TOP 100 Cryptocurrencies

Top gainers in the last 24 hours
Market Cap Change (30d)
$ 2,317,346,920,723 +2.5%
Top 1000 Cryptocurrencies, 24h

10,611 cryptocurrencies found. The market capitalization of cryptocurrencies reached $2.3 Tn. in the last 24 hours. The drop was -0.13% or -3.1 bln. US Dollar. The 24-hour trading volume for all crypto coins has changed by increased by +7.4% and currently stands at $161 bln. The cryptocurrency exchange rate is updated in real time.

Cryptocurrency Price (30d) Price Market Cap 24h 7d
7402 AXIS AXIS -16.09% 0.004 $ 0% -7.77%
7403 STC Student Coin +23.32% 0.004 $ -6.62% -19.21%
7404 MAPE Mecha Morphing -6.88% 0.004 $ +0.58% +3.76%
7405 KFI Kinetix Finance Token -18.95% 0.0039 $ -1.39% +3.66%
7406 EVU Evulus -4.27% 0.004 $ +4.21% +0.02%
7407 AVS AVES -22.76% 0.004 $ +2.90% +1.75%
7408 XROW XROW -12.89% 0.0039 $ 0% +1.40%
7409 ASY ASYAGRO +13.35% 0.0039 $ 0% +77.21%
7410 DRIP Drip Network -14.64% 0.0039 $ -0.59% -2.56%
7411 DBA Digital Bank of Africa +36.05% 0.0039 $ +0.13% -22.50%
7412 HPO Hippo Wallet -13.16% 0.0039 $ +0.42% -3.61%
7413 SOCIETY The Ape Society +7.21% 0.0039 $ -10.83% -14.28%
7414 CTP Ctomorrow Platform +6.21% 0.0038 $ -0.88% +4.38%
7415 IRIS Iris -18.05% 0.0038 $ 0% -12.23%
7416 XLD Xcel Defi -12.46% 0.0038 $ -0.65% -1.30%
7417 METAN Metan Evolutions -20.37% 0.0038 $ -0.11% +7.23%
7418 POT X Protocol -3.65% 0.0038 $ +2.48% +1.12%
7419 STAY STAY -1.30% 0.0038 $ +0.43% +1.68%
7420 OXBT OXBT -29.14% 0.0038 $ 0% +0.14%
7421 LITE LITE -15.78% 0.0038 $ +5.83% +4.50%
7422 PWC Pixel Battle -7.23% 0.0038 $ -3.79% -7.35%
7423 TOILET Skibidi Toilet -60.05% 0.0038 $ -7.61% -14.38%
7424 CON PSJGLOBAL +104.01% 0.0039 $ +12.88% +69.64%
7425 EGAZ EGAZ -30.07% 0.0038 $ -0.55% +4.37%
7426 EXC Excalibur +99.05% 0.0038 $ -0.27% +29.92%
7427 DEEPR DEEPR -21.48% 0.0038 $ -12.13% -13.41%
7428 ENG Enigma Gaming -1.83% 0.0038 $ 0% 0%
7429 DAPPX dAppstore -17.87% 0.0038 $ -2.67% +2.37%
7430 GME DumbMoney +157.90% 0.0037 $ +7.74% -13.98%
7431 SPRING Spring Token +10.33% 0.0037 $ +4.18% +3.74%
7432 DFI DfiStarter +0.32% 0.0037 $ -0.16% +0.32%
7433 BIRB Birb -3.53% 0.0037 $ +2.08% +6.49%
7434 BCNA BitCanna +7.02% 0.0037 $ +0.69% +15.04%
7435 NINJA Dog Wif Nunchucks +24.70% 0.0037 $ -0.52% +9.49%
7436 STORE Bit Store -31.09% 0.0037 $ -0.69% -0.96%
7437 X7DAO X7DAO -45.26% 0.0036 $ +2.93% -12.20%
7438 GRAM Gram -27.30% 0.0036 $ +6.00% -10.23%
7439 EMP Export Motors Platform +1.04% 0.0036 $ -1.56% -15.02%
7440 SPORK SporkDAO -41.76% 0.0036 $ 0% 0%
7441 DARK Dark Forest -44.64% 0.0036 $ 0% 0%
7442 SMR Shimmer +57.78% 0.0036 $ -4.86% +28.63%
7443 DRAGO Drago -22.94% 0.0036 $ 0% +6.15%
7444 KNOT Karmaverse +67.36% 0.0036 $ -3.36% -12.00%
7445 ARCHAI Archive AI -52.18% 0.0035 $ 0% 0%
7446 FTRB Faith Tribe -13.52% 0.0035 $ -0.08% -8.90%
7447 SOC Socrates -0.52% 0.0035 $ +0.80% +1.04%
7448 ABC Angry Bulls Club -11.13% 0.0035 $ -7.97% -7.89%
7449 DUAL Dual Finance -55.08% 0.0035 $ 0% -14.13%
7450 TERZ SHELTERZ +38.28% 0.0035 $ +3.02% -4.85%
7451 GOC GoCrypto +0.08% 0.0035 $ -0.39% -0.47%
7452 CONI Coniun -11.13% 0.0035 $ 0% -0.27%
7453 BCN Bemchain +3.27% 0.0035 $ +2.06% +5.25%
7454 LIVERETRO Liquid Driver liveRETRO +0.77% 0.0034 $ -2.20% -19.65%
7455 EPIX Byepix -1.21% 0.0034 $ -2.59% -12.15%
7456 BREWLABS Brewlabs +33.37% 0.0034 $ -2.06% +0.69%
7457 LIMO Limoverse -19.67% 0.0034 $ 0% +125.86%
7458 XMPWR xMPWR_Astrovault +25.13% 0.0034 $ +0.18% +10.69%
7459 SAFLE Safle -54.19% 0.0036 $ +3.23% -8.36%
7460 WTT Wrapped Thunder Token +2.14% 0.0034 $ +4.00% +7.99%
7461 SARA Pulsara -11.07% 0.0034 $ +0.41% +7.46%
7462 POW POW -38.66% 0.0034 $ 0% 0%
7463 AEVUM Aevum -46.41% 0.0034 $ +0.77% -1.90%
7464 AOG AgeOfGods -0.04% 0.0034 $ +2.55% -7.21%
7465 RETRO Retro Finance -23.25% 0.0037 $ +5.70% -13.63%
7466 UT Fantaverse -28.06% 0.0034 $ -2.03% -6.41%
7467 RSWTH StaFi Staked SWTH -3.75% 0.0033 $ +0.30% +4.11%
7468 GM GhostMarket -60.70% 0.0033 $ 0% 0%
7469 GVC Global Virtual Coin -21.33% 0.0033 $ -0.57% -5.09%
7470 DARA Immutable -7.19% 0.0033 $ +0.97% +2.55%
7471 FRECO Freco Coin +21.82% 0.0033 $ -21.89% +56.55%
7472 ANIM Animalia -2.33% 0.0033 $ 0% +4.13%
7473 MPG Medping -3.60% 0.0033 $ 0% -0.18%
7474 CRYPTO BetbuInu -16.12% 0.0033 $ +1.91% +5.33%
7475 MRHB MarhabaDeFi +83.73% 0.0033 $ +0.33% +3.29%
7476 ZET Zetacoin +2.00% 0.0033 $ +8.63% -7.27%
7477 LYUM Layerium +36.52% 0.0032 $ +9.15% +11.93%
7478 XFOUR 0x404 -37.91% 0.0032 $ 0% -3.38%
7479 WBAN Wrapped Banano -5.15% 0.0032 $ +2.51% +0.06%
7480 AZEE SurrealVerse -20.12% 0.0032 $ +2.15% -2.68%
7481 SOLTAMA Saitama (SOLTAMA) +148.85% 0.0032 $ +2.40% -32.89%
7482 WHYP Wrapped HYP -50.11% 0.0032 $ 0% 0%
7483 SCCN Succession -2.44% 0.0032 $ +3.47% +3.37%
7484 TVC Telos Velocore +48.45% 0.0032 $ +4.25% +13.06%
7485 LAND Landboard -11.01% 0.0032 $ +0.69% -1.21%
7486 TSUGT Captain Tsubasa -20.47% 0.0032 $ -0.49% -1.00%
7487 $STACK STACKER AI +45.53% 0.0032 $ -0.13% +26.19%
7488 CRT Cantina Royale +1.42% 0.0032 $ -0.06% +2.19%
7489 BCNT Bincentive +6.72% 0.0033 $ +3.61% +4.80%
7490 YTN YENTEN +204.99% 0.0032 $ -17.05% +20.68%
7491 PLD Plutonian DAO -11.80% 0.0032 $ -0.90% -2.60%
7492 NWT Ninja Warriors -41.10% 0.0032 $ +0.29% -14.01%
7493 EGG Nestree +4.04% 0.0031 $ -0.20% -0.76%
7494 WELD WELD -20.56% 0.0031 $ -3.03% -10.60%
7495 WSTOR StorageChain -27.79% 0.0031 $ +8.61% +2.27%
7496 ALIEN AlienFi -2.20% 0.0031 $ +2.98% +5.34%
7497 APEX ApeXit Finance +20.94% 0.0031 $ 0% 0%
7498 GRVE Grave +6.66% 0.0031 $ +2.32% +2.97%
7499 SPEC Spectrum Marketplace -45.99% 0.0031 $ 0% +0.02%
7500 BAYE Bayesian +216.54% 0.0031 $ -0.01% +778.86%
7501 GMR GAMER -15.66% 0.003 $ -4.03% -5.32%

This page provides a snapshot of the cryptocurrency market, highlighting the top 50 cryptocurrencies by market capitalization. It includes an overview of significant price changes, market capitalization values, and trading volume changes without specifying exact numbers that could become outdated quickly.

What drives crypto prices?

Factors include:

  • News,
  • Big player actions,
  • Demand shifts.

Prices rise if people invest in cryptos like Ethereum and Bitcoin. Digital currency's popularity, like Bitcoin’s media presence, also affects its value.

Cryptocurrency rates allow for blockchain use, pioneered by Bitcoin. Platforms track all types of transactions. You can capitalize on cryptos at the best rate and transfer them to a blockchain wallet, featuring:

  • Unchangeable data without proper access.
  • Transparent transactions.
  • Exchange, buy, and sell capabilities.

Our site offers real-time updates and a cryptocurrency list. Today, Bitcoin's price is trending upwards. Just pick the best exchange offer. For better deals, use our calculator.