 3.66
USDC 3.6582
$ 37,734 Go
10 Hibt ZBU/USDT
$ 3.65
₮ 3.6520
$ 34,483 Go

Today Zeebu (ZBU) is traded on 13 exchanges, including BitMart, Pancakeswap V3 (Base), Biconomy, LBank and others. The maximum trading volume is observed for the trading pair ZBU/USDT and reaches 897.2 ths. dollar (75% of the total volume across all exchanges). During the week, the minimum price for Zeebu (ZBU) is fixed on Friday at 3.65 dollars. Currently, the token Zeebu is trading in the range of 3.65 dollars or 310.11 rubles for 1 ZBU.

Calculator ZBU


1 ZBU = 3.65 USD

What is Zeebu?

1. What is the project about?
Zeebu is World's first loyalty Utility token created for Telecom Carrier Businesses. Zeebu loyalty utility token is an ERC 20 token designed to incentivize and reward Telecom Carriers participating in the Zeebu Ecosystem. Zeebu is a powerful and redeemable loyalty token that raises telecom carriers' bottom line by rewarding loyalty benefits and significantly lowering invoice costs. The core value proposition of the Zeebu token is to offer a loyalty and rewards system tailored to the Telecom Carrier market.
2.  What makes your project Unique?
Zeebu token comes with an end-to-end tailor-made platform for the telecom carrier industry.
Only token that is designed for loyalty rewards for B2B transactions.
Zeebu token has a real-world utility with USD120 billion industry.
3.  History of your project.
Telecom companies utilize the exact payment processing mechanisms via traditional banks and service offerings. These offerings are outdated and not tailored to the needs of the telecom industry, causing high­ cost payments that continually affect customers' bottom line on each transaction. The Zeebu ecosystem aims to reduce friction within remittances, cross-border payments, invoice settlement, and payment
delays. By implementing new technologies such as blockchain, along with a comprehensive understanding of the telecom service architecture, Zeebu transforms invoice settlement and transaction processing for the industry.
4.  What's next for your project?
Zeebu has established a collaborative partnership with a prominent industry leader, generating an annual revenue of $3.2 billion within a market size of $120 billion. Zeebu aims to expand its market share in the next five years by incorporating additional vendors.
5.  What can your token be used for?
Cost-savings in cross-border settlements - Zeebu loyalty utility tokens eliminate the need for conventional banking channels and intermediaries to complete the cross-border settlement. Conve

How to add Zeebu to Metamask?

To add ZBU to the metamask you need:

  1. In the wallet select the desired network and then in the cryptocurrencies section scroll to the bottom - click "Import tokens".
  2. Copy the smart contract address for Zeebu from the list below.
  3. Paste into the "Smart Contract Address" field.
  4. Click the "Add Custom Token" button.

The ZBU is available on the 3 blockchain networks. Below is a list of Zeebu smartcontract addresses to add to the metamask:

  • Ethereum - 0xe77f6acd24185e149e329c1c0f479201b9ec2f4b
  • BNB Smart Chain - 0x4d3dc895a9edb234dfa3e303a196c009dc918f84
  • Base - 0x2c8c89c442436cc6c0a77943e09c8daf49da3161

Official websites and links for Zeebu

There are currently about 5 official links to Zeebu websites and social media:

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