Ultima (ULTIMA)


Price of 1 Ultima today (28 April)
$ 4,161.03
Price Min/Max
24 hrs
$ 4.11k
$ 4.3k
30 days
$ 3.89k
$ 5.64k
1 year
$ 3.89k
$ 20.51k
Market Cap
$ 113,852,169
Trading Volume, 24h
$ 2,591,144
Supply token
27,351.96 ULTIMA 27%
Max Supply

Today Ultima (ULTIMA) торгуется только на . The maximum trading volume is observed for the trading pair ULTIMA/USDT and reaches 2.6 mln. dollars (100% of the total volume across all exchanges). During the week, the minimum price for Ultima (ULTIMA) is fixed on Wednesday at 4,031.14 dollar. Currently, the token Ultima is trading in the range of 4,161.03 dollar or 383,505.07 rubles for 1 ULTIMA.

Price of Ultima (ULTIMA)

Exchanges where ULTIMA is traded

Exchange Pair Price Volume, 24h
$ 4,179.25
₮ 4,182.29
$ 2,171,108 Go
$ 4,196.34
₮ 4,198.40
$ 287,987 Go
$ 4,169.74
₮ 4,170.43
$ 134,691 Go

Calculator ULTIMA


1 ULTIMA = 4,161.03 USD

What is Ultima?

Ultima (ULTIMA) is the infrastructure token of the Ultima ecosystem.
This cryptocurrency is based on an easily scalable Smart Blockchain that runs on the DPoS (Delegated Proof of Stake) consensus algorithm.

The Smart Blockchain network is known by its unique throughput — it can conduct up to 2000 transactions per second. Moreover, the network creates a new block every three seconds and has low transaction costs. All these factors make ULTIMA a perfect digital currency for making daily transactions around the globe.

Right now, the Ultima ecosystem includes a number of innovative blockchain products, such as DeFi-U, a technology that allows users to receive staking rewards in Ultima tokens, and a marketplace.

The Ultima technical team, which has over twenty years of experience in the blockchain industry, is actively working on launching a physical crypto debit card, crypto exchange, and travel and crowdfunding platforms.

ULTIMA was first launched in March 2023. Currently, the project community has reached more than 2.8 million users from 120 countries.


To become the world's most widespread digital currency and an ecosystem accessible to everyone in the crypto space.

Official websites and links for Ultima

There are currently about 4 official links to Ultima websites and social media:

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