TOP 100 Cryptocurrencies

Top gainers in the last 24 hours
Market Cap Change (30d)
$ 3,232,593,290,162 -8%
Top 1000 Cryptocurrencies, 24h

11,352 cryptocurrencies found. The market capitalization of cryptocurrencies reached $3.1 Tn. in the last 24 hours. Growth amounted to +0.03% or 785.4 mln. US Dollar. The 24-hour trading volume for all crypto coins has changed by increased by +3.18% and currently stands at $368.2 bln. The cryptocurrency exchange rate is updated in real time.

Cryptocurrency Price (30d) Price Market Cap 24h 7d
10402 ORD ordinex -41.90% 0.0000003 $ -3.24% -23.41%
10403 OGZ OGzClub -24.88% 0.0000003 $ +10.50% +13.48%
10404 HBIT HashBit [OLD] +100.03% 0.0000003 $ +0.03% +25.20%
10405 CAT Danjuan Scroll Cat -52.24% 0.0000003 $ +8.91% -7.37%
10406 KABOSU INU Kabosu Inu -41.15% 0.00000029 $ -6.25% -9.34%
10407 CBT Community Business Token +60.72% 0.00000029 $ -0.17% -0.35%
10408 CHEESE Cheese Swap -15.68% 0.00000029 $ +1.94% +6.90%
10409 NEZUKO Nezuko -48.31% 0.00000027 $ 0% -10.93%
10410 EMOJI MOMOJI +4.06% 0.00000027 $ +0.73% +0.30%
10411 D三G三N Degen -30.87% 0.00000026 $ 0% 0%
10412 KITTY DINGER Schrodinger -47.14% 0.00000026 $ 0% 0%
10413 HIP Hippo -6.68% 0.00000024 $ -3.37% -2.13%
10414 THING Nothing Token -42.37% 0.00000024 $ -1.84% +6.70%
10415 WEN WEN Token -25.54% 0.00000024 $ 0% -7.78%
10416 BONG BONG BONK'S BROTHER -33.21% 0.00000024 $ -8.56% +10.46%
10417 SOLONG SOLONG The Dragon -34.19% 0.00000024 $ -8.40% +13.34%
10418 CLIPS Clips -32.64% 0.00000024 $ -1.71% -5.38%
10419 TITANX TitanX -33.17% 0.00000022 $ +0.39% +9.52%
10420 SCY Synchrony -7.52% 0.00000022 $ -0.12% -5.49%
10421 WEB Web -28.58% 0.00000022 $ -14.02% -13.87%
10422 PUPPETS Puppets Coin -6.86% 0.00000022 $ -4.36% -2.57%
10423 BIAO Biaocoin -30.96% 0.00000022 $ 0% -11.62%
10424 $HYPE SuperRareBears HYPE -14.16% 0.00000021 $ -2.02% -2.60%
10425 FINE This is Fine -9.39% 0.0000002 $ 0% 0%
10426 ELOIN Eloin -18.51% 0.0000002 $ 0% 0%
10427 MONKEYS Monkeys -41.25% 0.0000002 $ -6.93% -8.53%
10428 CY Cyberyen -3.06% 0.0000002 $ +93.74% +36.46%
10429 GINUX Green Shiba Inu +9.43% 0.0000002 $ -0.43% +3.12%
10430 QRT Qrkita -64.55% 0.0000002 $ -0.18% +13.60%
10431 DUKE Duke Inu -12.57% 0.00000019 $ -4.53% -2.45%
10432 BIG Big Eyes -30.46% 0.00000019 $ 0% -14.03%
10433 TOKU Toku -45.84% 0.00000018 $ -3.78% -11.34%
10434 USDZ USD ZEE -22.26% 0.00000018 $ 0% 0%
10435 GYOSHI GYOSHI -39.83% 0.00000016 $ -1.57% +1.21%
10436 SDO TheSolanDAO -24.78% 0.00000016 $ -1.60% -4.17%
10437 GROK GROK -8.55% 0.00000016 $ -7.19% -2.61%
10438 SAUDIBONK Saudi Bonk -43.54% 0.00000015 $ -4.06% -8.84%
10439 XRT norT -22.66% 0.00000015 $ 0% 0%
10440 IOT Iotec Finance +17.36% 0.00000015 $ 0% 0%
10441 SNS Shibarium Name Service -53.54% 0.00000014 $ 0% -17.10%
10442 SUZUME Shita-kiri Suzume -26.48% 0.00000014 $ +4.40% +2.86%
10443 BSTS Magic Beasties -12.91% 0.00000014 $ -5.88% -2.63%
10444 KABOSU Kabosu (Arbitrum) -69.16% 0.00000014 $ +1.13% +7.01%
10445 XSTUSD SORA Synthetic USD 0% 0.00000014 $ 0% 0%
10446 TRXC TronClassic -7.29% 0.00000014 $ -11.78% +0.61%
10447 MVX Mavaverse +25.58% 0.00000013 $ 0% 0%
10448 MM72 MM72 +0.24% 0.00000013 $ +0.21% -0.13%
10449 PAPADOGE Papa Doge -7.57% 0.00000012 $ -6.59% -2.50%
10450 LAIKA Laika -43.27% 0.00000012 $ -3.19% -13.88%
10451 NOVO Novo -38.61% 0.00000012 $ -14.26% -40.46%
10452 NOONE No One -41.93% 0.00000012 $ +6.47% +8.76%
10453 PARTY Party -29.85% 0.00000011 $ 0% 0%
10454 SHIBELON ShibElon -27.46% 0.00000011 $ 0% 0%
10455 BAHAMAS Bahamas -11.24% 0.00000011 $ 0% 0%
10456 HOSKY Hosky +2.05% 0.00000011 $ +12.11% +43.26%
10457 GMEME GoodMeme -32.46% 0.0000001 $ 0% +2.48%
10458 FLIBERO Fantom Libero Financial -36.89% 0.0000001 $ 0% 0%
10459 WEBFOUR WEBFOUR -41.95% 0.000000097 $ 0% +1.00%
10460 BANA Shibana +1.53% 0.000000095 $ +0.22% -1.69%
10461 PPIZZA PPizza -42.01% 0.000000091 $ 0% -10.06%
10462 AI Artificial Intelligence -22.09% 0.000000089 $ -1.59% -0.17%
10463 MGP MOST Global -100.00% 0.000000087 $ -2.81% -2.18%
10464 $NINJA NINJA TURTLES -36.86% 0.000000086 $ -10.49% +12.94%
10465 DUMMY DUMMY -26.48% 0.000000085 $ -8.40% -6.57%
10466 POP Popcoin +1.26% 0.000000083 $ +0.31% -14.47%
10467 ELE Elefant -51.41% 0.00000008 $ 0% +1.14%
10468 PRS PulseReflections -34.84% 0.00000008 $ -5.19% +1.94%
10469 MOPS Mops -34.35% 0.00000008 $ -1.79% +0.61%
10470 DOGPAD DogPad Finance -33.42% 0.000000077 $ -3.35% -2.94%
10471 KEK Pepe Prophet -29.03% 0.000000075 $ -6.70% +7.05%
10472 DOGECOIN RagingElonMarsCoin -23.64% 0.000000073 $ +4.60% -7.89%
10473 SMRTR SmarterCoin +34.24% 0.000000073 $ +6.68% +25.12%
10474 TIP Tiperian -37.38% 0.000000072 $ 0% -7.23%
10475 FLX Felix -7.76% 0.00000007 $ +0.95% +4.29%
10476 PEPEBNB Pepe the Frog -10.10% 0.00000007 $ -5.84% -3.42%
10477 SHIL Shila Inu -44.32% 0.000000069 $ 0% -10.88%
10478 ADVT Advantis X -52.25% 0.000000065 $ 0% 0%
10479 MARVIN Marvin Inu -13.02% 0.000000063 $ -18.34% -35.10%
10480 NGA NGATiger -42.08% 0.000000063 $ 0% 0%
10481 CHECKS Checks Token -55.60% 0.000000062 $ 0% -12.62%
10482 SHON Shon -30.80% 0.000000062 $ 0% +0.27%
10483 RBC Real BIG Coin -28.85% 0.000000062 $ -4.57% +15.75%
10484 FDC Fidance -13.66% 0.000000061 $ +0.56% +2.40%
10485 MGKL -21.85% 0.000000061 $ -8.82% -5.84%
10486 AKITA Akita Inu -21.08% 0.000000058 $ +0.67% -4.91%
10487 PEPE PepePAD -13.22% 0.000000058 $ -6.23% -2.36%
10488 MISA Sangkara -62.39% 0.000000053 $ 0% 0%
10489 L L +9.02% 0.000000053 $ 0% +67.63%
10490 CISLA Crypto Island -43.54% 0.000000051 $ +0.01% +0.05%
10491 EEYOR Eeyor -52.72% 0.00000005 $ 0% -13.66%
10492 SPEPE Saiyan PEPE -59.68% 0.00000005 $ 0% -8.30%
10493 GATSBY Gatsby Inu -33.10% 0.000000049 $ 0% 0%
10494 GMY Gameology -28.73% 0.000000047 $ -0.19% -0.26%
10495 ZADA Zada -8.78% 0.000000046 $ +0.84% +4.19%
10496 HDRN Hedron -0.83% 0.000000042 $ -10.55% +13.23%
10497 ELEPHANT Elephant Money -3.97% 0.000000039 $ -5.09% -2.38%
10498 GUY Family Guy -47.77% 0.000000038 $ 0% -23.32%
10499 PROMPTIDE PromptIDE -82.61% 0.000000037 $ 0% -3.97%
10500 HABIBI Habibi -33.10% 0.000000037 $ -2.13% -3.30%
10501 $BOLT Bolt Token -37.05% 0.000000037 $ 0% +0.11%

This page provides a snapshot of the cryptocurrency market, highlighting the top 50 cryptocurrencies by market capitalization. It includes an overview of significant price changes, market capitalization values, and trading volume changes without specifying exact numbers that could become outdated quickly.

What drives crypto prices?

Factors include:

  • News,
  • Big player actions,
  • Demand shifts.

Prices rise if people invest in cryptos like Ethereum and Bitcoin. Digital currency's popularity, like Bitcoin’s media presence, also affects its value.

Cryptocurrency rates allow for blockchain use, pioneered by Bitcoin. Platforms track all types of transactions. You can capitalize on cryptos at the best rate and transfer them to a blockchain wallet, featuring:

  • Unchangeable data without proper access.
  • Transparent transactions.
  • Exchange, buy, and sell capabilities.

Our site offers real-time updates and a cryptocurrency list. Today, Bitcoin's price is trending upwards. Just pick the best exchange offer. For better deals, use our calculator.