Today Odin Liquidity Network (ODIN) not traded anywhere. During the week, the minimum price for Odin Liquidity Network (ODIN) is fixed on Friday at 0.0042 cents. Currently, the token Odin Liquidity Network is trading in the range of 0.434 cents or 38.95 kopecks for 1 ODIN.

ODIN Odin Liquidity Network
Price of Odin Liquidity Network (ODIN)
Exchanges where ODIN is traded
No dataCalculator ODIN

1 ODIN = 0.0043 USD
What is Odin Liquidity Network?
The Valhalla decentralized liquidity network (DLN) consists of 16 UniV2 liquidity pools with permanently locked liquidity.
These burned liquidity pools present multi-legged arbitrage opportunities mediated by the ODIN token every time a paired asset moves in price, harvesting volatility as a burn mechanism for ODIN by forcing arbitrageurs to pay fees into the burned liquidity positions.
The Valhalla DLN has also permanently locked a single-sided staking position in pValhalla which further reduces the circulating supply of ODIN through arbitrage activity between pTokens. Users can stake pValhalla to earn more Odin tokens.
Official websites and links for Odin Liquidity Network
There are currently about 4 official links to Odin Liquidity Network websites and social media:
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