Hermes Protocol (HERMES)

HERMES Hermes Protocol

Price of 1 Hermes Protocol today (12 March)
$ 0.0019

Price of Hermes Protocol (HERMES)

Market Cap
$ 435.2K
Trading Volume, 24h
$ 1.6K
In circulation HERMES
Price Min/Max
24 hrs
$ 0.00094
$ 0.0022
30 days
$ 0.00081
$ 0.0025
1 year
$ 0.000073
$ 0.0745
HERMES Sectors:
Hermes Protocol does not belong to any sector.

Exchanges where HERMES is traded

No data

Today Hermes Protocol (HERMES) not traded anywhere. During the week, the minimum price for Hermes Protocol (HERMES) is fixed on Thursday at 0.0017 cents. Currently, the token Hermes Protocol is trading in the range of 0.19 cents or 16.54 kopecks for 1 HERMES.

Calculator HERMES


1 HERMES = 0.0019 USD

What is Hermes Protocol?

What is the project about?
Hermes DEX main goal is to let users and other decentralized protocols exchange both volatile assets (DAI to WETH for example) and stablecoins (DAI to USDC for example) through it with low fees and low slippage. Unlike exchanges out there that match a buyer and a seller, the behavior of Hermes is different, it uses liquidity pools like Uniswap. To achieve this, Hermes needs liquidity (tokens) which is rewarded by those who provide it.
Hermes is non-custodial meaning the Hermes developers do not have access to your tokens.

What makes your project unique?
Stable coins have become an inherent part of cryptocurrency for a long time but they now come in many different flavors (DAI, TUSD, MIM, BUSD, USDC and so on) which means there is a much bigger need for crypto users to move from a stable coin to another. Centralized exchanges tend to have high fees which are problematic for those trying to move from a stable coin to another. As a result, Hermes Protocol has become the best place to exchange stable coins because of its low fees and low slippage. And Hermes also allows swaps with volatile assets.

History of your project.
Hermes Protocol officially launched in February 2022 and started emissions in March 2022.

What’s next for your project?
Introducing Yield and Concentrated Unified Liquidity Omnichain Marketplaces.
Hermes V2 will offer multiple defi services compared to V1, while improving capital efficiency and user experience:

- Bridge-less omnichain environment, powered with concentrated (Uni V3) and unified liquidity.
- Decentralized Uniswap V3 Liquidity Management.
- Uniswap V3 Liquidity Incentives.
- Refined ve(3,3), becoming a fungible ERC-4626
- Improved UX and UI
- Omnichain Yield marketplace

What can your token be used for?
Hermes token when staked for veHermes allows liquidity providers to take decisions on adding new gauges, boosting gauge yields, voting on token emission, and receive bribes.

How to add Hermes Protocol to Metamask?

To add HERMES to the metamask you need:

  1. In the wallet select the desired network and then in the cryptocurrencies section scroll to the bottom - click "Import tokens".
  2. Copy the smart contract address for Hermes Protocol from the list below.
  3. Paste into the "Smart Contract Address" field.
  4. Click the "Add Custom Token" button.

The HERMES is available on the 1 blockchain networks. Below is a list of Hermes Protocol smartcontract addresses to add to the metamask:

  • Arbitrum One - 0x45940000009600102a1c002f0097c4a500fa00ab

Official websites and links for Hermes Protocol

There are currently about 5 official links to Hermes Protocol websites and social media:

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