Jack Dorsey = Satoshi Nakamoto?
In recent decades, the names of Jack Dorsey and Satoshi Nakamoto have become synonymous with technological breakthroughs and cryptocurrency innovations.

Many claim that coincidences in dates, statements, and digital footprints make it possible to conclude that one person stands behind the two legendary names. In this article, we will examine the timeline of events, confirmed facts, and documented details to assess how justified the hypothesis "Jack Dorsey = Satoshi Nakamoto" is. No mysticism or speculation – just facts.
Jack Dorsey works on the dNET.com project. He develops a communication system for couriers, many of whom do not have bank accounts. The dot-com crisis leads him to lose his job.
In 1996, Jack Dorsey becomes one of about 1,300 participants in the "cypherpunk" movement – a group advocating for the use of cryptography to protect personal freedom.
May 2003
Jack writes about his interests: cryptography, pseudonyms, nighttime programming, and working with computer networks. He states that he wants to break free from dependence on the US dollar and creates a network for exchanging goods without money.
Jack and Greg Kidd transform dNET.com into a peer-to-peer network – a system where all participants are equal, and the code is open to everyone.
Jack founded Twitter and became its CEO. That same year, he visits Japan several times. It is noted that he does not forget to mention his favorite Japanese restaurant "Nihon."
August 2008
The domain Bitcoin.org is registered in Tokyo at 1-3-3 Sakura House.
October 2008
Jack is forced to step down as CEO of Twitter. The official reason is that Jack spends too much time on personal projects.
On October 31, 2008, the Bitcoin "White Paper" is published – a document outlining the fundamentals of cryptocurrency.
December 5, 2008
Jack tweets a short message: "It's working."
December 8, 2008
Jack expresses optimism: he is impressed by the upcoming year and believes in significant innovations.
January 2, 2009
Jack tweets: "programming and testing. Signing an NDA, then going for a walk." (NDA – a document prohibiting the disclosure of secrets.)
January 3, 2009
The first block of Bitcoin (the so-called genesis block) is mined on the network.
January 9, 2009
Jack attends an award ceremony in San Francisco, California.
January 10, 2009
Satoshi Nakamoto accidentally enters IRC using his real IP address. (IRC – an online chat for exchanging technical information.) The IP is located in California.
January 11, 2009
On Jack's mother's birthday, the first Bitcoin transaction occurs: Satoshi sends BTC (units of cryptocurrency) to Hal Finney – a well-known computer technology expert.
April 19, 2009
At 2:34 AM, Jack tweets: "we're about to leave Jordan and head to Iraq." At this time, he is part of an official US delegation in Iraq. Just a few minutes earlier, at 2:14 AM, Satoshi sends the last email before an eight-day break.
April 27, 2009
Jack reports that he has returned to San Francisco. After the break, Satoshi sends the first new email.
It later turns out that some examples of Bitcoin addresses contain references to his pseudonym, such as "1jak" or "jD2m." "2 Mint Plaza" – the address where Jack lived in San Francisco, is also mentioned in connection with the history of Bitcoin.
May 8, 2009
Information appears about Jack's new startup called "Squirrel," which later becomes Square – a company working with mobile payments.
June 14, 2009
Satoshi writes: "thank you, I've been very busy lately."
July 31, 2009
Satoshi again confirms that he is busy with work. He notes the need to find applications for Bitcoin in real life.
June 23, 2009
Jack tweets about the opening of Sightglass Coffee, in which he invested. This coffee shop is the first to start accepting payments through Square.
December 1, 2009
The Square website is launched. The first logo appears on the site: a blue square inside a blue square.
December 11, 2009
Satoshi discusses the design of the Bitcoin website. He says he likes random blue squares.
May 3, 2010
Jack congratulates his father on his birthday via tweet. On the same day, Satoshi's mining software, marked by the "Patoshi pattern," is permanently shut down.
May 4, 2010
Jack tweets a short message: "to the next goal."
May 11, 2010
Square presents mobile payment terminals – devices for accepting payments through smartphones.
May 16, 2010
Satoshi returns online and reports that he has been busy with other matters for the past month and a half.
December 5, 2010
Satoshi expresses dissatisfaction: he asks the organization WikiLeaks not to accept Bitcoins, as he believes the community is in its early stages of development.
December 12, 2010
Satoshi publishes his last post on the Bitcointalk forum. The next day, he explains that due to WikiLeaks' activity, the community may suffer.
December 14, 2010
Twitter receives a court order related to the WikiLeaks case.
March 2011
Jack returns to Twitter, taking the position of executive director while remaining CEO of Square.
April 23, 2011
Satoshi sends his last letter. He writes that he has switched to other projects, leaving Bitcoin in the reliable hands of colleagues like Gavin Andresen.
September 2012
Jack tweets, calling Bitcoin "an amazing movement." He confirms that he sees a future in cryptocurrency.
March 2014
Jack writes: "Got Bitcoins? You can spend them at Square Market!". Square begins accepting payments in Bitcoin.
September 2014
Satoshi's email is hacked. One of the screenshots shows a receipt for the purchase of a Bitcoin miner "Lancelot." This address is located in St. Louis – the city where Jack founded Square.
December 2016
Jack confirms: "Square and Bitcoin are not competitors."
April 2020
On the Lex Fridman podcast, a question is asked: "Are you Satoshi?" Jack replies: "No, but if I were Satoshi, would I say so?" He believes that true recognition comes not through headlines, but through real achievements.
October 2020
Square invests $50 million in Bitcoin. At that time, the price of one coin was around $10,000.
December 2021
Square undergoes rebranding and becomes a company named "Block."
January 2022
Jack launches a legal defense fund for Bitcoin. The fund aims to counter Craig Wright, who claims to be Satoshi Nakamoto.
The timeline of events shows intersections in dates and facts. Jack Dorsey actively developed technological projects alongside the emergence of Bitcoin. All data is based on facts confirmed by public tweets, domain registrations, and statements on podcasts. The question of whether Jack Dorsey is Satoshi Nakamoto remains debatable. But one thing is clear: his activities have left a significant mark on the history of digital technologies.