Plug Chain (PLUGCN)

Plug Chain PLUGCN

Price of 1 Plug Chain today (30 April)
$ 0.000224
Price Min/Max
24 hrs
$ 0.00022
$ 0.00023
30 days
$ 0.00022
$ 0.00028
1 year
$ 0.00014
$ 0.0054
Market Cap
Trading Volume, 24h
$ 6,145.73
Supply token
Max Supply

Today Plug Chain (PLUGCN) During the week, the minimum price for Plug Chain (PLUGCN) is fixed on Monday at 0.00022 cents. Currently, the token Plug Chain is trading in the range of 0.02 cents or 2.09 kopecks for 1 PLUGCN.

Price of Plug Chain (PLUGCN)

Exchanges where PLUGCN is traded

No data

Calculator PLUGCN


1 PLUGCN = 0.00022 USD

What is Plug Chain?

The Plug Chain network, which was launched by Chinese developers in August 2021, is an extensible intelligent contract platform that enables NFT development on the main network, and DEX construction on the secondary network.
It is planned that the team will complete one-click token generation, as well as create standard contracts, with a touch of the button. Future development efforts will focus on the Oracle network protocol.
The Oracle protocol is expected to host large amounts of data in 2023, allowing blockchain data to be seamlessly integrated with real-world information, allowing developers to easily build decentralized applications on the Plug chain with higher efficiency and lesser effort.

Official websites and links for Plug Chain

There are currently about 4 official links to Plug Chain websites and social media:

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