TOP 100 Cryptocurrencies

Top gainers in the last 24 hours
Market Cap Change (30d)
$ 2,941,327,420,489 -1%
Top 1000 Cryptocurrencies, 24h

13,462 cryptocurrencies found. The market capitalization of cryptocurrencies reached $2.9 Tn. in the last 24 hours. The drop was -0.16% or -4.6 bln. US Dollar. The 24-hour trading volume for all crypto coins has changed by decreased by -0.41% and currently stands at $164.9 bln. The cryptocurrency exchange rate is updated in real time.

Cryptocurrency Price (30d) Price Market Cap 24h 7d
10902 LNR LiNEAR Protocol LNR +1.12% 0.0025 $ -3.80% -4.53%
10903 TURBO Turbo Wallet -25.66% 0.0025 $ -1.58% +1.46%
10904 DARA Immutable +0.57% 0.0025 $ -2.47% -2.03%
10905 OXN 0xNumber -50.27% 0.0025 $ +1.23% -8.26%
10906 INN Innova +10.81% 0.0023 $ -1.95% -8.29%
10907 JOVJOU JovJou +12.17% 0.0024 $ -3.34% +22.89%
10908 MAPE Mecha Morphing -16.30% 0.0024 $ -2.11% -1.87%
10909 SHK iShook -0.09% 0.0025 $ +4.20% +4.13%
10910 SCCN Succession -17.85% 0.0024 $ -5.16% -4.35%
10911 SPARK Sparkswap -39.52% 0.0024 $ 0% 0.00%
10912 DMCC Decentralized Music Chain -27.80% 0.0024 $ +3.67% +83.36%
10913 GNL Green Life Energy -34.59% 0.0024 $ 0% 0%
10914 RENQ Renq Finance +52.82% 0.0024 $ +0.00% +10.18%
10915 BCAT BilliCat -5.01% 0.0023 $ -2.82% -6.07%
10916 OSKY OpenSky Finance -30.80% 0.0023 $ -1.71% -3.32%
10917 KNOT Karmaverse -1.56% 0.0023 $ -0.20% +13.27%
10918 CANDY Bored Candy City -26.39% 0.0024 $ -0.99% +3.86%
10919 BUNI Bunicorn -0.28% 0.0023 $ -0.22% -0.13%
10920 PARAS Paras -20.56% 0.0023 $ 0% +9.35%
10921 DIVA DIVA Protocol -44.54% 0.0023 $ 0% +3.14%
10922 GERO GeroWallet -7.05% 0.0023 $ 0% +2.37%
10923 SOR Sorcery Finance -18.39% 0.0023 $ -1.19% +0.68%
10924 STRM StreamCoin +60.98% 0.0021 $ -24.43% -20.59%
10925 ULAB Unilab -13.77% 0.0023 $ 0% -1.22%
10926 $SWING -21.33% 0.0023 $ -0.06% -1.69%
10927 IRIS Iris -28.09% 0.0023 $ -6.21% -10.05%
10928 APEX ApeXit Finance -26.39% 0.0023 $ 0% -0.05%
10929 GOTG Got Guaranteed +8.73% 0.0023 $ +22.20% -7.50%
10930 EGG Nestree -12.00% 0.0023 $ -2.81% -0.96%
10931 FUND A Fund Baby -6.11% 0.0023 $ -6.23% +857.40%
10932 METAN Metan Evolutions -23.42% 0.0022 $ 0% 0.00%
10933 DLY Daily Finance -12.30% 0.0022 $ -1.16% -4.20%
10934 NAO Nettensor -34.02% 0.0022 $ -3.11% -18.52%
10935 EGAZ EGAZ -67.56% 0.0022 $ 0% +0.07%
10936 GAMI Gami -12.03% 0.0022 $ 0% 0%
10937 HOM Homeety -47.10% 0.0022 $ -8.02% -11.40%
10938 WINTER Winter -1.90% 0.0022 $ -5.17% +0.96%
10939 NEMS The Nemesis -54.91% 0.0022 $ +6.34% -35.13%
10940 ACCG Australian Crypto Coin Green +1.68% 0.0022 $ -0.15% -0.19%
10941 QMC QMCoin +28.07% 0.0021 $ +19.40% +44.64%
10942 PTX PandoProject -26.68% 0.0021 $ -0.11% -15.54%
10943 HER Her.AI +18.23% 0.0021 $ +17.34% -1.23%
10944 ASY ASYAGRO +37.27% 0.0021 $ +0.34% -0.50%
10945 XBID xBid -27.74% 0.0021 $ -9.16% -7.22%
10946 VEST DAO Invest -17.75% 0.0021 $ -5.19% -4.30%
10947 BLURT Blurt -17.31% 0.0021 $ 0% -4.63%
10948 AUTUMN Autumn +0.94% 0.0021 $ -7.30% -1.86%
10949 CBLP Yamfore +23.34% 0.0021 $ -7.53% +12.81%
10950 TINY Tiny Colony -5.52% 0.0021 $ +0.01% -3.72%
10951 HPB High Performance Blockchain -27.02% 0.0021 $ -16.50% -51.89%
10952 UNITAO UNITAO -36.32% 0.0021 $ 0% 0%
10953 FRP Fame Reward Plus -2.76% 0.0021 $ -0.04% +0.03%
10954 DVP Decentralized Vulnerability Platform +2,432.22% 0.0021 $ 0% 0%
10955 TNX Tonex -28.82% 0.002 $ -12.16% -11.82%
10956 SNP Synapse Network -3.76% 0.002 $ -0.04% -1.31%
10957 LAMBO Lambo -23.03% 0.002 $ +0.54% -1.99%
10958 ZEFI ZCore Finance +0.29% 0.002 $ -1.62% -0.99%
10959 BIRB Birb -22.59% 0.002 $ +0.42% -5.70%
10960 FCR FCR Coin +1.46% 0.002 $ +1.78% +7.49%
10961 SRC Simracer Coin -16.98% 0.002 $ 0% -9.52%
10962 NAAI NeoAudit AI -46.21% 0.002 $ 0% 0%
10963 RSFT ROYAL SMART FUTURE TOKEN +7.66% 0.0013 $ -13.24% +28.61%
10964 SCT SuperCells -1.05% 0.002 $ -17.70% +14.66%
10965 BPET BPET -28.50% 0.002 $ -0.04% -23.56%
10966 VDR Vodra -6.95% 0.002 $ -5.51% -16.80%
10967 MAGIC MagicLand -8.37% 0.002 $ -2.50% -2.33%
10968 ARKS ArkStart -12.95% 0.002 $ +3.40% +26.35%
10969 COLA Cola Token -2.81% 0.002 $ -0.03% -0.96%
10970 FU FU Money -46.12% 0.002 $ -15.20% -12.77%
10971 METAX MetaverseX +7.11% 0.002 $ +2.83% +20.09%
10972 GATE GATENet -51.81% 0.002 $ -10.35% -25.94%
10973 ALM Alium Finance +1.42% 0.002 $ +0.06% +0.09%
10974 UMC Ultramoc +103.60% 0.002 $ 0% +0.09%
10975 MDX Mdex (BSC) +0.57% 0.0019 $ -2.61% -5.24%
10976 MAXI Maximus DAO -49.21% 0.0019 $ 0% -1.24%
10977 CFXQ CFX Quantum +1.07% 0.0019 $ 0% +1.17%
10978 HPO Hippo Wallet +2.07% 0.0019 $ -0.61% -0.24%
10979 MCOIN MariCoin -10.40% 0.0019 $ -4.13% +1.15%
10980 MMP Moon Maker Protocol -10.70% 0.0019 $ -1.14% -0.33%
10981 SUMMER Summer -4.00% 0.0019 $ -6.11% -2.59%
10982 WBAN Wrapped Banano -23.21% 0.0019 $ -2.95% -0.20%
10983 PAYS Payslink Token -39.46% 0.0019 $ -6.76% -27.69%
10984 STC Student Coin +64.16% 0.0019 $ 0% +0.00%
10985 DOVI DOVI +2.73% 0.002 $ +5.23% +2.54%
10986 IMT IMOV -7.48% 0.0019 $ -2.99% -1.85%
10987 UGT Unreal Finance -16.63% 0.0019 $ -2.63% -1.52%
10988 ACG Aurum Crypto Gold +105.66% 0.0019 $ -30.80% -58.18%
10989 RSWTH StaFi Staked SWTH -10.87% 0.0019 $ 0% 0%
10990 LYPTUS Lyptus +0.41% 0.0019 $ -0.84% -0.33%
10991 HODL HodlAssets -19.22% 0.0019 $ -4.19% -3.26%
10992 BMT BMCHAIN 0% 0.0019 $ 0% 0.00%
10993 DRIP Drip Network -4.80% 0.0019 $ -0.14% +0.64%
10994 SURV Surveyor DAO +29.88% 0.0019 $ 0% 0%
10995 AMS Antmons +21.63% 0.0018 $ -1.84% +2.26%
10996 NEFTY NeftyBlocks -5.80% 0.0019 $ -8.56% -2.15%
10997 SPRING Spring Token -5.12% 0.0018 $ -8.67% -1.45%
10998 AOG AgeOfGods -17.21% 0.0019 $ -7.52% -3.87%
10999 TSUGT Captain Tsubasa +11.38% 0.0018 $ -7.60% +1.97%
11000 PLD Plutonian DAO -42.00% 0.0018 $ 0% +2.07%
11001 ZENC Zenc Coin -0.02% 0.0018 $ -0.06% 0.00%

This page provides a snapshot of the cryptocurrency market, highlighting the top 50 cryptocurrencies by market capitalization. It includes an overview of significant price changes, market capitalization values, and trading volume changes without specifying exact numbers that could become outdated quickly.

What drives crypto prices?

Factors include:

  • News,
  • Big player actions,
  • Demand shifts.

Prices rise if people invest in cryptos like Ethereum and Bitcoin. Digital currency's popularity, like Bitcoin’s media presence, also affects its value.

Cryptocurrency rates allow for blockchain use, pioneered by Bitcoin. Platforms track all types of transactions. You can capitalize on cryptos at the best rate and transfer them to a blockchain wallet, featuring:

  • Unchangeable data without proper access.
  • Transparent transactions.
  • Exchange, buy, and sell capabilities.

Our site offers real-time updates and a cryptocurrency list. Today, Bitcoin's price is trending upwards. Just pick the best exchange offer. For better deals, use our calculator.