Respan (BUSDX)

Respan BUSDX

Last price update: 6 May
$ 0.0000144
Price Min/Max
24 hrs
$ 0.000014
$ 0.000015
30 days
$ 0.000013
$ 0.000056
1 year
$ 0.000013
$ 0.00059
Market Cap
Trading Volume, 24h
$ 16.06
Supply token

Today Respan (BUSDX) торгуется только на . The maximum trading volume is observed for the trading pair BUSDX/WBNB and reaches 16 dollars (100% of the total volume across all exchanges). During the week, the minimum price for Respan (BUSDX) is fixed on Tuesday at 0.000014 cents. Currently, the token Respan is trading in the range of 0.0014 cents or 0.13 kopecks for 1 BUSDX.

Price of Respan (BUSDX)

Exchanges where BUSDX is traded

Exchange Pair Price Volume, 24h
$ 0.000014
WBNB 0.000000024
$ 16 Go

Calculator BUSDX


1 BUSDX = 0.000014 USD

What is Respan?

Respan is an innovative DeFi payment solution. Reward Spending, Anonomously. The mission of Respan is to revolutionize the future of fintech through DeFi by providing an end to end financial platform within a community ecosystem. Respan is a rewards token, that has a built in mechanism that distributes rewards in USDT to holders automatically. Respan also has a buy back mechanism called React. This buy back feature reacts to large sells and multiple red candles. All Respan products were developed to create additional volume in the Respan Ecosystem, resulting in the distribution of more passive rewards.

How to add Respan to Metamask?

To add BUSDX to the metamask you need:

  1. In the wallet select the desired network and then in the cryptocurrencies section scroll to the bottom - click "Import tokens".
  2. Copy the smart contract address for Respan from the list below.
  3. Paste into the "Smart Contract Address" field.
  4. Click the "Add Custom Token" button.

The BUSDX is available on the 1 blockchain сети. Below is a list of Respan smartcontract addresses to add to the metamask:

  • BNB Smart Chain - 0x667c69bd295f0dc38b5b97db06556129418514c6

Official websites and links for Respan

There are currently about 4 official links to Respan websites and social media:

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