f(x) Protocol Fractional ETH (FETH)

f(x) Protocol Fractional ETH FETH

Last price update: 8 May
$ 1.064
Price Min/Max
24 hrs
30 days
$ 0.89
$ 1.13
1 year
$ 0.89
$ 1.2
Market Cap
Trading Volume, 24h
$ 1,564.4
Supply token

Today f(x) Protocol Fractional ETH (FETH) During the week, the minimum price for f(x) Protocol Fractional ETH (FETH) is fixed on Thursday at 1.04 dollar. Currently, the token f(x) Protocol Fractional ETH is trading in the range of 1.06 dollar or 98.15 rubles for 1 FETH.

Price of f(x) Protocol Fractional ETH (FETH)

Exchanges where FETH is traded

No data

Calculator FETH


1 FETH = 1.06 USD

What is f(x) Protocol Fractional ETH?

What is the project about?
f(x) splits ETH into a mix of low-volatility “floating stablecoins” called fETH and high-volatility “leveraged ETH” tokens called xETH. Users can supply ETH or stETH to mint either one (pure ETH is zapped into stETH before deposit)

What makes your project unique?
f(x) was created to avoid centralized risks from real-world assets. Apart from smart contract and oracle risk, which are common to nearly all DeFi protocols, the main risk for f(x) is of an extreme outlier rapid ETH price drop which is larger than the ability of the currently minted xETH to absorb. In that case, xETH price would go to zero (sort of like a liquidation) and fETH would lose its low volatility nature, reverting to 1:1 ETH price movements.

What can your token be used for?
fETH can be used like a stablecoin. It’s decentralized (backed only by stETH) so it avoids exposure to the shenanigans of central banks or other IRL entities. fETH isn’t exactly a stablecoin, because it gains and loses a small amount of value as ETH rises and falls. Those price movements are fixed at 10% of the size of ETH’s. In this way, it’s anchored to the Ethereum economy, rather than the US one. If you think that USD will devalue over time compared to ETH, you might like to hold it instead of USD stablecoins.

How to add f(x) Protocol Fractional ETH to Metamask?

To add FETH to the metamask you need:

  1. In the wallet select the desired network and then in the cryptocurrencies section scroll to the bottom - click "Import tokens".
  2. Copy the smart contract address for f(x) Protocol Fractional ETH from the list below.
  3. Paste into the "Smart Contract Address" field.
  4. Click the "Add Custom Token" button.

The FETH is available on the 1 blockchain сети. Below is a list of f(x) Protocol Fractional ETH smartcontract addresses to add to the metamask:

  • Ethereum - 0x53805a76e1f5ebbfe7115f16f9c87c2f7e633726

Official websites and links for f(x) Protocol Fractional ETH

There are currently about 4 official links to f(x) Protocol Fractional ETH websites and social media:

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