TOP 100 Cryptocurrencies

Top gainers in the last 24 hours
Market Cap Change (30d)
$ 3,379,002,722,442 -11.5%
Top 1000 Cryptocurrencies, 24h

11,379 cryptocurrencies found. The market capitalization of cryptocurrencies reached $3.3 Tn. in the last 24 hours. Growth amounted to +0.25% or 8.3 bln. US Dollar. The 24-hour trading volume for all crypto coins has changed by decreased by -17.49% and currently stands at $228.2 bln. The cryptocurrency exchange rate is updated in real time.

Cryptocurrency Price (30d) Price Market Cap 24h 7d
7901 XAH Xahau -6.70% 0.0749 $ +1.22% -2.25%
7902 STAU STAU -47.21% 0.0744 $ -1.34% -11.83%
7903 QTC Qitcoin +68.85% 0.0738 $ +0.95% +33.35%
7904 DUSD Decentralized USD +61.91% 0.0736 $ -1.87% -26.16%
7905 GUARD Guardian GUARD -14.61% 0.0735 $ +1.28% -0.03%
7906 NACHO Nacho Finance -28.75% 0.0729 $ +0.42% -0.46%
7907 FILM FILMCredits -2.08% 0.0725 $ -0.01% -2.13%
7908 SBIO Vector Space Biosciences, Inc. +10.52% 0.0721 $ +1.34% -27.14%
7909 USDC Multichain Bridged USDC (Moonbeam) -27.89% 0.0722 $ -4.20% -9.25%
7910 DUBBZ Dubbz -39.58% 0.073 $ -3.59% -16.78%
7911 USDC Nomad Bridged USDC (Moonbeam) -28.32% 0.072 $ -1.41% -2.81%
7912 KAS Wrapped Kaspa -42.00% 0.0719 $ -2.40% +16.50%
7913 HCFW HumansCareFoundationWater -16.68% 0.0717 $ -0.98% -11.97%
7914 VGO Virgo -33.46% 0.0705 $ +1.85% -5.24%
7915 STMTRG Staked MTRG -73.26% 0.0702 $ 0% 0%
7916 NU NuCypher -9.91% 0.0704 $ +4.35% +1.91%
7917 NOTE Republic Note -12.44% 0.07 $ +16.66% -12.50%
7918 UNP Unipoly +130.76% 0.07 $ -2.06% +8.17%
7919 BHIVE bHIVE -44.93% 0.0699 $ -0.08% -0.39%
7920 GCZ GlobalChainZ -13.58% 0.0694 $ -10.61% -1.38%
7921 TEM Temtum +4.00% 0.0691 $ -5.01% +27.15%
7922 POC POC Blockchain +2.58% 0.0689 $ 0% 0%
7923 VFIL Venus FIL -33.82% 0.0691 $ -4.56% -6.09%
7924 RDP Radpie -19.36% 0.0686 $ -1.04% -2.24%
7925 DQUICK Dragon's Quick 0% 0.0684 $ 0% 0%
7926 WJEWEL WJEWEL -23.59% 0.0689 $ +0.94% -2.53%
7927 DUBI Decentralized Universal Basic Income +46.23% 0.0682 $ +11.06% +30.39%
7928 DARK Dark Protocol -65.48% 0.0678 $ +2.19% -22.23%
7929 SX SX Network (OLD) -24.01% 0.0676 $ -2.28% -4.17%
7930 FISH Polycat Finance -27.65% 0.0671 $ -2.86% -12.42%
7931 WPCI Wrapped Paycoin -9.11% 0.0669 $ 0% 0%
7932 VYFI VyFinance -27.37% 0.0671 $ -2.64% -2.47%
7933 WSYS Wrapped Syscoin -30.01% 0.0667 $ -2.17% -9.80%
7934 PDD Pencils Protocol +6.77% 0.0683 $ +12.09% -39.83%
7935 PESA Pesabase +36.87% 0.0665 $ -1.86% -11.51%
7936 PDO Poseidollar -32.67% 0.0659 $ +0.96% -0.73%
7937 PALM PalmPay -30.15% 0.0656 $ -0.67% -9.38%
7938 MKX MakerX -30.31% 0.0655 $ -1.54% -8.50%
7939 GMCOIN GMCoin -5.50% 0.0648 $ +3.02% +2.29%
7940 ICSA Icosa -5.57% 0.0644 $ -1.87% -26.17%
7941 CHUCHU Chuchu -39.40% 0.0629 $ -1.52% -6.89%
7942 LUM ShimmerSea Lum -31.05% 0.062 $ -6.21% -9.60%
7943 PAI Purple AI -14.53% 0.0621 $ +1.27% +5.61%
7944 PCX ChainX -39.53% 0.0618 $ +0.53% +3.62%
7945 SHACK Shackleford -0.23% 0.0618 $ -0.01% -3.77%
7946 PTH PlasticHero -1.68% 0.0617 $ -0.75% +1.99%
7947 SKY Sky +13.77% 0.0609 $ +1.89% +44.55%
7948 METAQ MetaQ +36.36% 0.0607 $ +15.28% +1.00%
7949 PION Pion -33.41% 0.0605 $ -7.27% -26.29%
7950 CIR CircleSwap -23.57% 0.0598 $ -0.02% +1.45%
7951 QDX Quidax -36.20% 0.059 $ -2.90% -22.59%
7952 PEN Protocon -4.02% 0.0596 $ +2.03% +2.29%
7953 STLS STELSI -5.32% 0.0592 $ +0.99% -1.56%
7954 HYPC HyperCycle -63.52% 0.0591 $ -2.88% -15.18%
7955 YFX Your Futures Exchange -9.19% 0.058 $ -1.74% -5.12%
7956 RENA RENA Finance -16.50% 0.0578 $ -2.44% -3.78%
7957 TBANK TaoBank -55.94% 0.0575 $ -16.58% -28.18%
7958 RSN Rosen Bridge -33.06% 0.0571 $ -2.99% -2.90%
7959 SOLS sols -17.75% 0.0575 $ -0.23% -17.24%
7960 XSAUCE xSAUCE -53.30% 0.0572 $ -2.29% -11.10%
7961 SQUAD SquadSwap -4.24% 0.0562 $ -1.51% -2.01%
7962 CHFT Crypto Holding Frank -24.15% 0.0556 $ -0.07% -19.66%
7963 FAI Fairum -45.68% 0.0556 $ -7.13% -4.46%
7964 UTK xMoney -18.02% 0.0547 $ -7.21% -10.55%
7965 FUSDT Frapped USDT -89.85% 0.0545 $ -96.83% -95.01%
7966 WFCA World Friendship Cash +61.06% 0.054 $ -8.46% -38.77%
7967 DOI Doichain +17.16% 0.0539 $ -15.53% +13.71%
7968 FWB Friends with Benefits Network -52.72% 0.0535 $ 0% 0%
7969 BTC20 Bitcoin20 -38.85% 0.0535 $ -13.09% -19.37%
7970 TPAD TaoPad -24.48% 0.0532 $ -2.37% -4.53%
7971 XRGB XRGB +248.65% 0.0532 $ +167.08% +1.27%
7972 YE Kanye +30.49% 0.0521 $ -7.82% -38.55%
7973 VXRP Venus XRP -17.42% 0.0526 $ -2.67% -8.52%
7974 SENDEX Sendex AI -61.37% 0.0524 $ 0% 0%
7975 KDAG King DAG +305.27% 0.0521 $ +0.03% -46.63%
7976 $OVOL Ovols Floor Index -45.25% 0.0518 $ 0% -0.97%
7977 FOG FOGnet -4.85% 0.0518 $ +1.63% -4.92%
7978 BOLT Huebel Bolt -17.77% 0.0516 $ +0.08% -9.54%
7979 IMPLS IMPLS Finance -67.73% 0.0508 $ -4.45% -14.96%
7980 ICT ICTech -21.30% 0.0508 $ -0.74% -8.67%
7981 VOW Vow -12.57% 0.0506 $ +2.19% +3.47%
7982 SCALE Equalizer (BASE) -49.09% 0.0505 $ -5.22% -12.10%
7983 LOCUS Locus Finance -54.33% 0.0503 $ -2.39% -1.30%
7984 GOLD8 GOLD8 -21.94% 0.0502 $ -9.25% -14.45%
7985 GPUBOT GPUBot -22.55% 0.0501 $ 0% +0.13%
7986 VASTR Bifrost Voucher ASTR -21.67% 0.0502 $ -0.19% +3.50%
7987 DELREY Delrey Inu -42.81% 0.0498 $ +2.96% -3.63%
7988 MXNT Mexican Peso Tether +0.14% 0.0495 $ -2.71% +0.16%
7989 FIST Fistbump +662.28% 0.0517 $ +30.51% +496.93%
7990 BIRD LuckyBird -61.71% 0.0506 $ -4.53% -8.82%
7991 ENO ENO -56.23% 0.0487 $ -2.42% -13.29%
7992 HAGGORD HAGGORD -53.95% 0.0487 $ -3.63% -4.96%
7993 $BSSB BitStable Finance -50.02% 0.0484 $ -0.81% -7.27%
7994 XTAG xHashtag -27.49% 0.0478 $ -8.01% -2.65%
7995 CGI CardanoGPT -59.56% 0.0476 $ -4.21% -11.67%
7996 KRRX Kyrrex -4.65% 0.0476 $ -7.93% -4.60%
7997 NOON HighNoon -29.93% 0.047 $ 0% 0%
7998 BCA Bitcoin Atom +1.70% 0.0533 $ -9.54% +6.17%
7999 NUTS Deez Nuts -53.91% 0.0466 $ -1.36% -15.73%
8000 SPRINK Sprink -2.86% 0.0461 $ 0% -2.56%

This page provides a snapshot of the cryptocurrency market, highlighting the top 50 cryptocurrencies by market capitalization. It includes an overview of significant price changes, market capitalization values, and trading volume changes without specifying exact numbers that could become outdated quickly.

What drives crypto prices?

Factors include:

  • News,
  • Big player actions,
  • Demand shifts.

Prices rise if people invest in cryptos like Ethereum and Bitcoin. Digital currency's popularity, like Bitcoin’s media presence, also affects its value.

Cryptocurrency rates allow for blockchain use, pioneered by Bitcoin. Platforms track all types of transactions. You can capitalize on cryptos at the best rate and transfer them to a blockchain wallet, featuring:

  • Unchangeable data without proper access.
  • Transparent transactions.
  • Exchange, buy, and sell capabilities.

Our site offers real-time updates and a cryptocurrency list. Today, Bitcoin's price is trending upwards. Just pick the best exchange offer. For better deals, use our calculator.