TOP 100 Cryptocurrencies

Top gainers in the last 24 hours
Market Cap Change (30d)
$ 3,379,002,722,442 -11.5%
Top 1000 Cryptocurrencies, 24h

11,379 cryptocurrencies found. The market capitalization of cryptocurrencies reached $3.3 Tn. in the last 24 hours. Growth amounted to +0.25% or 8.3 bln. US Dollar. The 24-hour trading volume for all crypto coins has changed by decreased by -17.49% and currently stands at $228.2 bln. The cryptocurrency exchange rate is updated in real time.

Cryptocurrency Price (30d) Price Market Cap 24h 7d
8602 BAG Bagholder -41.41% 0.0043 $ 0% -0.35%
8603 GATE GATENet -38.80% 0.0043 $ -6.35% -16.15%
8604 SPEC Speculate DAO +51.09% 0.0043 $ -2.61% +35.74%
8605 STRIP Strip Finance -32.62% 0.0042 $ -0.48% +27.84%
8606 TOOLS TOOLS -30.40% 0.0042 $ -0.32% -3.87%
8607 DAOP Dao Space -13.67% 0.0042 $ +0.92% -2.10%
8608 MESH Meshswap Protocol -25.03% 0.0042 $ -0.91% -10.38%
8609 $MECHA Mechanium -20.68% 0.0042 $ 0% -0.33%
8610 CCD Copycat DAO -47.18% 0.0042 $ 0% -33.01%
8611 CIX Centurion Invest +13.73% 0.0042 $ +0.09% +1.86%
8612 CSM Crust Shadow -22.94% 0.0041 $ +0.55% -4.33%
8613 SATS Satoshis Vision -16.99% 0.0041 $ 0% +0.57%
8614 BNODE Beenode +2.17% 0.0041 $ 0% -18.24%
8615 FNCY FNCY -27.92% 0.0041 $ -0.79% +1.73%
8616 BFHT BeFaster Holder Token -29.59% 0.0041 $ -0.37% +5.38%
8617 BBL BlockBlend -40.25% 0.0041 $ 0% -1.68%
8618 GRPH Unigraph (Ordinals) -81.37% 0.0041 $ +0.24% +3.94%
8619 AMI AMMYI Coin -57.88% 0.004 $ -0.07% +14.54%
8620 ZET Zetacoin -1.47% 0.004 $ +3.92% +3.04%
8621 SOURCE ReSource Protocol -22.54% 0.004 $ -8.10% -8.85%
8622 PTX PandoProject +48.72% 0.005 $ +66.36% +24.86%
8623 JFISH Jellyfish Mobile -90.02% 0.004 $ 0% -92.99%
8624 EVZ Electric Vehicle Zone -11.85% 0.004 $ -0.35% -5.49%
8625 NAO Nettensor -33.45% 0.004 $ -1.97% -0.22%
8626 VDR Vodra -51.61% 0.004 $ +4.34% +28.68%
8627 EFK EFK Token -8.49% 0.004 $ 0% -1.96%
8628 XACT XActRewards +42.95% 0.004 $ +23.72% +27.74%
8629 RINIA Rinia Inu -55.35% 0.0039 $ 0% -7.87%
8630 BOOTY Pirate Dice -10.55% 0.0039 $ -0.98% -2.73%
8631 TYT Bounty Temple -40.92% 0.0039 $ -15.04% -29.47%
8632 HTD Heroes TD -24.02% 0.0039 $ +0.83% -8.67%
8633 DRAGO Drago -14.97% 0.0039 $ 0% -8.30%
8634 SPARK Sparkswap -24.88% 0.0039 $ -0.21% -6.79%
8635 WTT Wrapped Thunder Token +5.23% 0.0037 $ +16.66% +13.44%
8636 HBR Harbor -65.81% 0.0039 $ +0.59% -15.15%
8637 CANDY Bored Candy City -19.61% 0.0039 $ -1.97% -9.85%
8638 QWT QoWatt -28.87% 0.0039 $ -1.40% -4.39%
8639 PAPER Paper -21.87% 0.0039 $ 0% -0.28%
8640 CAIR Crypto-AI-Robo +3,665.63% 0.0039 $ -31.66% +62.32%
8641 DMT DragonMaster -45.24% 0.0039 $ -2.55% -6.92%
8642 DEM Deutsche eMark -25.85% 0.0039 $ -1.83% -1.32%
8643 XMV MoneroV -96.93% 0.0038 $ -2.24% +97.01%
8644 DGC Digitalcoin +44.95% 0.0038 $ -2.21% +15.98%
8645 GDT Globe Derivative Exchange +17.00% 0.0038 $ -1.68% -12.34%
8646 HALO -13.28% 0.0038 $ +4.68% +0.59%
8647 BREWLABS Brewlabs [OLD] +32.91% 0.0038 $ 0% 0%
8648 LIF3 Lif3 -46.19% 0.0038 $ -1.16% +1.67%
8649 MTS Meta Plus Token -26.77% 0.0037 $ +0.43% +1.95%
8650 POT X Protocol -1.86% 0.0037 $ -0.10% +3.99%
8651 MAXI Maximus DAO -43.44% 0.0037 $ -4.25% -16.61%
8652 MIND Eternal AI -26.01% 0.0037 $ 0% +2.77%
8653 PRIME SolanaPrime -99.98% 0.0037 $ 0% -0.59%
8654 XCRE Cresio -40.24% 0.0036 $ 0% 0%
8655 MVU Memes vs Undead -17.30% 0.0036 $ 0.00% +2.16%
8656 FERC FairERC20 -34.11% 0.0036 $ +3.14% +2.56%
8657 XROW XROW -19.23% 0.0036 $ 0% -2.64%
8658 AMAS Amasa -51.21% 0.0036 $ +1.64% +0.61%
8659 OORC Orbit Bridge Klaytn Orbit Chain -34.34% 0.0036 $ -0.73% -5.77%
8660 PANDA PandaDAO -5.90% 0.0035 $ -0.87% +1.27%
8661 MRHB MarhabaDeFi +15.78% 0.0035 $ +0.04% -2.25%
8662 MARU marumaruNFT -66.50% 0.0035 $ -4.05% +50.81%
8663 DSQ DollarSqueeze -63.10% 0.0035 $ -2.43% -13.03%
8664 SDF ShadowGold -10.37% 0.0035 $ +2.56% -10.05%
8665 ORC Orbit Chain -37.30% 0.0035 $ -5.42% -8.21%
8666 $OPCAT OPCAT -76.73% 0.0035 $ +0.16% -7.19%
8667 ABC Angry Bulls Club +522.90% 0.0035 $ -13.27% -3.20%
8668 CTP Ctomorrow Platform -3.78% 0.0035 $ -0.42% -3.23%
8669 VMT Vemate -24.42% 0.0034 $ +1.87% -1.75%
8670 GULL PolyGod -7.14% 0.0034 $ +0.56% -2.75%
8671 MPG Medping +2.54% 0.0034 $ 0% 0%
8672 JAN Storm Warfare +0.58% 0.0034 $ +2.69% +0.81%
8673 SCCN Succession -19.92% 0.0034 $ -2.48% -1.56%
8674 TURBO Turbo Wallet -43.40% 0.0034 $ +1.00% -11.36%
8675 HEBE HebeBlock -22.34% 0.0034 $ -0.09% -3.19%
8676 DEB AndUsChain -29.14% 0.0034 $ -7.47% +5.27%
8677 NBOT Naka Bodhi +8.19% 0.0033 $ -0.03% +5.32%
8678 JPG JPG -76.50% 0.0033 $ -7.52% +0.36%
8679 LUCKY Maximus LUCKY -76.53% 0.0034 $ -3.68% -77.39%
8680 MEV MEVerse -15.41% 0.0033 $ -0.11% -8.01%
8681 H2ON H2O Securities -24.78% 0.0033 $ 0% -1.66%
8682 PNDR Pandora Finance -6.35% 0.0033 $ +0.12% -0.66%
8683 XRAY Ray Network -50.78% 0.0033 $ -7.16% -9.18%
8684 XLD Xcel Defi -3.10% 0.0033 $ +0.76% +0.96%
8685 NIX NIX +10.85% 0.0032 $ -0.39% -2.38%
8686 AXIS AXIS -52.08% 0.0032 $ +0.02% +9.85%
8687 $SWING -22.01% 0.0032 $ -0.11% -1.42%
8688 OPN Open Source Network +308.43% 0.0034 $ -0.10% +13.84%
8689 AAST AASToken -82.58% 0.0033 $ -0.04% -32.72%
8690 PLD Plutonian DAO -5.91% 0.0032 $ -0.19% -1.21%
8691 LBC LBRY Credits -6.51% 0.0032 $ -1.09% -1.83%
8692 INN Innova +20.53% 0.0032 $ 0% 0%
8693 HEROES Dehero Community -42.88% 0.0032 $ 0% -33.55%
8694 HEX HEX +3.95% 0.0032 $ -4.89% -7.22%
8695 NANA NANA Token -21.20% 0.0031 $ +2.11% -12.38%
8696 LAVITA Lavita -27.74% 0.0031 $ +0.82% +4.88%
8697 LAMBO Lambo -30.67% 0.0031 $ -3.74% -13.00%
8698 IRIS Iris -39.61% 0.0031 $ +1.52% -5.21%
8699 SURV Surveyor DAO +114.65% 0.0031 $ +55.14% +105.27%
8700 DIVA DIVA Protocol -36.53% 0.0031 $ -2.70% -2.98%
8701 LUX LUXCoin +14.79% 0.003 $ 0% 0%

This page provides a snapshot of the cryptocurrency market, highlighting the top 50 cryptocurrencies by market capitalization. It includes an overview of significant price changes, market capitalization values, and trading volume changes without specifying exact numbers that could become outdated quickly.

What drives crypto prices?

Factors include:

  • News,
  • Big player actions,
  • Demand shifts.

Prices rise if people invest in cryptos like Ethereum and Bitcoin. Digital currency's popularity, like Bitcoin’s media presence, also affects its value.

Cryptocurrency rates allow for blockchain use, pioneered by Bitcoin. Platforms track all types of transactions. You can capitalize on cryptos at the best rate and transfer them to a blockchain wallet, featuring:

  • Unchangeable data without proper access.
  • Transparent transactions.
  • Exchange, buy, and sell capabilities.

Our site offers real-time updates and a cryptocurrency list. Today, Bitcoin's price is trending upwards. Just pick the best exchange offer. For better deals, use our calculator.