TOP 100 Cryptocurrencies

Top gainers in the last 24 hours
Market Cap Change (30d)
$ 3,379,002,722,442 -11.5%
Top 1000 Cryptocurrencies, 24h

11,378 cryptocurrencies found. The market capitalization of cryptocurrencies reached $3.3 Tn. in the last 24 hours. Growth amounted to +0.2% or 6.6 bln. US Dollar. The 24-hour trading volume for all crypto coins has changed by decreased by -20.34% and currently stands at $222.8 bln. The cryptocurrency exchange rate is updated in real time.

Cryptocurrency Price (30d) Price Market Cap 24h 7d
8203 ITRUMP Trump Cards Fraction Token -57.80% 0.019 $ -5.26% -30.05%
8204 ULX ULTRON +66.20% 0.0194 $ -6.51% +10.21%
8205 BBC Big Bonus Coin -53.06% 0.019 $ +0.25% -26.69%
8206 CSUSHI cSUSHI -33.91% 0.0189 $ -4.17% -5.07%
8207 PHY Physis -16.08% 0.0189 $ -1.94% -4.14%
8208 COOP Coop Coin -33.60% 0.0187 $ -1.15% -10.84%
8209 GLINT Glint Coin -42.90% 0.018 $ -9.38% -14.27%
8210 MDX MultiDEX AI -33.89% 0.0184 $ 0% -0.87%
8211 HIVEWATER hiveWater -10.53% 0.0184 $ +0.61% -0.18%
8212 HSF Hillstone Finance +3.91% 0.0183 $ +0.19% +31.15%
8213 ATP Alaya +17.49% 0.0181 $ 0% -0.56%
8214 KLTR Kollector -19.85% 0.0182 $ -2.40% -1.59%
8215 KALIS Kalichain -9.12% 0.019 $ +1.08% -7.71%
8216 ELP The Everlasting Parachain -10.64% 0.0182 $ +1.63% -0.19%
8217 SWORD eZKalibur -19.35% 0.0181 $ -4.77% -1.07%
8218 BO Wallet Sniffer -25.00% 0.0181 $ 0% 0%
8219 MILEI MILEI Token -63.45% 0.018 $ -3.09% -47.99%
8220 WPOKT Wrapped POKT -30.19% 0.018 $ -3.68% -3.57%
8221 SARCH Liquid Finance ARCH -34.24% 0.0177 $ -4.52% -2.02%
8222 BLEC Bless Global Credit -5.57% 0.0176 $ 0% 0%
8223 LION Lion Scrub Money -0.97% 0.0176 $ -0.90% -0.16%
8224 XNET ioTube Bridged XNET (IoTeX) -21.18% 0.0184 $ +3.45% -3.47%
8225 XPET -65.89% 0.0173 $ +3.21% -33.37%
8226 JNE Jake Newman Enterprises -35.41% 0.0174 $ -1.36% +22.09%
8227 STZIL stZIL -34.65% 0.0173 $ -2.93% -4.13%
8228 EPCT Epics Token -7.89% 0.0173 $ +1.29% -4.62%
8229 DVT SafeStake -36.81% 0.0172 $ 0% -2.50%
8230 SIR Sir -9.43% 0.0172 $ +0.62% -2.56%
8231 WNT ioTube Bridged WNT (IoTeX) -24.03% 0.0171 $ +5.48% +13.26%
8232 MCH Meconcash +26.44% 0.0168 $ -3.28% -5.24%
8233 TAVA ALTAVA -15.32% 0.0169 $ -3.83% -6.38%
8234 WEST Waves Enterprise +0.90% 0.0168 $ +0.24% +1.37%
8235 MST Monster +21.92% 0.0171 $ -11.79% +59.35%
8236 XWC Whitecoin -25.25% 0.0168 $ +2.31% -4.69%
8237 PIPI pipi the cat -43.04% 0.0169 $ -2.10% -20.53%
8238 CYDOGE Cyberdoge -47.81% 0.0167 $ 0% 0%
8239 DXCT DNAxCAT -3.77% 0.0167 $ -0.25% -1.91%
8240 SCANTO Liquid Staked Canto -32.71% 0.0165 $ -0.32% -7.57%
8241 HADES Hades -56.41% 0.0167 $ -0.19% -12.13%
8242 GENS Genius Yield -45.42% 0.0164 $ -14.75% -24.63%
8243 ANARCHY Anarchy -23.57% 0.0166 $ -2.98% +0.41%
8244 UST TerraUSD (Wormhole) +5.47% 0.0167 $ -4.43% -4.37%
8245 USTC Wrapped USTC +3.97% 0.0166 $ -5.05% -6.43%
8246 WINK WinkHub -15.25% 0.0164 $ +1.72% -11.92%
8247 BALD Bald -23.23% 0.0164 $ -2.42% -2.14%
8248 DSS Defi Shopping Stake -59.37% 0.0164 $ -1.29% -0.99%
8249 GCOTI COTI Governance Token -25.13% 0.0162 $ -5.26% -14.21%
8250 LBK LBK -37.86% 0.0166 $ -7.94% -11.92%
8251 MYS Magic Yearn Share -6.34% 0.016 $ 0% 0%
8252 PMG Pomerium Ecosystem Token -19.33% 0.0159 $ -1.62% -2.78%
8253 EXFI Flare Finance -19.74% 0.016 $ -1.86% -1.30%
8254 WEIRDO Weirdo [OLD] -31.03% 0.016 $ 0% -2.64%
8255 TGR Tegro +0.05% 0.0159 $ -0.03% -0.01%
8256 VD VinDax Coin -37.62% 0.0128 $ +1.94% +2.24%
8257 ENNO ENNO Cash -20.97% 0.0159 $ -8.40% -10.19%
8258 MIA MiaSwap +130.22% 0.0158 $ +28.29% +27.33%
8259 MBRN Membrane -1.18% 0.0157 $ -4.00% +6.90%
8260 FRGX FRGX Finance -21.09% 0.0157 $ -3.34% -18.56%
8261 RAKER MarketRaker AI -47.72% 0.0155 $ 0% -11.07%
8262 1000BONK 1000BONK -49.67% 0.0156 $ -2.74% -17.24%
8263 UP TonUP -30.63% 0.0152 $ -0.64% -15.57%
8264 DBA Digital Bank of Africa +133.08% 0.0155 $ +10.55% -34.39%
8265 WONE Wrapped One -29.66% 0.0154 $ -1.83% -1.28%
8266 MONKGG +5.16% 0.0153 $ 0% +139.79%
8267 MPH Morpher -18.36% 0.0153 $ +0.09% +2.07%
8268 KAI Kreaitor +11.97% 0.0152 $ -3.23% +7.47%
8269 AXV-XARCH xARCH_Astrovault -23.98% 0.0151 $ -2.11% -3.84%
8270 SPORK SporkDAO +42.33% 0.0151 $ +80.85% +6.46%
8271 LAC La Coin +1.83% 0.015 $ -0.12% -0.13%
8272 CB8 chabit -3.14% 0.015 $ +9.12% +35.01%
8273 XYM Symbol +8.99% 0.015 $ +1.76% +5.12%
8274 SIENNA Sienna -15.88% 0.0149 $ -3.36% -4.27%
8275 PLAYFI PlayFi Studio -32.93% 0.0149 $ +2.56% -1.06%
8276 BOOP Boop -16.98% 0.0148 $ -2.61% -2.35%
8277 CARDI Cardinals (DRC-20) -22.20% 0.0147 $ -0.21% +11.41%
8278 HC HyperCash -25.34% 0.0147 $ -1.28% +0.89%
8279 TRIO Maximus TRIO -23.64% 0.0145 $ -0.84% -21.12%
8280 FUND Teh Fund -11.36% 0.0139 $ -0.80% -0.92%
8281 KEI KEI Finance -40.24% 0.0139 $ 0% 0%
8282 TUP Tenup -21.79% 0.0139 $ -5.21% -3.93%
8283 GUARDAI GuardAI -21.13% 0.0138 $ 0% +5.49%
8284 ROCKY Rocky -14.44% 0.0138 $ 0% 0%
8285 SATOZ Satozhi -12.99% 0.0137 $ +2.04% -6.24%
8286 JK JK Coin -46.79% 0.0135 $ -8.78% -39.17%
8287 DKEY DKEY Bank -12.43% 0.0136 $ +0.43% -3.77%
8288 DXB Dexbet -24.37% 0.0134 $ -14.12% -22.12%
8289 ICNX Icon.X World -38.19% 0.0134 $ -1.75% +4.30%
8290 $BULLET Bullet Gate Betting Token -34.93% 0.0134 $ -0.07% -1.20%
8291 XLS ELIS -67.19% 0.0127 $ -12.21% -19.78%
8292 PULSE PulseMarkets -29.74% 0.0131 $ -4.50% -6.18%
8293 YACHT YachtingVerse -12.75% 0.0131 $ -0.29% -17.68%
8294 ZED ZED RUN +20.26% 0.0131 $ -3.07% -3.33%
8295 MJT MojitoSwap -11.32% 0.0129 $ -0.67% -6.92%
8296 VMPX VMPX -38.74% 0.0129 $ -20.19% -26.34%
8297 EMDX EMDX -11.03% 0.0129 $ -1.95% +5.67%
8298 NEAT NEAT -73.41% 0.0129 $ -3.28% -7.31%
8299 XBTC XenBitcoin -48.51% 0.0128 $ 0% -2.81%
8300 FFE Forbidden Fruit Energy -17.46% 0.0129 $ -0.79% +8.53%
8301 ETCPOW ETCPOW -7.11% 0.0129 $ -3.71% -5.74%
8302 LSULP CaviarNine LSU Pool LP -21.74% 0.0128 $ -1.45% -12.06%

This page provides a snapshot of the cryptocurrency market, highlighting the top 50 cryptocurrencies by market capitalization. It includes an overview of significant price changes, market capitalization values, and trading volume changes without specifying exact numbers that could become outdated quickly.

What drives crypto prices?

Factors include:

  • News,
  • Big player actions,
  • Demand shifts.

Prices rise if people invest in cryptos like Ethereum and Bitcoin. Digital currency's popularity, like Bitcoin’s media presence, also affects its value.

Cryptocurrency rates allow for blockchain use, pioneered by Bitcoin. Platforms track all types of transactions. You can capitalize on cryptos at the best rate and transfer them to a blockchain wallet, featuring:

  • Unchangeable data without proper access.
  • Transparent transactions.
  • Exchange, buy, and sell capabilities.

Our site offers real-time updates and a cryptocurrency list. Today, Bitcoin's price is trending upwards. Just pick the best exchange offer. For better deals, use our calculator.