Today BurnedFi (BURN) not traded anywhere. During the week, the minimum price for BurnedFi (BURN) is fixed on Tuesday at 2.81 dollars. Currently, the token BurnedFi is trading in the range of 2.82 dollars or 239.59 rubles for 1 BURN.

BURN BurnedFi
Price of BurnedFi (BURN)
Exchanges where BURN is traded
No dataCalculator BURN

1 BURN = 2.82 USD
What is BurnedFi?
The token symbols $burnedFi (shortened as $burn) and $burnBuild (shortened as $build) are used in the following references.
Convert your $burn tokens into an equivalent amount of $BNB and mint $build tokens as proof.
Burning 1000 $burn tokens worth 1 $BNB will mint 1 $build token as your proof.
Simultaneously, an additional 1 $build token will be minted and distributed to all $build holders [based on $build holdings].
If you are the first to burn $burn tokens worth 1 $BNB, you will receive 1 $build and 1 $build reflection, totaling 2 tokens.
When the second burn, with tokens worth 2 $BNB, occurs, the participant will receive 2 $build proofs and 1 $build reflection. You will also receive 1 $build (as you occupy 50% of the share).
And so on!
Claim Rewards:
Reward calculation: Your holdings of $build - Your proof (build) = BNB reward you can claim.
Assuming your initial burn value was 1 $build (proof), when you accumulate 10 $build, you can claim a reward of 9 $BNB!
Regardless of the quantity of your $build proofs, they will be reset to zero when you claim the reward.
Don't claim rewards too easily; leave them for community development.
Invite Rewards:
When a burner uses your link to burn $burn tokens, you can receive a 10% reward in $burn tokens.
If you were also invited, the person who invited you can also receive a 5% reward in $burn tokens.
The remaining $burn tokens will be transferred to the black hole (0xdead) address, at least 85%.
Official websites and links for BurnedFi
There are currently about 4 official links to BurnedFi websites and social media:
- Website -
- Twitter -
- Reddit -
- Facebook -