Today Print Protocol (PRINT) not traded anywhere. During the week, the minimum price for Print Protocol (PRINT) is fixed on Friday at 0.00014 cents. Currently, the token Print Protocol is trading in the range of 0.0242 cents or 2.4 kopecks for 1 PRINT.
PRINT Print Protocol
Price of Print Protocol (PRINT)
Exchanges where PRINT is traded
No dataCalculator PRINT
1 PRINT = 0.00024 USD
What is Print Protocol?
Featuring Print Protocol's custom Hold 2 Earn (H2E) rewards mechanism. Holding $PRINT grants you continual SOL returns.
Our mission at Print Protocol is to pioneer the first-ever Solana
rewards cryptocurrency, dedicated to fostering a decentralized
and inclusive financial ecosystem. By leveraging the speed,
scalability, and efficiency of the Solana blockchain, we aim to
provide users with a seamless and rewarding experience in
generating passive income by holding $PRINT. Through
innovation and community-driven governance, we strive to
redefine the landscape of decentralized finance, unlocking new
possibilities and driving the mass adoption of Solana.
8% tax on buys
6% Solana Rewards distributed to
2% to Operations Wallet
8% tax on sells
6% Solana Rewards distributed to
2% to Operations Wallet
Official websites and links for Print Protocol
There are currently about 4 official links to Print Protocol websites and social media:
- Website -
- Twitter -
- Reddit -
- Facebook -