TOP 100 Cryptocurrencies

Top gainers in the last 24 hours
Market Cap Change (30d)
$ 3,379,002,722,442 -11.5%
Top 1000 Cryptocurrencies, 24h

11,379 cryptocurrencies found. The market capitalization of cryptocurrencies reached $3.3 Tn. in the last 24 hours. Growth amounted to +0.13% or 4.4 bln. US Dollar. The 24-hour trading volume for all crypto coins has changed by decreased by -3.81% and currently stands at $258.3 bln. The cryptocurrency exchange rate is updated in real time.

Cryptocurrency Price (30d) Price Market Cap 24h 7d
9402 WOKE Woke Frens -15.96% 0.00034 $ 0% -16.20%
9403 MOONPOT MoonPot Finance -25.84% 0.00033 $ 0% -10.58%
9404 ZUZALU Zuzalu Inu -12.81% 0.00033 $ -14.19% +0.28%
9405 GRBE Green Beli -34.30% 0.00033 $ +0.15% -1.84%
9406 VEIL Veil Exchange -37.41% 0.00033 $ -4.43% -3.77%
9407 DREAMS Dreams Quest -26.35% 0.00033 $ -1.09% -11.86%
9408 CRM Creamcoin -23.25% 0.00033 $ 0% -7.75%
9409 BIN Binemon -15.74% 0.00032 $ 0% -2.72%
9410 BAMBOO Bamboo DeFi -2.94% 0.00032 $ -0.36% -0.42%
9411 TENSHI Tenshi -11.66% 0.00032 $ -5.79% -4.03%
9412 CVSHOT CVSHOTS -23.65% 0.00032 $ -0.10% -0.37%
9413 JUDGE Judge AI -42.00% 0.00032 $ 0% 0%
9414 VOLT VoltSwap -56.01% 0.00032 $ -13.10% +18.81%
9415 STEMX STEMX -20.60% 0.00033 $ -3.85% -6.54%
9416 MINE SpaceMine -77.96% 0.0003 $ -13.41% -22.57%
9417 PMG PMG Coin +1.61% 0.00032 $ +0.18% +1.61%
9418 MYUS Multisys -36.18% 0.00031 $ 0% -8.65%
9419 MAZI MaziMatic -11.44% 0.00031 $ 0% -2.52%
9420 ATEM Atem Network +17.58% 0.00031 $ -0.16% -26.23%
9421 SML Smell -59.51% 0.00031 $ +1.38% -6.85%
9422 MSB Misbloc -6.51% 0.00031 $ +7.46% -14.47%
9423 ACK AcknoLedger -53.70% 0.00031 $ 0% 0%
9424 $SNRK Snark Launch -36.26% 0.00031 $ 0% 0%
9425 GTC Game -19.46% 0.00031 $ -3.02% +2.37%
9426 AISP AI Supreme -19.35% 0.00031 $ 0% 0%
9427 PINK Dot Finance -73.93% 0.00031 $ +5.37% -82.42%
9428 GBD Great Bounty Dealer 0% 0.00031 $ +0.00% -0.01%
9429 IWFT İstanbul Wild Cats Fan Token -24.80% 0.0003 $ +0.40% +7.81%
9430 FOOX Foox (Ordinals) -46.41% 0.0003 $ 0% -1.52%
9431 GODE Gode Chain +5.88% 0.0003 $ +5.24% +5.20%
9432 DFA DeFine +16.86% 0.0003 $ -9.07% +2.20%
9433 NYT New Year -13.69% 0.0003 $ 0% 0.00%
9434 ARTL ARTL -62.62% 0.0003 $ -25.02% -57.19%
9435 SPUME Spume -4.03% 0.0003 $ -4.10% +1.83%
9436 JAWS AutoShark -5.28% 0.0003 $ -0.37% -2.49%
9437 YOK YokaiSwap -31.79% 0.0003 $ -2.76% +0.32%
9438 MCASH Monsoon Finance +3.49% 0.0003 $ -2.26% -8.05%
9439 EVO EvoVerses -47.48% 0.0003 $ +1.36% -24.43%
9440 ADULT Adult Playground -45.86% 0.00029 $ 0% -1.11%
9441 NEUTRON20 Neutron (ARC-20) -24.46% 0.0003 $ +7.15% -13.62%
9442 RGAME R Games -49.63% 0.0003 $ -1.98% -18.44%
9443 MOONEY Moon DAO -35.01% 0.00029 $ +0.05% -5.59%
9444 XUI YouSUI -50.94% 0.00029 $ -13.58% -33.39%
9445 DCCT DocuChain -1.69% 0.00029 $ 0% -35.55%
9446 SST Social Swap -19.56% 0.00029 $ -1.80% -39.63%
9447 PINKAV Pinjam.Kava -16.45% 0.00029 $ 0% 0%
9448 DOGGY Doggy -18.95% 0.00029 $ -4.27% -9.61%
9449 NT NEXTYPE Finance -23.55% 0.00029 $ +0.67% -4.55%
9450 DS DeStorage -0.03% 0.00029 $ 0% 0%
9451 SRG Street Runner +21.62% 0.00029 $ +15.15% +6.47%
9452 KORRA KORRA -32.99% 0.00029 $ -0.73% -13.63%
9453 AZNT AstraZion -8.93% 0.00028 $ -3.15% +2.95%
9454 HZN Horizon -58.46% 0.00028 $ 0% +3.74%
9455 RUX RunBlox -6.45% 0.00029 $ +0.96% -1.27%
9456 ZAPEX ZapExchange -27.42% 0.00028 $ 0% +1.90%
9457 DVK Devikins -22.55% 0.00028 $ -5.99% -2.91%
9458 EVO Devomon -28.84% 0.00028 $ +11.15% -17.83%
9459 TMC Majority Blockchain +99.93% 0.00028 $ -0.02% -0.10%
9460 GENZ GENZ Token -26.40% 0.00028 $ -1.39% -7.29%
9461 GTCOIN Game Tree -11.40% 0.00023 $ +80.85% +113.42%
9462 ZONE Zone -57.44% 0.00028 $ -0.07% -47.37%
9463 PUNK PunkSwap -35.11% 0.00028 $ 0% -9.99%
9464 AVO AVOCADO BG -81.71% 0.00028 $ -1.35% -0.99%
9465 SWOT Swot AI -8.72% 0.00028 $ 0% -0.94%
9466 KABY Kaby Arena -9.21% 0.00027 $ -3.63% -4.96%
9467 CROGE Crogecoin -25.97% 0.00027 $ 0% -5.08%
9468 NET Netsis -25.53% 0.00027 $ 0% 0%
9469 SKOL SKOLANA +9.01% 0.00027 $ 0% -9.87%
9470 PDX PokeDX -94.01% 0.00026 $ 0% 0%
9471 HRLD Haroldcoin -48.38% 0.00026 $ 0% 0%
9472 TRESTLE TRESTLE -66.49% 0.00026 $ +1.14% +1.17%
9473 BPAD BlokPad -13.86% 0.00026 $ 0% -1.09%
9474 SYP Sypool -19.56% 0.00026 $ +0.18% -1.52%
9475 BTH Bit Hotel -3.05% 0.00026 $ -0.69% +0.20%
9476 DHLT DeHealth -54.69% 0.00026 $ -0.14% -1.46%
9477 HEL Hellar -18.75% 0.00026 $ 0% 0%
9478 AGRO Agro Global Token +3.33% 0.00027 $ +1.42% -17.03%
9479 BROC Broccoli The Gangsta -87.81% 0.00026 $ -1.98% -60.95%
9480 EOTH Echo Of The Horizon -83.89% 0.00026 $ +0.14% -79.20%
9481 DOGE-1 Satellite Doge-1 Mission -3.31% 0.00026 $ -2.58% -6.64%
9482 XAI XAI Corp -48.33% 0.00026 $ -0.20% -9.22%
9483 SPY Smarty Pay -2.37% 0.00026 $ +0.47% -1.15%
9484 LIQR Topshelf Finance -6.57% 0.00026 $ +20.36% -26.06%
9485 GAMER GameStation -28.03% 0.00025 $ -2.79% -2.77%
9486 ZAIF Zaif -7.44% 0.00025 $ +0.68% -4.77%
9487 ZOO ZOO Crypto World -21.91% 0.00025 $ +10.09% +23.16%
9488 SHI3LD PolyShield -14.03% 0.00025 $ -1.40% -3.14%
9489 SINGLE Single Finance -38.19% 0.00025 $ -0.31% -8.70%
9490 XOX XOX Labs -72.36% 0.00025 $ -12.43% -21.34%
9491 VIDYX VidyX -13.05% 0.00024 $ +0.82% -3.99%
9492 MHUB Metaverse Hub -75.53% 0.00025 $ 0% 0%
9493 DMA Dragoma -2.96% 0.00025 $ -0.08% +0.15%
9494 ZOC 01coin +4.18% 0.00024 $ 0% 0%
9495 DCF Decentralized Finance -85.70% 0.00024 $ +0.50% -85.45%
9496 GENSX Genius X -57.03% 0.00024 $ -2.12% -19.46%
9497 ANG Aureus Nummus Gold +15.27% 0.00024 $ 0% 0%
9498 CNETA cNETA -31.26% 0.00024 $ 0% -0.23%
9499 KBD Kyberdyne -54.49% 0.00024 $ +2.94% -8.65%
9500 SFIT Sense4FIT -37.84% 0.00024 $ -6.06% -5.98%
9501 CRODIE Crodie -42.51% 0.00024 $ 229.5 ths. $ -0.65% -19.54%

This page provides a snapshot of the cryptocurrency market, highlighting the top 50 cryptocurrencies by market capitalization. It includes an overview of significant price changes, market capitalization values, and trading volume changes without specifying exact numbers that could become outdated quickly.

What drives crypto prices?

Factors include:

  • News,
  • Big player actions,
  • Demand shifts.

Prices rise if people invest in cryptos like Ethereum and Bitcoin. Digital currency's popularity, like Bitcoin’s media presence, also affects its value.

Cryptocurrency rates allow for blockchain use, pioneered by Bitcoin. Platforms track all types of transactions. You can capitalize on cryptos at the best rate and transfer them to a blockchain wallet, featuring:

  • Unchangeable data without proper access.
  • Transparent transactions.
  • Exchange, buy, and sell capabilities.

Our site offers real-time updates and a cryptocurrency list. Today, Bitcoin's price is trending upwards. Just pick the best exchange offer. For better deals, use our calculator.