Heroes of Mavia (MAVIA)

Heroes of Mavia MAVIA

Price of 1 Heroes of Mavia today (28 April)
$ 4.17
Price Min/Max
24 hrs
$ 3.64
$ 4.26
30 days
$ 2.62
$ 6.38
1 year
$ 1.83
$ 10.59
Market Cap
$ 125,535,559
Trading Volume, 24h
$ 41,914,843
Supply token
30,000,000 MAVIA 12%
Max Supply

Today Heroes of Mavia (MAVIA) торгуется только на . The maximum trading volume is observed for the trading pair MAVIA/USDT and reaches 39.4 mln. dollars (92% of the total volume across all exchanges). During the week, the minimum price for Heroes of Mavia (MAVIA) is fixed on Saturday at 3.49 dollars. Currently, the token Heroes of Mavia is trading in the range of 4.17 dollars or 384.33 ruble for 1 MAVIA.

Price of Heroes of Mavia (MAVIA)

Exchanges where MAVIA is traded

Exchange Pair Price Volume, 24h
$ 3.83
₮ 3.8334
$ 13,810,652 Go
$ 4.04
₮ 4.0385
$ 13,511,571 Go
$ 3.85
₮ 3.8461
$ 6,731,745 Go
$ 4.04
₮ 4.0393
$ 2,483,994 Go
$ 4.1
WETH 0.0012
$ 1,624,481 Go
$ 3.86
WETH 0.0012
$ 1,308,725 Go
$ 3.85
₮ 3.8490
$ 1,146,590 Go
$ 3.87
₮ 3.8699
$ 787,659 Go
$ 4.11
₮ 4.1115
$ 509,236 Go
$ 4.07
₮ 4.0762
$ 359,321 Go

Calculator MAVIA


1 MAVIA = 4.17 USD

What is Heroes of Mavia?

Heroes of Mavia is a mobile Web3 MMO Strategy game developed by Skrice Studios. The game takes place in a fantasy-themed island called Mavia, where players build bases on plots of land and battle neighboring bases and armies to earn in-game resources, such as Ruby. Ruby can be used to craft and trade Legendary Items (NFTs) such as skins, statues, consumables and more.

How to add Heroes of Mavia to Metamask?

To add MAVIA to the metamask you need:

  1. In the wallet select the desired network and then in the cryptocurrencies section scroll to the bottom - click "Import tokens".
  2. Copy the smart contract address for Heroes of Mavia from the list below.
  3. Paste into the "Smart Contract Address" field.
  4. Click the "Add Custom Token" button.

The MAVIA is available on the 2 blockchain сетях. Below is a list of Heroes of Mavia smartcontract addresses to add to the metamask:

  • Ethereum - 0x24fcfc492c1393274b6bcd568ac9e225bec93584
  • Base - 0x24fcfc492c1393274b6bcd568ac9e225bec93584

Official websites and links for Heroes of Mavia

There are currently about 4 official links to Heroes of Mavia websites and social media:

Heroes of Mavia

Heroes of Mavia is an innovative AAA base-builder strategy game set in a captivating Web3 universe, where players can earn real cryptocurrency rewards, Ruby, by building armies, defending bases, and engaging in strategic battles.

Drawing inspiration from classics like Clash of Clans, Mavia distinguishes itself by incorporating NFTs for unique, tradable in-game items such as Land, Heroes, and Statues, enhancing the gaming experience and offering additional benefits.

With a successful global launch and availability on iOS and Android, Heroes of Mavia combines deep strategic gameplay with the financial opportunities of blockchain technology, inviting players into a future where gaming offers real-world value and community engagement is encouraged for the evolution of its play-and-earn features, all developed by Skrice Studios and currently in beta phase, aiming to redefine the gaming industry.

A New Era of Gaming

  • Heroes of Mavia introduces an AAA base-builder strategy game.
  • It's built on Web3, blending strategy gaming with blockchain technology.

Earn While You Play

  • Players earn Ruby, the game's cryptocurrency, through gameplay.
  • Engage in battles, build your army, and defend your base to earn rewards.

Unique Gameplay Mechanics

  • Inspired by Clash of Clans, but with a twist: real cryptocurrency earnings.
  • Focus on building bases, training forces, and strategic battles against other players.

NFT Integration

  • The game integrates NFTs, offering unique, tradable in-game items.
  • Land, Heroes, and Statues NFTs enhance gameplay and provide additional benefits.

Accessible to All

  • Launched globally with over a million downloads in just a few days.
  • Available on iOS and Android platforms.

Strategic Depth and Community Engagement

  • Offers deep strategic gameplay appealing to both strategy game fans and newcomers.
  • Players are encouraged to engage with the community for updates and new features.

Developed by Skrice Studios

  • Still in beta, showing the potential to reshape the gaming industry.
  • Combines entertainment, blockchain technology, and financial opportunities.

Heroes of Mavia stands at the forefront of integrating gaming with real-world value, offering a pioneering approach to play-and-earn games.

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