OctaSpace (OCTA)

OCTA OctaSpace

Price of 1 OctaSpace today (26 March)
$ 0.391

Price of OctaSpace (OCTA)

Market Cap
$ 14.7M
$ 18.8M
Trading Volume, 24h
$ 360.6K
In circulation OCTA
37,490,621 78%
Max supply
Price Min/Max
24 hrs
$ 0.339
$ 0.541
30 days
$ 0.323
$ 0.627
1 year
$ 0.323
$ 2.39
OCTA Sectors:
OctaSpace does not belong to any sector.

Exchanges where OCTA is traded

Exchange Pair Price Volume, 24h
$ 0.391
₮ 0.3911
$ 231,652 Go
2 Gate.io OCTA/USDT
$ 0.391
₮ 0.3907
$ 116,932 Go
$ 0.387
₮ 0.3874
$ 7,348 Go
$ 0.39
₿ 0.0000044
$ 3,538 Go
5 Coinmetro OCTA/USDT
$ 0.373
₮ 0.3732
$ 3,320 Go
6 Fcex Exchange OCTA/USDC
$ 1.45
USDC 1.4503
$ 3,041 Go
7 Fcex Exchange OCTA/USDT
$ 1.45
₮ 1.4489
$ 2,899 Go
8 Uniswap V2 (Ethereum) OCTA/USDT
$ 0.394
₮ 0.3935
$ 1,846 Go
9 PancakeSwap (v2) OCTA/BSC-USD
$ 0.408
BSC-USD 0.4094
$ 178 Go
10 TradeOgre OCTA/USDT
$ 0.385
₮ 0.3850
$ 124 Go

Today OctaSpace (OCTA) is traded on 9 exchanges, including MXC, Gate.io, CoinEx, FinanceX and others. The maximum trading volume is observed for the trading pair OCTA/USDT and reaches 364.2 ths. dollars (98% of the total volume across all exchanges). During the week, the minimum price for OctaSpace (OCTA) is fixed on Saturday at 0.349 cents. Currently, the token OctaSpace is trading in the range of 39.1 cents or 32.86 ruble for 1 OCTA.

Calculator OCTA


1 OCTA = 0.391 USD

What is OctaSpace?

What is the project about?
OctaSpace is Proof-of-Work blockchain based on go-ethereum code base. It's works in cooperation with internal PoA network that used for increase throughput of transactions for billing needs.
From utility point of view, OctaSpace is a public cloud platform, we build infrastructure and API on a top of hardware provided by users (not only) and implementing services like GPU marketplace, VPN access and application deployment.

What makes your project unique?
We focusing to be mostly open sourced and transparent, services we developing can be widely used to solve tasks from AI and ML fields, CGI and common rendering, password recovering and any other where huge computer powers and distributed environment is necessary.

History of your project.
Initially project started at 2020 as an idea to implement Proof-of-Concept of distributed system that able execute tasks and applications. Then first system was ready, we faced with problems related to scalability. Future development was stopped.
In June 2022 project reborn with new core that eliminates problems we faced during PoC creation and now it's provide us possibility to implement initial ideas.

What’s next for your project?
In future plans we focusing on research and implement new services which would be useful for the end users and can be monetized.
Also as a permanent task we working on improving API to access our services and improving UI of our products for better user's experience.

What can your token be used for?
OCTA is the main payment instrument and the currency used to pay for the services provided by the project,
rewards to node owners and dividend payments for OCTA holders.

How to add OctaSpace to Metamask?

To add OCTA to the metamask you need:

  1. In the wallet select the desired network and then in the cryptocurrencies section scroll to the bottom - click "Import tokens".
  2. Copy the smart contract address for OctaSpace from the list below.
  3. Paste into the "Smart Contract Address" field.
  4. Click the "Add Custom Token" button.

The OCTA is available on the 2 blockchain networks. Below is a list of OctaSpace smartcontract addresses to add to the metamask:

  • Ethereum - 0xfa704148d516b209d52c2d75f239274c8f8eaf1a
  • BNB Smart Chain - 0xfa704148d516b209d52c2d75f239274c8f8eaf1a

Official websites and links for OctaSpace

There are currently about 5 official links to OctaSpace websites and social media:

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