TOP 100 Cryptocurrencies

Top gainers in the last 24 hours
Market Cap Change (30d)
$ 3,839,872,322,024 +7%
Top 1000 Cryptocurrencies, 24h

10,905 cryptocurrencies found. The market capitalization of cryptocurrencies reached $3.8 Tn. in the last 24 hours. The drop was -0.41% or -15.6 bln. US Dollar. The 24-hour trading volume for all crypto coins has changed by decreased by -2.55% and currently stands at $340.6 bln. The cryptocurrency exchange rate is updated in real time.

Cryptocurrency Price (30d) Price Market Cap 24h 7d
7101 NOAH NoahSwap -30.14% 0.302 $ -3.60% +1.35%
7102 USDR Real USD +8.42% 0.3 $ +0.53% +0.29%
7103 STRX Staked TRX +1.24% 0.297 $ +3.35% +12.79%
7104 ACS ACryptoS -15.65% 0.297 $ +1.00% -2.03%
7105 OUSDC Bridged USD Coin (Orbit Bridge) +1.81% 0.297 $ -1.02% -0.51%
7106 CHAT OpenChat -30.21% 0.293 $ -1.03% -14.43%
7107 JCHF Jarvis Synthetic Swiss Franc +9.39% 0.293 $ -0.04% -0.14%
7108 ECP EchoDEX Community Portion -8.26% 0.289 $ +1.04% +1.51%
7109 BNX BinaryX -33.27% 0.288 $ +5.42% -19.84%
7110 MONA MonaCoin -0.98% 0.279 $ -1.29% -1.50%
7111 HIT HitBTC -2.61% 0.275 $ +1.74% -0.01%
7112 WINE Wine Shares -6.75% 0.27 $ -0.09% -1.45%
7113 TSA TensorScan AI -20.74% 0.272 $ +4.36% -11.31%
7114 BB BookieBot -29.62% 0.271 $ -4.52% -25.06%
7115 UV Unityventures +3.06% 0.267 $ 0% -4.68%
7116 MARS Marscoin -12.79% 0.262 $ -0.10% -2.54%
7117 DOODOO DooDoo +1.36% 0.261 $ +3.56% +10.03%
7118 $XCPHA Phala (Moonbeam) +52.41% 0.258 $ +5.07% -8.01%
7119 WNEON Wrapped Neon -30.64% 0.257 $ +4.72% -11.76%
7120 FIRE The Phoenix -54.39% 0.255 $ +12.47% -15.85%
7121 FSCC FISCO Coin +31.42% 0.255 $ +16.77% +31.13%
7122 DODO DODO +18.93% 0.252 $ +2.02% -23.11%
7123 WTRX Wrapped Tron -1.59% 0.25 $ +4.42% +11.85%
7124 TRX TRON (BSC) -1.75% 0.25 $ +3.96% +12.15%
7125 WHL WhaleRoom +39.79% 0.25 $ 0% +15.87%
7126 VLT Bankroll Vault -4.62% 0.246 $ +1.59% +2.33%
7127 CHAT +68.92% 0.246 $ +24.52% +46.82%
7128 IFC iFortune +4.22% 0.203 $ -17.39% -53.78%
7129 ETHS Ethscriptions -70.90% 0.244 $ +1.40% -35.11%
7130 VAPE VAPE -10.31% 0.238 $ +11.31% -18.91%
7131 JFIN JFIN Coin -11.86% 0.235 $ +2.58% -1.37%
7132 ABAT Aave BAT v1 -11.89% 0.233 $ +3.54% -5.01%
7133 ABAT Aave BAT -11.89% 0.233 $ +3.54% -5.01%
7134 ONT Binance-Peg Ontology -5.35% 0.232 $ +3.42% -6.48%
7135 MOB MobileCoin -50.34% 0.231 $ -11.40% -38.91%
7136 ISIKC Isiklar Coin -5.49% 0.232 $ +0.15% -9.70%
7137 STBZ Stabilize +39.78% 0.231 $ 0% +1.45%
7138 FOX Foxify -5.10% 0.23 $ +4.59% +6.37%
7139 XLON Excelon +0.52% 0.23 $ +0.17% +0.48%
7140 DD DuckDAO -21.20% 0.227 $ +1.57% -6.75%
7141 QWLA Qawalla -27.69% 0.228 $ -11.74% -19.23%
7142 RNT Reental -3.52% 0.226 $ +0.31% -2.47%
7143 SGT Suzuverse -43.47% 0.226 $ +2.71% -31.27%
7144 ACM acmFinance -3.87% 0.225 $ +0.18% +0.01%
7145 SU Smol Su -51.78% 0.224 $ 0% -29.77%
7146 DTNG DTNG +0.38% 0.223 $ +0.16% +2.70%
7147 ORBR Orbler -13.57% 0.22 $ +10.80% -3.14%
7148 STLOS Staked TLOS -22.81% 0.222 $ +12.54% -2.62%
7149 SELF Self Token +2.47% 0.222 $ -0.02% -1.00%
7150 WKLAY Wrapped KLAY -3.67% 0.22 $ -3.03% +2.68%
7151 GEAR Near Tinker Union GEAR -16.74% 0.221 $ +2.86% -1.34%
7152 KLAY Klaytn -4.08% 0.219 $ -1.14% +2.61%
7153 CIFI Circularity Finance -6.81% 0.222 $ +23.96% -8.46%
7154 BHBD bHBD -39.73% 0.218 $ +2.59% -38.46%
7155 MILLE MILLE CHAIN +248.67% 0.217 $ +4.09% -7.86%
7156 VGLMR Voucher GLMR -52.33% 0.216 $ -1.76% -14.69%
7157 FINA Lufina +80.60% 0.215 $ +3.19% +12.17%
7158 MIMATIC MAI (Kava) -92.45% 0.213 $ -96.02% -4.48%
7159 NOVAX NovaX -18.83% 0.212 $ -0.09% -4.77%
7160 HUNT Dexhunter -10.21% 0.211 $ +2.71% -11.65%
7161 CORE Coreum -5.92% 0.209 $ -0.31% -24.22%
7162 EGGT Egg N Partners -73.60% 0.207 $ +0.30% -10.64%
7163 INK Ink Fantom +1.89% 0.207 $ 0% +0.04%
7164 PUMP Pump +37.04% 0.206 $ -4.31% -9.35%
7165 ZAI ZAIHO -0.88% 0.2 $ -0.04% -0.79%
7166 GLI GLI +12.25% 0.249 $ +41.26% +42.34%
7167 U Uranium3o8 -86.72% 0.2 $ 0% 0%
7168 CEM Crypto Emergency -56.81% 0.2 $ 0% -56.29%
7169 XRPH XRP Healthcare +25.46% 0.196 $ +19.35% -2.44%
7170 AXV-XJKL xJKL_Astrovault -32.04% 0.196 $ +8.64% -15.18%
7171 EGEUR.E agEUR (Plenty Bridge) -64.02% 0.194 $ 0% 0%
7172 WWAN Wrapped Wan -19.98% 0.192 $ +3.82% -6.92%
7173 LBCC Lightbeam Courier Coin +268.25% 0.192 $ +2.82% -11.14%
7174 ECOREAL Ecoreal Estate +5.56% 0.19 $ +4.42% +4.38%
7175 SWGT SmartWorld Global Token +18.87% 0.19 $ +2.97% -2.81%
7176 ETERNAL CryptoMines Eternal -6.50% 0.19 $ -2.34% -4.85%
7177 WVTRU Vitruveo Bridged VTRU -17.90% 0.188 $ +2.10% +9.73%
7178 CBU Banque Universal -4.26% 0.187 $ +1.52% +2.22%
7179 WGLMR Wrapped Moonbeam -28.06% 0.184 $ +3.82% -15.13%
7180 DARK Dark Protocol -39.06% 0.182 $ +9.55% -18.61%
7181 VXVS Venus XVS -9.89% 0.18 $ +5.02% -2.20%
7182 MC Magic Crystal +29.75% 0.179 $ +0.91% +0.51%
7183 ALT ArchLoot +41.95% 0.179 $ +1.03% +27.42%
7184 WTLOS Wrapped Telos -22.10% 0.179 $ +11.28% -2.92%
7185 EMP Emp Money +27.44% 0.177 $ +1.26% +8.75%
7186 FISH Polycat Finance -2.97% 0.176 $ -1.92% +1.31%
7187 L3USD L3USD -90.24% 0.174 $ -95.67% +27.64%
7188 BCRO Bonded Cronos -10.70% 0.175 $ +10.74% +5.25%
7189 XJEWEL xJEWEL -45.66% 0.175 $ 0% -5.00%
7190 MKF Maker Flip -23.97% 0.174 $ +2.10% -2.17%
7191 AENJ Aave ENJ -27.99% 0.173 $ +5.59% -12.64%
7192 GEMSTON GEMSTON +2.24% 0.173 $ +4.86% -1.73%
7193 AENJ Aave ENJ v1 -27.95% 0.173 $ +5.59% -12.64%
7194 TRU Truebit Protocol -5.74% 0.17 $ -0.63% +1.06%
7195 INX INX Token -5.54% 0.17 $ +13.33% -10.54%
7196 DFC DeFinder Capital -50.39% 0.17 $ -8.31% -30.02%
7197 LCRO Liquid CRO -11.04% 0.169 $ +10.34% +5.27%
7198 AMPMNTA Eris Staked Mnta +8.78% 0.169 $ 0% 0%
7199 FUSD Fantom USD -40.97% 0.168 $ +2.34% +2.56%
7200 BLOCK Block Browser -22.00% 0.167 $ -2.42% +16.15%

This page provides a snapshot of the cryptocurrency market, highlighting the top 50 cryptocurrencies by market capitalization. It includes an overview of significant price changes, market capitalization values, and trading volume changes without specifying exact numbers that could become outdated quickly.

What drives crypto prices?

Factors include:

  • News,
  • Big player actions,
  • Demand shifts.

Prices rise if people invest in cryptos like Ethereum and Bitcoin. Digital currency's popularity, like Bitcoin’s media presence, also affects its value.

Cryptocurrency rates allow for blockchain use, pioneered by Bitcoin. Platforms track all types of transactions. You can capitalize on cryptos at the best rate and transfer them to a blockchain wallet, featuring:

  • Unchangeable data without proper access.
  • Transparent transactions.
  • Exchange, buy, and sell capabilities.

Our site offers real-time updates and a cryptocurrency list. Today, Bitcoin's price is trending upwards. Just pick the best exchange offer. For better deals, use our calculator.