Axelar Wrapped Ether (AXLWETH)

AXLWETH Axelar Wrapped Ether

Price of 1 Axelar Wrapped Ether today (29 March)
$ 1,860.34

Price of Axelar Wrapped Ether (AXLWETH)

Market Cap
Trading Volume, 24h
$ 112.8K
In circulation AXLWETH
Price Min/Max
24 hrs
$ 1.86k
$ 2.36k
30 days
$ 1.8k
$ 2.53k
1 year
$ 1.8k
$ 4.09k
AXLWETH Sectors:
Axelar Wrapped Ether does not belong to any sector.

Exchanges where AXLWETH is traded

Exchange Pair Price Volume, 24h
$ 1,869.01
$ 78,250 Go
2 SushiSwap V3 (Filecoin) AXLWETH/0X60E17
$ 1,894.41
0X60E17 675.18
$ 5,583 Go
$ 1,869.58
₮ 1,871.65
$ 3,327 Go
$ 1,870.77
WKAVA 4,392.19
$ 2,998 Go

Today Axelar Wrapped Ether (AXLWETH) traded on Shade Protocol, Kinetix V3, and SushiSwap V3 (Filecoin). The maximum trading volume is observed for the trading pair AXLWETH/AXL-WSTETH and reaches 78.3 ths. dollars (87% of the total volume across all exchanges). During the week, the minimum price for Axelar Wrapped Ether (AXLWETH) is fixed on Saturday at 1,860.34 dollars. Currently, the token Axelar Wrapped Ether is trading in the range of 1,860.34 dollars or 157,256.13 rubles for 1 AXLWETH.

Calculator AXLWETH


1 AXLWETH = 1,860.34 USD

What is Axelar Wrapped Ether?

What is the project about? axlETH is a wrapped, multi-chain representation of Ethereum. For each unit of axlETH, there is a unit of ETH locked in an Axelar Gateway on Ethereum. axlETH is secured by a dynamic validator set running delegated Proof-of-Stake, which holds key shares in the Axelar Gateways via multi-party cryptography. Acquire axlETH in three ways: Swap via liquid pairs on any of the DEXs listed here. Swap via Squid, a cross-chain liquidity router built on Axelar. Mint via Satellite, a cross-chain bridge built by Axelar How is axlETH secured? Like all Axelar-wrapped assets, axlETH's security depends on a dynamic validator set (numbering 75 at this writing), running delegated proof-of-stake. In other words, Axelar secures cross-chain communication using the same approach as many of the chains it connects. Units of axlETH are minted when a user deposits USDC into a Gateway contract on the Ethereum chain. Axelar's decentralized validator set secures these Gateways via key shares in a multiparty cryptography scheme. Here's a brief explanation of Gateways and how they are secured, from the "Learn More" section of the Axelar documentation: Once a cross-chain message is initiated by a dApp user, its first stop is to interact with an Axelar Gateway. On each chain connected to Axelar network, a Gateway is deployed. On EVM chains, it is a smart contract address. On Cosmos and other non-EVM chains, it is an application with logic and the ability to communicate with Axelar network. This Gateway is used to receive messages from a connected dApp and send them into the Axelar network for routing to any connected chain. The Gateway is controlled by a key, which is held jointly by all Axelar validators. This is accomplished through a multiparty cryptography scheme, where the key is divided into many pieces, called key shares. Each validator holds many key shares, and the amount of shares is dictated by the amount AXL tokens staked with the validator.

How to add Axelar Wrapped Ether to Metamask?

To add AXLWETH to the metamask you need:

  1. In the wallet select the desired network and then in the cryptocurrencies section scroll to the bottom - click "Import tokens".
  2. Copy the smart contract address for Axelar Wrapped Ether from the list below.
  3. Paste into the "Smart Contract Address" field.
  4. Click the "Add Custom Token" button.

The AXLWETH is available on the 10 blockchain networks. Below is a list of Axelar Wrapped Ether smartcontract addresses to add to the metamask:

  • Evmos - 0x50de24b3f0b3136c50fa8a3b8ebc8bd80a269ce5
  • Filecoin - 0xb829b68f57cc546da7e5806a929e53be32a4625d
  • Optimism - 0xb829b68f57cc546da7e5806a929e53be32a4625d
  • Osmosis - ibc/EA1D43981D5C9A1C4AAEA9C23BB1D4FA126BA9BC7020A25E0AE4AA841EA25DC5
  • Archway - ibc/13c5990f84fa5d472e1f8bb1baaea8774da5f24128ec02b119107ad21fb52a61
  • Secret - secret139qfh3nmuzfgwsx2npnmnjl4hrvj3xq5rmq8a0
  • Kava - 0xb829b68f57cc546da7e5806a929e53be32a4625d
  • Fantom - 0xfe7eda5f2c56160d406869a8aa4b2f365d544c7b
  • Arbitrum One - 0xb829b68f57cc546da7e5806a929e53be32a4625d
  • Polygon POS - 0x1280830f690d0e65195b3c61b028244c3a49f26d

Official websites and links for Axelar Wrapped Ether

There are currently about 4 official links to Axelar Wrapped Ether websites and social media:

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