Polimec (PLMC)

Polimec PLMC

Price of 1 Polimec today (28 April)
$ 0.42
Price Min/Max
24 hrs
$ 0.42
$ 0.43
30 days
$ 0.39
$ 0.47
1 year
$ 0.38
$ 0.5
Market Cap
$ 23,325,562
Trading Volume, 24h
$ 90,757
Supply token
55,456,247 PLMC 55%
Max Supply

Today Polimec (PLMC) торгуется только на . The maximum trading volume is observed for the trading pair PLMC/USDT and reaches 90.9 ths. dollars (100% of the total volume across all exchanges). During the week, the minimum price for Polimec (PLMC) is fixed on Saturday at 0.42 cents. Currently, the token Polimec is trading in the range of 42.05 cents or 38.75 rubles for 1 PLMC.

Price of Polimec (PLMC)

Exchanges where PLMC is traded

Exchange Pair Price Volume, 24h
$ 0.42
₮ 0.4219
$ 59,271 Go
$ 0.42
₮ 0.4190
$ 31,609 Go

Calculator PLMC


1 PLMC = 0.42 USD

What is Polimec?

Decentralized community-driven funding protocol for Web3. Polimec enables fundraising in a decentralized, transparent, and regulatory compliant manner, aligning stakeholder incentives during and beyond the fundraise.
Polimec is a decentralized community-driven funding protocol developed on Polkadot to accelerate the Web3 ecosystem. The open-source and module-based blockchain system facilitates fundraising in a regulatory compliant and sustainable manner using on-chain credentials.
Polimec provides an automated framework for projects to raise funds within a broad and diverse community with transparent and fair access for all. The protocol provides access to fundraising and governs the issuance, distribution, and conversion of tokens to mainnet.
Polimec maximizes value creation for Web3 projects, allows different stakeholders to participate in funding rounds, and minimizes information asymmetry between participants and issuers to grow their community. The underlying reward mechanism en- sures that the interests of the various participants and projects are aligned for sustainable fundraising.
Using on-chain credentials from KILT enables user verification for know your customer (KYC) and anti-money laundering (AML), and other regulatory purposes while staying pseudonymous. This allows network participants to comply with relevant regulations in a decentralized and efficient process - while preserving data privacy.
Furthermore, the native PLMC token enables access to participate in fundraises and a variety of additional functionalities such as staking, gamified social credit building, and more.

Official websites and links for Polimec

There are currently about 4 official links to Polimec websites and social media:

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