Found 3 биржи where XSwap is traded for USDT. According to the data on 22 January the most optimal price to exchange XSWAP for USDT is ₮0.12 for 1 XSwap. This rate is fixed at at the maximum trading volume of the pair XSWAP/USDT - 369.2 ths. USDT.
Selling and buying XSwap (XSWAP) for Tether
To buy XSwap, use the table above.
The maximum daily trading volume is observed in the XSWAP/USDT trading pair at and reaches ₮ 369,242.4 (0.0046% of the exchange's total trading volumes) at the price ₮ 0.12 per 1 XSWAP.
- The minimum price to buy XSWAP for USDT is 0.12 - on the exchange Hibt.
- The maximum price to buy XSWAP/USDT is 0.12 - on the exchange MXC.