Zebi (ZCO)

ZCO Zebi

Last price update: 9 March
$ 0.00016

Price of Zebi (ZCO)

Market Cap
$ 80.3K
Trading Volume, 24h
$ 0
In circulation ZCO
Price Min/Max
24 hrs
$ 0.00016
$ 0.00016
30 days
$ 0.00013
$ 0.00017
1 year
$ 0.000071
$ 0.0005
ZCO Sectors:
Zebi does not belong to any sector.

Exchanges where ZCO is traded

No data

Today Zebi (ZCO) not traded anywhere. During the week, the minimum price for Zebi (ZCO) is fixed on Thursday at 0.00013 cents. Currently, the token Zebi is trading in the range of 0.0161 cents or 1.4 kopeck for 1 ZCO.

Calculator ZCO


1 ZCO = 0.00016 USD

What is Zebi?

Zebi is a young and innovative organization founded, mentored and managed by Oxford, MIT, Stanford, and IIT veterans and thought leaders from Silicon Valley with experience in Google, Uber, Amazon, Microsoft, and Oracle. Zebi specializes in providing Blockchain based offerings to governments and enterprises to leverage and protect their high value and sensitive data.

India’s big data generation is increasing exponentially and is expected to reach 3 Zebibytes per year (Zebibyte = 1024^7 bytes) by 2020, driven by continued growth of internet usage, social networks, proliferation of smartphones, as well as the digital initiatives and structural reforms undertaken by the government. At the same time, incidents of data crimes such as data hacks, data leaks, data tampering, identity thefts are on the rise, which are costing Indian organizations and consumers more than $30 billion annually.

Zebi specializes in providing blockchain based solutions to governments and enterprises to leverage and protect their high value and sensitive data. Zebi is one of the few enterprise grade product companies based in India offering best of the expertise of Silicon Valley at Indian prices

Recognizing the need and opportunity to enable with technology the enforcement of data protection regulations, Zebi has created a Blockchain driven, unique and holistic solution to make high value and sensitive data readily available for legitimate use. Zebi safeguards data against hacking and tampering, while obtaining consent from individuals. The solution comprises of Zebi Chain™ to provide immutability to critical records, coupled with a central hub called Zebi Data Gateway which enables secure and instant data exchange through Data-as-a-Service (DaaS) APIs. Zebi’s innovative, proprietary solution set is one of the first in industry and is patent pending.

How to add Zebi to Metamask?

To add ZCO to the metamask you need:

  1. In the wallet select the desired network and then in the cryptocurrencies section scroll to the bottom - click "Import tokens".
  2. Copy the smart contract address for Zebi from the list below.
  3. Paste into the "Smart Contract Address" field.
  4. Click the "Add Custom Token" button.

The ZCO is available on the 1 blockchain networks. Below is a list of Zebi smartcontract addresses to add to the metamask:

  • Ethereum - 0x2008e3057bd734e10ad13c9eae45ff132abc1722

Official websites and links for Zebi

There are currently about 4 official links to Zebi websites and social media:

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