BaseSwap (BSWAP)

BaseSwap BSWAP

Price of 1 BaseSwap today (2 May)
$ 0.551
Price Min/Max
24 hrs
$ 0.52
$ 0.56
30 days
$ 0.51
$ 1.78
1 year
$ 0.14
$ 13
Market Cap
Trading Volume, 24h
$ 61,114
Supply token
Max Supply

Today BaseSwap (BSWAP) During the week, the minimum price for BaseSwap (BSWAP) is fixed on Wednesday at 0.53 cents. Currently, the token BaseSwap is trading in the range of 55.08 cents or 50.72 rubles for 1 BSWAP.

Price of BaseSwap (BSWAP)

Exchanges where BSWAP is traded

No data

Calculator BSWAP


1 BSWAP = 0.55 USD

What is BaseSwap?

The First Native DEX on BASE. By Based Team for Based You. The liquidity marketplace from simplistic to advanced we have it all. aseSwap is a pioneering decentralized exchange (DEX) that introduces a groundbreaking concept by allowing users to not only trade assets but also earn protocol-generated revenue from fees. This innovative feature is made possible through the $BSWAP & $BSX tokens, enabling users to directly earn cryptocurrencies from swap fees. Utilizing a sophisticated Smart Order Routing system, BaseSwap ensures optimal prices while minimizing gas fees. The evolving system guarantees competitive swap rates across its matrix of pools, enhancing user trading experiences. With trading fees lower than leading decentralized and centralized exchanges, BaseSwap provides exceptional cost savings. Its user-friendly UI simplifies DeFi interactions, enabling easy token swaps, liquidity provision, and farming participation. Chosen for its robust security and cost-effectiveness, BaseSwap is integrated with the Base Network, an Ethereum Layer 2 solution incubated by Coinbase. This partnership offers security, scalability, and seamless interoperability, aligning with BaseSwap's commitment to user-centric and economically efficient trading. Benefiting from the Base Network's economical EVM setting and priority access to Ethereum functionalities, BaseSwap maintains minimal trading fees and a superior trading experience. Supported by Coinbase's user community and fiat onramps, BaseSwap is positioned for success in the evolving DeFi landscape.

How to add BaseSwap to Metamask?

To add BSWAP to the metamask you need:

  1. In the wallet select the desired network and then in the cryptocurrencies section scroll to the bottom - click "Import tokens".
  2. Copy the smart contract address for BaseSwap from the list below.
  3. Paste into the "Smart Contract Address" field.
  4. Click the "Add Custom Token" button.

The BSWAP is available on the 1 blockchain сети. Below is a list of BaseSwap smartcontract addresses to add to the metamask:

  • Base - 0x78a087d713be963bf307b18f2ff8122ef9a63ae9

Official websites and links for BaseSwap

There are currently about 4 official links to BaseSwap websites and social media:

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