TOP 100 Cryptocurrencies

Top gainers in the last 24 hours
Market Cap Change (30d)
$ 3,148,292,306,770 -7.2%
Top 1000 Cryptocurrencies, 24h

11,323 cryptocurrencies found. The market capitalization of cryptocurrencies reached $3.1 Tn. in the last 24 hours. The drop was -0.37% or -11.5 bln. US Dollar. The 24-hour trading volume for all crypto coins has changed by increased by +15.51% and currently stands at $213 bln. The cryptocurrency exchange rate is updated in real time.

Cryptocurrency Price (30d) Price Market Cap 24h 7d
9202 ARS Aquarius Loan -25.73% 0.00056 $ -0.21% -7.51%
9203 OLEA Olea Token -20.35% 0.00056 $ +0.15% +5.90%
9204 ARAB Arab cat -36.26% 0.00055 $ +5.37% -11.61%
9205 ONE One -8.11% 0.00056 $ -1.24% -7.09%
9206 4DMAPS 4D Twin Maps -9.35% 0.00056 $ 0% 0%
9207 EPL Epic League -98.99% 0.00055 $ +0.22% +6.99%
9208 AMPWHALE Eris Amplified WHALE -71.35% 0.00055 $ +6.16% -45.84%
9209 ZENITH Zenith Chain -34.04% 0.00055 $ 0% -0.01%
9210 SST Social Swap +63.06% 0.00055 $ 0% 0%
9211 APX Appics +29.61% 0.00055 $ 0% -20.98%
9212 LOCAL Local Money +159.88% 0.00055 $ 0% +0.75%
9213 DBUY Doont Buy -35.95% 0.00055 $ 0% 0%
9214 GENIE GenieBot +0.50% 0.00046 $ -0.51% 0%
9215 CTK Cryptyk -26.89% 0.00055 $ -0.30% +14.79%
9216 REDDIT Reddit -35.78% 0.00055 $ -1.38% -0.67%
9217 AMON AmonD +8.02% 0.00054 $ +49.19% +35.36%
9218 SWEET Sweet -55.84% 0.00054 $ 0% 0%
9219 CTR Creator Platform -3.76% 0.00054 $ -2.45% -2.04%
9220 CDS Capital DAO Starter -32.93% 0.00054 $ +0.77% -6.12%
9221 MOT Mobius Finance -14.88% 0.00054 $ +2.02% +6.41%
9222 KEKO Keko -62.53% 0.00054 $ +2.78% +3.23%
9223 BYN NBX -3.38% 0.00053 $ +3.43% +1.05%
9224 FOC TheForce Trade -6.66% 0.00053 $ -0.06% +0.87%
9225 RAKE -45.79% 0.00053 $ 0% 0%
9226 JTS Jetset -22.35% 0.00053 $ +1.37% +1.41%
9227 SLC Solice -22.67% 0.00053 $ +0.47% -5.39%
9228 SFTY Stella Fantasy Token -4.07% 0.00053 $ +3.02% -3.19%
9229 XCRX xCRX -48.19% 0.00053 $ 0% +6.18%
9230 SEOR SEOR Network -22.33% 0.00052 $ -6.51% +5.47%
9231 TES Tiny Era Shard -39.66% 0.00052 $ -2.66% +0.51%
9232 ZBC Zebec Protocol -6.25% 0.00052 $ -0.52% +0.10%
9233 WATT POWERCITY WATT +7.23% 0.00052 $ +2.71% +10.87%
9234 CCAKE CheesecakeSwap +1.71% 0.00052 $ +0.69% +0.10%
9235 STRAT Stratum Exchange -42.67% 0.00052 $ -2.75% -3.75%
9236 DCARD DECENTRACARD -37.79% 0.00051 $ +0.52% +2.58%
9237 SORA Sora AI -27.18% 0.00051 $ +1.42% -0.34%
9238 JSM Joseon-Mun -2.02% 0.0005 $ -1.12% -1.02%
9239 HERO Step Hero -33.50% 0.00051 $ -0.39% -10.39%
9240 MOTG MetaOctagon +61.19% 0.00051 $ +4.31% +5.98%
9241 DEVE Develocity -74.14% 0.0005 $ -27.77% -68.18%
9242 LTZ LitecoinZ -15.09% 0.0005 $ -1.91% -41.68%
9243 DRAGON SolDragon -47.93% 0.0005 $ 0% -0.83%
9244 PRXY Proxy -98.06% 0.0005 $ 0% 0.00%
9245 XGRAV xGRAV_Astrovault -7.54% 0.0005 $ +2.69% -1.94%
9246 X GIBX Swap +1.16% 0.0005 $ -0.02% +0.42%
9247 VC Venture Coin -44.08% 0.0005 $ 0% +1.11%
9248 HYME HYME -43.40% 0.00049 $ 0% +0.09%
9249 FANG FANG -53.52% 0.00049 $ -4.54% -2.46%
9250 IGUP IguVerse IGUP -6.29% 0.00049 $ -0.45% -1.58%
9251 VUZZ VuzzMind -17.86% 0.00049 $ -1.01% -3.44%
9252 ATNT Artizen -4.41% 0.00049 $ -2.85% -7.74%
9253 CLOUD CRYPTO CLOUD -32.50% 0.00049 $ +5.22% -28.81%
9254 MAI Multi AI -29.58% 0.00049 $ -0.19% -4.75%
9255 TOAD LuckyToad +15.57% 0.00049 $ +1.10% +4.19%
9256 RUPEE HyruleSwap +0.71% 0.00048 $ -0.05% +0.54%
9257 RILLA RillaFi -43.66% 0.00046 $ +0.11% -12.37%
9258 TXT Taxa Network -30.05% 0.00048 $ +3.98% +3.14%
9259 SCAI SecureChain AI -16.15% 0.00048 $ -1.00% -13.35%
9260 VOID The Great Void Token -1.77% 0.00048 $ -6.86% +12.20%
9261 GINZA Ginza Network +4.35% 0.00048 $ +0.05% +1.62%
9262 TUR Turing Network -49.88% 0.00047 $ +2.05% -11.18%
9263 MOCKJUP mockJUP -27.49% 0.00046 $ +2.95% -3.07%
9264 KNIGHT KnightSwap -0.35% 0.00046 $ +0.47% +2.11%
9265 CRIC Cricket Foundation -33.80% 0.00046 $ +0.21% +32.18%
9266 MXH Metroxynth -43.58% 0.00046 $ 0% -2.32%
9267 SAPP Sapphire -56.63% 0.00046 $ -0.80% -43.97%
9268 DAMEX Damex Token -69.39% 0.00046 $ 0% 0%
9269 AZY Amazy -16.84% 0.00047 $ +6.21% -18.70%
9270 PERL +10.03% 0.00049 $ -4.01% -3.23%
9271 STRX Storex -6.46% 0.00045 $ +1.55% +15.40%
9272 TRACE Trace Network Labs -20.33% 0.00046 $ -6.26% -0.77%
9273 F9 Falcon Nine -30.53% 0.00045 $ 0% 0%
9274 TANGO TangoSwap +3.42% 0.00045 $ +2.24% +23.63%
9275 TAO Fusotao -7.62% 0.00044 $ -3.08% -10.63%
9276 MSB Misbloc +33.93% 0.00044 $ +2.51% +24.05%
9277 VICA ViCA -80.22% 0.00044 $ -15.80% +28.80%
9278 XLH xLauncher +24.25% 0.00044 $ +2.17% +25.09%
9279 BNA BananaTok -30.24% 0.00043 $ +0.01% -17.75%
9280 PEAR Pear Swap -26.58% 0.00043 $ 0% 0%
9281 PPAD PlayPad +2.07% 0.00043 $ +0.07% +8.16%
9282 DEDE Dede -58.89% 0.00043 $ 0% +6.78%
9283 XGOLD Xgold Coin -51.12% 0.00043 $ 0% 0%
9284 PGALA pGALA -30.28% 0.00043 $ -12.70% -5.59%
9285 SCIE Scientia -32.44% 0.00043 $ 0% -0.37%
9286 XBCNA xBCNA_Astrovault -83.44% 0.00042 $ +3.50% -6.30%
9287 EXT Exatech +100.00% 0.00042 $ +1.44% -11.96%
9288 DEHUB DeHub -19.11% 0.00042 $ +13.62% +5.64%
9289 SEAT Seamans Token -14.46% 0.00042 $ +10.60% +18.47%
9290 DRBT DeFi-Robot -45.02% 0.00042 $ +0.13% -11.99%
9291 LNDRY LNDRY -97.82% 0.00042 $ 0% -0.01%
9292 MARVIN Marvin -20.97% 0.00041 $ +1.03% +11.12%
9293 YOCO YocoinYOCO -3.98% 0.00041 $ +0.75% +12.22%
9294 KEYS Keys -49.69% 0.00041 $ -3.48% -1.04%
9295 THECA Theca -39.40% 0.00041 $ 0% -0.01%
9296 MELOS Melos Studio -48.79% 0.00041 $ -0.26% -2.06%
9297 XCV XCarnival +46.41% 0.00041 $ -3.57% -0.82%
9298 MOVE MoveApp -1.64% 0.0004 $ -0.38% +1.86%
9299 AQTIS AITA -27.05% 0.0004 $ -1.47% +1.77%
9300 MINU Mantle Inu -47.97% 0.0004 $ -0.86% +0.32%
9301 GOL Goledo -18.64% 0.00039 $ 0% +31.47%

This page provides a snapshot of the cryptocurrency market, highlighting the top 50 cryptocurrencies by market capitalization. It includes an overview of significant price changes, market capitalization values, and trading volume changes without specifying exact numbers that could become outdated quickly.

What drives crypto prices?

Factors include:

  • News,
  • Big player actions,
  • Demand shifts.

Prices rise if people invest in cryptos like Ethereum and Bitcoin. Digital currency's popularity, like Bitcoin’s media presence, also affects its value.

Cryptocurrency rates allow for blockchain use, pioneered by Bitcoin. Platforms track all types of transactions. You can capitalize on cryptos at the best rate and transfer them to a blockchain wallet, featuring:

  • Unchangeable data without proper access.
  • Transparent transactions.
  • Exchange, buy, and sell capabilities.

Our site offers real-time updates and a cryptocurrency list. Today, Bitcoin's price is trending upwards. Just pick the best exchange offer. For better deals, use our calculator.