Today Berachain Staked ETH (BERAETH) not traded anywhere. The maximum trading volume is observed for the trading pair BERAETH/0X2F6F0 and reaches 1.7 ths. dollars (100% of the total volume across all exchanges). During the week, the minimum price for Berachain Staked ETH (BERAETH) is fixed on Friday at 1,973.56 dollars. Currently, the token Berachain Staked ETH is trading in the range of 2,003.57 dollars or 168,508.83 rubles for 1 BERAETH.

BERAETH Berachain Staked ETH
Price of 1 Berachain Staked ETH today (27 March)
$ 2,003.57
Price of Berachain Staked ETH (BERAETH)
Market Cap
Trading Volume, 24h
$ 1.7K
In circulation BERAETH
Price Min/Max
24 hrs
$ 1.88k
$ 2.38k
30 days
$ 1.78k
$ 2.54k
1 year
$ 1.78k
$ 2.84k
Exchanges where BERAETH is traded
No dataCalculator BERAETH

1 BERAETH = 2,003.57 USD
What is Berachain Staked ETH?
beraETH is a Berachain-native ETH LST that delivers DeFi’s highest ETH staking yield to Berachain users and builders. By minting beraETH, users gain access to the yields available to apxETH holders on Ethereum mainnet—without leaving the Berachain network.
beraETH is an “index token” designed to appreciate in value against ETH over time. When users withdraw back to ETH, the accumulated yield is included automatically. No need to track rebases or wrap tokens—just use beraETH in DeFi on Berachain as you normally would.
Official websites and links for Berachain Staked ETH
There are currently about 3 official links to Berachain Staked ETH websites and social media:
- Website -
- Twitter -
- Facebook -