Today BugsCoin (BGSC) is traded on 4 crypto exchanges, including Bitget,, MXC, Pancakeswap V3 (BSC) and others. The maximum trading volume is observed for the trading pair BGSC/USDT and reaches 704.4 ths. dollars (100% of the total volume across all exchanges). During the week, the minimum price for BugsCoin (BGSC) is fixed on Thursday at 0.0073 cents. Currently, the token BugsCoin is trading in the range of 0.794 cents or 81.62 kopeck for 1 BGSC.
BGSC BugsCoin
Price of BugsCoin (BGSC)
Exchanges where BGSC is traded
Calculator BGSC
1 BGSC = 0.0079 USD
What is BugsCoin?
The BugsCoin project was initiated to overcome the limitations of traditional reward systems in promoting user engagement. Existing reward systems often suffer from issues such as centralized management, limited usability, and a lack of tangible economic value, all of which hinder long-term user participation.
BugsCoin is a digital asset developed based on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) network that leverages blockchain technology to address these challenges. It is designed to provide users with greater transparency and fairness in transactions and rewards. Through BugsCoin, users can engage in meaningful economic activities beyond mere point accumulation and can directly contribute to decision-making within the community.
To realize this vision, the online platform "AntTalk," which allows for simulated investments in digital assets, has transitioned its existing reward system to BugsCoin. This shift enables the AntTalk community to foster long-term user engagement, laying the groundwork for the platform's continued growth.
The BugsCoin project aims to build a user-centric, decentralized economic system, with plans to expand from "AntTalk" to the global market. Through this initiative, users are expected to participate more actively in the platform and contribute to its growth.
Official websites and links for BugsCoin
There are currently about 4 official links to BugsCoin websites and social media:
- Website -
- Twitter -
- Reddit -
- Facebook -