AVA (Travala) (AVA)

AVA AVA (Travala)

Price of 1 AVA (Travala) today (22 January)
$ 0.9525

Price of AVA (Travala) (AVA)

Market Cap
$ 53.9M
$ 95.3M
Trading Volume, 24h
$ 13.9M
In circulation AVA
56,565,847 57%
Max supply
Price Min/Max
24 hrs
$ 0.872
$ 0.965
30 days
$ 0.855
$ 1.65
1 year
$ 0.409
$ 3.38
AVA Sectors:
AVA (Travala) does not belong to any sector.

Exchanges where AVA is traded

Exchange Pair Price Volume, 24h
1 Bitget AVA/USDT
$ 0.951
₮ 0.9510
$ 6,400,498 Go
2 Binance AVA/USDT
$ 0.95
₮ 0.9496
$ 3,236,258 Go
$ 0.951
₮ 0.9507
$ 1,589,749 Go
$ 0.955
₮ 0.9551
$ 608,766 Go
5 Toobit AVA/USDT
$ 0.951
₮ 0.9510
$ 403,635 Go
6 Bitrue AVA/USDT
$ 0.951
₮ 0.9512
$ 292,600 Go
7 Gate.io AVA/USDT
$ 0.948
₮ 0.9481
$ 277,535 Go
8 Bybit AVA/USDT
$ 0.955
₮ 0.9549
$ 183,665 Go
$ 0.95
₮ 0.9500
$ 171,034 Go
10 Binance AVA/BTC
$ 0.953
₿ 0.000009
$ 88,531 Go

Today AVA (Travala) (AVA) is traded on 30 exchanges, including Bitget, Binance, Huobi Global, LBank and others. The maximum trading volume is observed for the trading pair AVA/USDT and reaches 13.5 mln. dollars (98% of the total volume across all exchanges). During the week, the minimum price for AVA (Travala) (AVA) is fixed on Tuesday at 0.907 cents. Currently, the token AVA (Travala) is trading in the range of 95.25 cents or 94.21 ruble for 1 AVA.

Calculator AVA


1 AVA = 0.953 USD

What is AVA (Travala)?

What is the project about? AVA plans to tokenise the concept of loyalty reward programs using blockchain technology. The AVA token functions as the key to accessing web3 loyalty programs and provides perks to end users, such as AVA payment discounts, AVA loyalty rewards, gated access benefits, and more. Launched in 2017, the AVA Foundation says their overarching mission is to create a decentralised and self-sufficient blockchain-based loyalty ecosystem with AVA at its core. What’s next for your project? AVA is a web3 loyalty program token designed for projects across all industries. From discounts to loyalty rewards, AVA powers blockchain-based loyalty programs via a plug-and-play approach. What can your token be used for? Travel Bookings: AVA can be used to book more than 3 million travel products on Travala, including hotels, homes, flights, and activities in over 230 countries. Discounts & Rewards: Travel bookings paid with AVA receive a discount of up to 3% on the total booking price, as well as a cashback of up to 2% in AVA. Loyalty Program: AVA unlocks further benefits via the Smart Loyalty Program, which provides users with discounts of up to 10% on travel bookings. Travel NFTs: AVA paired with Travel Tiger NFTs unlocks the Diamond membership, with exclusive benefits such as Travel Credits, Airport Lounges, VIP Concierge, and Travel Drops (unique travel experience giveaways). Open Passport: With AVA, users can access the Open Passport to collect digital NFT stamps for every travel booking. Each NFT serves as “proof of travel” and, in the future, will unlock rewards and discounts. Voting: AVA grants voting rights to users based on their Smart loyalty membership level to have a say on how funds in the AVA Community Pool are spent. Payments: AVA use cases extend to other platforms, allowing users to shop and spend with AVA at millions of merchants via Binance Pay and Simplex or pay bills. Governance: As the AVA ecosystem becomes more decentralised, AVA will be the governance token needed to vote for future changes and improvements to the ecosystem. AVA Deals: Travala will launch a new travel offer initiative named “AVA Deals”, with thousands of travel products at heavily discounted prices (up to 70% off) bookable exclusively with AVA.

How to add AVA (Travala) to Metamask?

To add AVA to the metamask you need:

  1. In the wallet select the desired network and then in the cryptocurrencies section scroll to the bottom - click "Import tokens".
  2. Copy the smart contract address for AVA (Travala) from the list below.
  3. Paste into the "Smart Contract Address" field.
  4. Click the "Add Custom Token" button.

The AVA is available on the 2 blockchain networks. Below is a list of AVA (Travala) smartcontract addresses to add to the metamask:

  • Ethereum - 0xa6c0c097741d55ecd9a3a7def3a8253fd022ceb9
  • Energi - 0x8476d1c07cbc7e2dd9e97ffbd9850836835ee7a8

Official websites and links for AVA (Travala)

There are currently about 5 official links to AVA (Travala) websites and social media:

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