Helium (HNT)

HNT Helium

Price of 1 Helium today (28 March)
$ 3.06

Price of Helium (HNT)

Market Cap
$ 550.4M
$ 682.4M
Trading Volume, 24h
$ 7.2M
In circulation HNT
179,880,118 81%
Max supply
Price Min/Max
24 hrs
$ 2.37
$ 3.4
30 days
$ 2.3
$ 3.62
1 year
$ 2.3
$ 10.06
HNT Sectors:
Helium does not belong to any sector.

Exchanges where HNT is traded

Exchange Pair Price Volume, 24h
1 Bybit HNT/USDT
$ 3.05
₮ 3.0500
$ 1,157,479 Go
2 Gate.io HNT/USDT
$ 3.06
₮ 3.0630
$ 1,069,181 Go
3 Bitget HNT/USDT
$ 3.06
₮ 3.0640
$ 871,281 Go
4 Coinbase Exchange HNT/USD
$ 3.06
$ 3.0600
$ 769,124 Go
5 OrangeX HNT/USDT
$ 3.1
₮ 3.1050
$ 404,800 Go
$ 3.11
₮ 3.1100
$ 400,247 Go
7 Orca HNT/SOL--2
$ 3.1
SOL--2 0.0240
$ 380,164 Go
$ 3.08
₮ 3.0840
$ 263,865 Go
9 BitMart HNT/USDT
$ 3.14
₮ 3.1359
$ 235,660 Go
10 Raydium HNT/SOL--2
$ 3.14
SOL--2 0.0240
$ 229,500 Go

Today Helium (HNT) is traded on 42 crypto exchanges, including ByBit, Gate.io, Bitget, Coinbase Pro and others. The maximum trading volume is observed for the trading pair HNT/USDT and reaches 5.1 mln. dollars (69% of the total volume across all exchanges). During the week, the minimum price for Helium (HNT) is fixed on Friday at 3.06 dollars. Currently, the token Helium is trading in the range of 3.06 dollars or 259.98 rubles for 1 HNT.

Calculator HNT


1 HNT = 3.06 USD

What is Helium?

Helium is a decentralized machine network powered by a physical blockchain. The network is created by gateways who also double as miners on our network. These gateway operators can earn tokens based on coverage they provide as well as transaction fees gained from machines connecting to their gateway

Helium is a new cryptocurrency. Hotspots earn for providing and validating wireless coverage and when devices on the network connect to the internet through Hospots

Helium is mined and distributed to Hotspot Owners, Helium Inc, and investors.
There is no pre-mine of Helium, and every month approximately 5,000,000 new Helium are minted.

At the end of each mining period, roughly every 30 to 60 mins, Helium is distributed according to the allocation shown:

How to add Helium to Metamask?

To add HNT to the metamask you need:

  1. In the wallet select the desired network and then in the cryptocurrencies section scroll to the bottom - click "Import tokens".
  2. Copy the smart contract address for Helium from the list below.
  3. Paste into the "Smart Contract Address" field.
  4. Click the "Add Custom Token" button.

The HNT is available on the 1 blockchain networks. Below is a list of Helium smartcontract addresses to add to the metamask:

  • Solana - hntyVP6YFm1Hg25TN9WGLqM12b8TQmcknKrdu1oxWux

Official websites and links for Helium

There are currently about 5 official links to Helium websites and social media:

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