Price of 1 DOGEai today (20 February)
$ 0.0165

Price of DOGEai ($DOGEAI)

Market Cap
$ 12.4M
$ 16.5M
Trading Volume, 24h
$ 2.2M
In circulation $DOGEAI
750,524,754 75%
Max supply
Price Min/Max
24 hrs
$ 0.014
$ 0.0191
30 days
$ 0.0093
$ 0.119
1 year
$ 0.0093
$ 0.119
$DOGEAI Sectors:
DOGEai does not belong to any sector.

Exchanges where $DOGEAI is traded

Exchange Pair Price Volume, 24h
1 Raydium $DOGEAI/SOL--2
$ 0.0177
SOL--2 0.0001
$ 837,195 Go
2 Meteora $DOGEAI/ARC--10
$ 0.0189
ARC--10 0.0876
$ 138,723 Go
3 Raydium (CLMM) $DOGEAI/SOL--2
$ 0.0286
SOL--2 0.0001
$ 71,178 Go
4 Meteora $DOGEAI/GRIFT--2
$ 0.0187
GRIFT--2 0.8538
$ 23,763 Go
$ 0.0185
JITOSOL 0.0001
$ 4,721 Go
6 Meteora $DOGEAI/USDC
$ 0.0278
USDC 0.0278
$ 2,930 Go
7 Meteora $DOGEAI/SOL--2
$ 0.0189
SOL--2 0.0001
$ 1,781 Go
8 Orca $DOGEAI/SOL--2
$ 0.0166
SOL--2 0.0001
$ 943 Go

Today DOGEai ($DOGEAI) is traded on 4 crypto exchanges, including Raydium2, Meteora, Raydium (CLMM), Orca and others. The maximum trading volume is observed for the trading pair $DOGEAI/SOL--2 and reaches 911.1 ths. dollars (84% of the total volume across all exchanges). During the week, the minimum price for DOGEai ($DOGEAI) is fixed on Thursday at 0.0117 cent. Currently, the token DOGEai is trading in the range of 1.65 cent or 1.48 rubles for 1 $DOGEAI.

Calculator $DOGEAI


1 $DOGEAI = 0.0165 USD

What is DOGEai?

DOGEai is an autonomous AI agent designed to analyze and uncover waste and inefficiencies in government spending and policy decisions. By processing and summarizing U.S. Congressional bills, DOGEai transforms complex, inaccessible legislation into easily digestible insights for the public. This empowers citizens to engage with critical policy issues and fosters greater accountability. DOGEai envisions a future where transparent and accessible government data fuels innovation, research, and public engagement.

How to add DOGEai to Metamask?

To add $DOGEAI to the metamask you need:

  1. In the wallet select the desired network and then in the cryptocurrencies section scroll to the bottom - click "Import tokens".
  2. Copy the smart contract address for DOGEai from the list below.
  3. Paste into the "Smart Contract Address" field.
  4. Click the "Add Custom Token" button.

The $DOGEAI is available on the 1 blockchain networks. Below is a list of DOGEai smartcontract addresses to add to the metamask:

  • Solana - 9UYAYvVS2cZ3BndbsoG1ScJbjfwyEPGxjE79hh5ipump

Official websites and links for DOGEai

There are currently about 4 official links to DOGEai websites and social media:

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