Avalanche Bridged BTC (Avalanche) (BTC.B)

BTC.B Avalanche Bridged BTC (Avalanche)

Price of 1 Avalanche Bridged BTC (Avalanche) today (29 March)
$ 84,207

Price of Avalanche Bridged BTC (Avalanche) (BTC.B)

Market Cap
$ 431M
Trading Volume, 24h
$ 23M
In circulation BTC.B
Price Min/Max
24 hrs
$ 79.23k
$ 94.18k
30 days
$ 76.19k
$ 94.77k
1 year
$ 49.83k
$ 108.7k
BTC.B Sectors:
Avalanche Bridged BTC (Avalanche) does not belong to any sector.

Exchanges where BTC.B is traded

Exchange Pair Price Volume, 24h
1 Pharaoh Exchange BTC.B/WAVAX
$ 84,319
WAVAX 4,106.18
$ 14,209,045 Go
2 LFJ V2.2 (Avalanche) BTC.B/WAVAX
$ 84,249
WAVAX 4,176.83
$ 3,922,134 Go
3 LFJ V2.1 (Avalanche) BTC.B/USDC
$ 83,820
USDC 83,767.92
$ 1,999,828 Go
4 LFJ V2.1 (Avalanche) BTC.B/WAVAX
$ 83,762
WAVAX 4,152.53
$ 1,677,408 Go
5 DODO (Avalanche) BTC.B/USDC
$ 85,086
USDC 85,054.69
$ 1,601,444 Go
6 Uniswap V3 (Avalanche) BTC.B/USDC
$ 83,810
USDC 83,772.55
$ 302,500 Go

Today Avalanche Bridged BTC (Avalanche) (BTC.B) is traded on 5 exchanges, including Pharaoh Exchange, TraderJoe V2.2 (Avalanche), TraderJoe V2.1 (Avalanche), DODO (Avalanche) and others. The maximum trading volume is observed for the trading pair BTC.B/WAVAX and reaches 19.8 mln. dollars (83% of the total volume across all exchanges). During the week, the minimum price for Avalanche Bridged BTC (Avalanche) (BTC.B) is fixed on Saturday at 84,095.5 dollars. Currently, the token Avalanche Bridged BTC (Avalanche) is trading in the range of 84,207 dollars or 7,154,375.53 rubles for 1 BTC.B.

Calculator BTC.B


1 BTC.B = 84,207 USD

What is Avalanche Bridged BTC (Avalanche)?

The Avalanche Bridge, launched last August, has facilitated over $50B in transfers between Avalanche and Ethereum. Today, the Ava Labs team has added support for the Bitcoin network. Users are now able to transfer Bitcoin to Avalanche C-Chain with in a cheap, seamless manner without having to go through Ethereum. We plan to enable wide adoption of BTC.b across the Avalanche and other ecosystems.

Full press release: https://medium.com/avalancheavax/avalanche-bridge-adds-native-bitcoin-support-6306236fb506
Support articles: https://support.avax.network/en/articles/6081464-core-extension-how-do-i-bridge-bitcoin-btc

How to add Avalanche Bridged BTC (Avalanche) to Metamask?

To add BTC.B to the metamask you need:

  1. In the wallet select the desired network and then in the cryptocurrencies section scroll to the bottom - click "Import tokens".
  2. Copy the smart contract address for Avalanche Bridged BTC (Avalanche) from the list below.
  3. Paste into the "Smart Contract Address" field.
  4. Click the "Add Custom Token" button.

The BTC.B is available on the 1 blockchain networks. Below is a list of Avalanche Bridged BTC (Avalanche) smartcontract addresses to add to the metamask:

  • Avalanche - 0x152b9d0fdc40c096757f570a51e494bd4b943e50

Official websites and links for Avalanche Bridged BTC (Avalanche)

There are currently about 4 official links to Avalanche Bridged BTC (Avalanche) websites and social media:

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