Last price update: 23 May
$ 0.0000397

InvectAI is awaiting listing on exchanges.

The token price for INVECTAI is unknown.

Exchanges that list tokens earlier than others:,

We regularly announce listings of top projects in our X (Twitter) - HOLDER_IO

Price Min/Max
24 hrs
30 days
$ 0.000039
$ 0.000053
1 year
$ 0.000037
$ 0.00029
Market Cap
Trading Volume, 24h
$ 35.03
Supply token
Max Supply

Today InvectAI (INVECTAI) During the week, the minimum price for InvectAI (INVECTAI) is fixed on Monday at 0.000039 cents. Currently, the token InvectAI is trading in the range of 0.004 cents or 0.37 kopecks for 1 INVECTAI.

Price of InvectAI (INVECTAI)

Exchanges where INVECTAI is traded

No data

Calculator INVECTAI


1 INVECTAI = 0.00004 USD

What is InvectAI?

What is the project about?
InvectAI: Exploring the Synergy of AI and Blockchain.

What makes your project unique?
AI Solutions
At InvectAI, we offer a wide range of AI-powered solutions for generating multimedia content. Our platform uses advanced 👩‍💻 algorithms to enable users to create unique images, animations, voices, lyrics, characters, videos, and more with ease. With our AI solutions, users can unlock a new realm of creative potential, allowing them to explore endless possibilities for a multimedia generation.

History of your project.
InvectAI is an AI project that has been worked our since Late 2022, conformed by an experience team that is willing to give the extra mile for it to succeed.

What’s next for your project?
We plan to launch a staking program that will enable users to stake their tokens and earn 📀 rewards in return for locking tokens for specified period. We also intend to use these funds to finance the development of new and advanced AI models that will provide even more powerful solutions to our users. By continuously improving our offerings and incentivizing participation, we hope to foster a strong and vibrant community around InvectAI.

What can your token be used for?
The fifth phase of our roadmap involves creating a powerful platform and API for developers, allowing them to seamlessly integrate our AI solutions into their own applications and projects. Additionally, we will create an AI-based NFT creation platform that will enable users to generate unique and valuable NFTs with ease. By providing these powerful tools to developers and 🌆 NFT creators, we aim to facilitate the creation of innovative and impactful projects in a decentralized and AI-driven ecosystem.

How to add InvectAI to Metamask?

To add INVECTAI to the metamask you need:

  1. In the wallet select the desired network and then in the cryptocurrencies section scroll to the bottom - click "Import tokens".
  2. Copy the smart contract address for InvectAI from the list below.
  3. Paste into the "Smart Contract Address" field.
  4. Click the "Add Custom Token" button.

The INVECTAI is available on the 1 blockchain сети. Below is a list of InvectAI smartcontract addresses to add to the metamask:

  • Ethereum - 0xcae7f3aa6d456463bef0e5b508542b69d96f2904

Official websites and links for InvectAI

There are currently about 3 official links to InvectAI websites and social media:

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