MetaZero (MZERO)

MZERO MetaZero

Price of 1 MetaZero today (26 March)
$ 0.0054

Price of MetaZero (MZERO)

Market Cap
$ 536.2K
$ 536.2K
Trading Volume, 24h
$ 35.4K
In circulation MZERO
99,999,623 100%
Max supply
Price Min/Max
24 hrs
$ 0.0054
$ 0.0098
30 days
$ 0.0049
$ 0.0107
1 year
$ 0.0049
$ 0.347
MZERO Sectors:
MetaZero does not belong to any sector.

Exchanges where MZERO is traded

Exchange Pair Price Volume, 24h
1 Bilaxy MZERO/ETH
$ 0.0054
Ξ 0.0000026
$ 36,921 Go
2 Uniswap V2 (Ethereum) MZERO/WETH
$ 0.0057
WETH 0.0000028
$ 216 Go

Today MetaZero (MZERO) available for trading on Bilaxy and Uniswap (v2). The maximum trading volume is observed for the trading pair MZERO/ETH and reaches 36.9 ths. dollar (99% of the total volume across all exchanges). During the week, the minimum price for MetaZero (MZERO) is fixed on Wednesday at 0.0054 cent. Currently, the token MetaZero is trading in the range of 0.536 cent or 45.06 kopecks for 1 MZERO.

Calculator MZERO


1 MZERO = 0.0054 USD

What is MetaZero?

MetaZero is poised to transform gaming assets from mere gaming collectibles to investment vehicles. Our mission is to unlock the economic potential of these gaming assets, making them accessible and tradable as Synthetic RWA Omnichain tokens on the blockchain. The estimated market value of just the CS:GO gaming assets exceeds $3.5 billion, and MetaZero is strategically positioning itself to capitalize on this and other opportunities.

Synthetic RWA Tokenization
Wrapping Gaming Assets: At MetaZero, we will encapsulate gaming assets as OFTs and ONFTs leveraging LayerZero's tech, ensuring their authenticity and scarcity. This process creates synthetic RWAs, turning them into tangible investment vehicles.

Market Accessibility: By tokenizing these assets, we break down barriers that have traditionally kept them within gaming communities for only gaming purposes, opening them up to a broader spectrum of investors for speculation.

Bridging: Leveraging LayerZero's omnichain messaging protocol, we're crafting an innovative extension towards real gaming markets.

Speculation Vehicle: Recognizing the significant trading volume and value of certain gaming assets, MetaZero aims to provide a platform for investors to speculate on these digital assets, much like TradeFi or crypto assets.

Democratization of Asset Investment: Our platform will enable users to engage in the investment and trading of these high-value gaming assets, previously accessible only to a niche market.

Omnichain Integration Catalyst: $MZERO will act as a tunnel for communication between the traditional digital world and the omnichain future, capturing the value of in and outbound asset migration and management.

How to add MetaZero to Metamask?

To add MZERO to the metamask you need:

  1. In the wallet select the desired network and then in the cryptocurrencies section scroll to the bottom - click "Import tokens".
  2. Copy the smart contract address for MetaZero from the list below.
  3. Paste into the "Smart Contract Address" field.
  4. Click the "Add Custom Token" button.

The MZERO is available on the 1 blockchain networks. Below is a list of MetaZero smartcontract addresses to add to the metamask:

  • Ethereum - 0x328a268b191ef593b72498a9e8a481c086eb21be

Official websites and links for MetaZero

There are currently about 4 official links to MetaZero websites and social media:

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