Today LESTER by Virtuals (LESTER) not traded anywhere. During the week, the minimum price for LESTER by Virtuals (LESTER) is fixed on Thursday at 0.00089 cents. Currently, the token LESTER by Virtuals is trading in the range of 0.0889 cents or 8.81 kopecks for 1 LESTER.
Price of LESTER by Virtuals (LESTER)
Exchanges where LESTER is traded
No dataCalculator LESTER
1 LESTER = 0.00089 USD
What is LESTER by Virtuals?
Smart Contract Analysis
Our advanced AI system scans smart contracts for vulnerabilities, hidden backdoors, and malicious code. Detects honeypots, rugpulls, and other common scam patterns before you invest. Real-time monitoring of contract interactions and ownership changes.
Real-time Protection
24/7 monitoring of your Web3 assets and connected wallets. Instant alerts for suspicious transactions, unauthorized access attempts, and potential threats. Advanced blockchain analysis to track and prevent potential attacks.
Interactive Terminal
Unique cyberpunk-inspired interface combining powerful security tools with an engaging experience. Direct interaction with our AI security system through natural language. Comprehensive scanning and analysis tools at your fingertips.
Wallet Security
Proactive wallet protection against phishing attempts and malicious contracts. Transaction simulation to prevent costly mistakes. Detailed risk assessment before any contract interaction.
DeFi Protection
Deep analysis of DeFi protocols and liquidity pools. Token contract verification and security scoring. Automated auditing of yield farming and staking contracts.
Threat Detection
Machine learning algorithms to identify emerging threats. Pattern recognition for new types of attacks. Community-driven threat intelligence network.
Official websites and links for LESTER by Virtuals
There are currently about 4 official links to LESTER by Virtuals websites and social media:
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