Banano (BAN)

BAN Banano

Price of 1 Banano today (22 January)
$ 0.0033

Price of Banano (BAN)

Market Cap
$ 5.3M
Trading Volume, 24h
$ 69.6K
In circulation BAN
Price Min/Max
24 hrs
$ 0.0033
$ 0.0034
30 days
$ 0.0033
$ 0.004
1 year
$ 0.002
$ 0.02
BAN Sectors:
Banano does not belong to any sector.

Exchanges where BAN is traded

Exchange Pair Price Volume, 24h
1 PancakeSwap (v2) BAN/BUSD--3
$ 0.0034
BUSD--3 0.0034
$ 4,794 Go
2 PancakeSwap (v2) BAN/USDC--36
$ 0.0034
USDC--36 0.0034
$ 3,417 Go
$ 0.0033
Ξ 0.000001
$ 9 Go

Today Banano (BAN) available for trading on PancakeSwap (v2) (2) and ViteX. The maximum trading volume is observed for the trading pair BAN/BUSD--3 and reaches 4.8 ths. dollars (58% of the total volume across all exchanges). During the week, the minimum price for Banano (BAN) is fixed on Tuesday at 0.0033 cents. Currently, the token Banano is trading in the range of 0.334 cents or 33.21 kopecks for 1 BAN.

Calculator BAN


1 BAN = 0.0033 USD

What is Banano?

BANANO was forked in April 2018 from NANO. BANANO offers instant, feeless and rich in potassium 🍌 transactions, thanks to the fact that BANANO developers (several of them having being involved in NANO itself) have kept big portions of the original code unchanged to keep cross-chain compatibility between existing code libraries. However, they have fined-tuned some parameters, such as Proof of Work requirements and currency units. While the focus for now is on having an ongoing free and fair distribution, BANANO is also experimenting with feature additions such as a privacy layer (Camo BANANO), on-chain messaging (MonkeyTalks) and more.

In context of distribution, we aim to use our meanwhile ready-to-strike infrastructure with easy-to-use mobile wallets (Kalium) and tipbots on several major social media platforms to onboard normies and crypto-noobs who have no idea yet what a cryptocurrency is. We also might do IRL airdrops at some point. Of note, key here is to make the start with crypto as easy as possible, use a fun attitude and gamification to get new users started without all the usual hassle, and then educate them to handle crypto in general in a responsible way.

Official websites and links for Banano

There are currently about 5 official links to Banano websites and social media:

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