Cyberyen (CY)

CY Cyberyen

Price of 1 Cyberyen today (29 March)
$ 0.0000006

Price of Cyberyen (CY)

Market Cap
Trading Volume, 24h
$ 2.3K
In circulation CY
Price Min/Max
24 hrs
$ 0.00000099
30 days
$ 0.00000009
$ 0.0000015
1 year
$ 0.000000056
$ 0.0000015
CY Sectors:
Cyberyen does not belong to any sector.

Exchanges where CY is traded

Exchange Pair Price Volume, 24h
1 Bitcointry CY/USDT
$ 0.0000006
₮ 0.0000006
$ 2,248 Go
2 XeggeX CY/USDT
$ 0.00000077
₮ 0.00000077
$ 403 Go
3 XeggeX CY/LTC
$ 0.00000077
Ł 0.000000009
$ 70 Go
4 Komodo Wallet CY/KMD
$ 0.00000014
KMD 0.00000083
$ 0 Go

Today Cyberyen (CY) traded on Bitcointry Exchange, XeggeX, and Komodo Wallet. The maximum trading volume is observed for the trading pair CY/USDT and reaches 2.7 ths. dollar (97% of the total volume across all exchanges). During the week, the minimum price for Cyberyen (CY) is fixed on Sunday at 0.00000033 cents. Currently, the token Cyberyen is trading in the range of 0.00006 cents or 0.0051 kopecks for 1 CY.

Calculator CY


1 CY = 0.0000006 USD

What is Cyberyen?

Cyberyen is an innovative peer-to-peer payment network, completely decentralized without any central authority, that enables instant payments at virtually no cost to anyone in the world.

The open source software Cyberyen Core allows anyone to manage a node on the Cyberyen blockchain network and uses the Scrypt hashing method adopted for this cryptocurrency to confirm work.

Cyberyen is a hybrid grown from Litecoin with the addition of new block parameters. The Mimblewimble Protocol provides users with the ability to send confidential transactions where the amount being sent is known only between the sender and recipient, as well as the benefit of having a personal address balance and increased transaction throughput.

Cyberyen is anarchy - without rulers, but not without rules. Rules are defined and enforced by network members. Cyberyen's underlying "bottom-up" governance model, where each node operator governs itself by making sure no one else on the network breaks the rules they agree to.

Official websites and links for Cyberyen

There are currently about 5 official links to Cyberyen websites and social media:

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