Price of 1 UnityBot today (11 May)
$ 0.103
Price Min/Max
24 hrs
$ 0.1
$ 0.1
30 days
$ 0.09
$ 0.25
1 year
$ 0.09
$ 1.006
Market Cap
Trading Volume, 24h
$ 1,404.3
Supply token
Max Supply

Today UnityBot (UNITYBOT) торгуется только на . The maximum trading volume is observed for the trading pair UNITYBOT/WETH and reaches 1 ths. dollars (100% of the total volume across all exchanges). During the week, the minimum price for UnityBot (UNITYBOT) is fixed on Wednesday at 0.1 cents. Currently, the token UnityBot is trading in the range of 10.32 cents or 9.52 rubles for 1 UNITYBOT.

Price of UnityBot (UNITYBOT)

Exchanges where UNITYBOT is traded

Exchange Pair Price Volume, 24h
$ 0.1
WETH 0.0000
$ 1,025 Go

Calculator UNITYBOT



What is UnityBot?

UnityBot promotes unity among community members by allowing them to make investment decisions together. Instead of each individual acting alone, community members can collectively assess opportunities, propose campaigns, and invest as a unified force.

One of the key advantages of UnityBot is that it enables simultaneous buying and selling decisions. By pooling funds and executing buys and sells at the same time, participants reduce the risk of drastic price fluctuations and avoid dumping tokens on each other.

With the bot’s smart contract managing contributions and distributions, gains are shared equally among all participants based on their initial investments. This ensures fairness, transparency, and a level playing field for everyone involved.

The bot’s direct message (DM) feature ensures that investment proposals and contributions remain private within the community. Additionally, the smart contract securely stores the funds, offering peace of mind to participants throughout the investment process.

The voting mechanism for selling tokens empowers participants to have a say in the decision-making process. With majority voting, the community decides when it’s the right time to sell, leading to more democratic and thoughtful actions.

How to add UnityBot to Metamask?

To add UNITYBOT to the metamask you need:

  1. In the wallet select the desired network and then in the cryptocurrencies section scroll to the bottom - click "Import tokens".
  2. Copy the smart contract address for UnityBot from the list below.
  3. Paste into the "Smart Contract Address" field.
  4. Click the "Add Custom Token" button.

The UNITYBOT is available on the 1 blockchain сети. Below is a list of UnityBot smartcontract addresses to add to the metamask:

  • Ethereum - 0x9c0241e7538b35454735ae453423daf470a25b3a

Official websites and links for UnityBot

There are currently about 4 official links to UnityBot websites and social media:

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