Doric Network (DRC)

Doric Network DRC

Price of 1 Doric Network today (16 May)
$ 1.76
Price Min/Max
24 hrs
$ 1.64
$ 1.76
30 days
$ 1.61
$ 1.88
1 year
$ 1.25
$ 1.99
Market Cap
Trading Volume, 24h
$ 33,997
Supply token

Today Doric Network (DRC) торгуется только на . The maximum trading volume is observed for the trading pair DRC/USDT and reaches 31.7 ths. dollars (100% of the total volume across all exchanges). During the week, the minimum price for Doric Network (DRC) is fixed on Tuesday at 1.68 dollar. Currently, the token Doric Network is trading in the range of 1.76 dollar or 160.29 rubles for 1 DRC.

Price of Doric Network (DRC)

Exchanges where DRC is traded

Exchange Pair Price Volume, 24h
$ 1.75
₮ 1.7498
$ 31,697 Go

Calculator DRC


1 DRC = 1.76 USD

What is Doric Network?

Doric is a blockchain-based ecosystem that aims to tokenize and fractionalize assets such as enterprises and properties aiming at increasing liquidity and business possibilities.
The consensus mechanism used in the Doric blockchain is Proof of Authority (PoA), where selected nodes are responsible for validating and confirming transactions. This format allows much faster transactions, allowing the network to be scalable.
DRC is the native cryptocurrency that feeds the financial system of the Doric blockchain. It is used within the trading environment of the Doric ecosystem, which enables the buying and selling of fractions of tokenized properties. Because it is a digital currency that cooperates with a property financing mechanism it has the necessary liquidity and price stability. DRC allows for many more possibilities, representing a breakthrough for something already so innovative. It's the security of the blockchain, with much more agility and security.

Official websites and links for Doric Network

There are currently about 4 official links to Doric Network websites and social media:

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