Overnight.fi USD+ (USD+)

Overnight.fi USD+ USD+

Price of 1 Overnight.fi USD+ today (24 April)
$ 0.99733
Price Min/Max
24 hrs
$ 0.9923
$ 1.004
30 days
$ 0.96
$ 1.03
1 year
$ 0.74
$ 1.45
Market Cap
$ 78,950,869
Trading Volume, 24h
$ 5,100,965
Supply token
79,036,770 USD+

Today Overnight.fi USD+ (USD+) торгуется только на . The maximum trading volume is observed for the trading pair USD+/USDC--26 and reaches 2.1 mln. dollars (43% of the total volume across all exchanges). During the week, the minimum price for Overnight.fi USD+ (USD+) is fixed on Wednesday at 0.9973 cents. Currently, the token Overnight.fi USD+ is trading in the range of 99.73 cents or 92.09 ruble for 1 USD+.

Price of Overnight.fi USD+ (USD+)

Exchanges where USD+ is traded

Exchange Pair Price Volume, 24h
1 USD+/USDC--26
$ 0.99976
USDC--26 0.9998
$ 2,060,226 Go
$ 1.001
USDC 1.0005
$ 1,495,544 Go
$ 1.001
USDBC 1.0007
$ 1,124,662 Go
4 USD+/USDC--26
$ 0.99969
USDC--26 0.9999
$ 72,948 Go
$ 1
WETH 0.0003
$ 65,641 Go
6 USD+/USDB--3
$ 1.005
USDB--3 0.9994
$ 58,699 Go
$ 1.005
WETH 0.0003
$ 35,653 Go
$ 1.002
USDC 0.9998
$ 10,892 Go
9 USD+/USDC.E--4
$ 0.99986
USDC.E--4 1.0001
$ 10,518 Go
$ 0.9949
WETH 0.0003
$ 2,801 Go

Calculator USD+


1 USD+ = 0.9973 USD

What is Overnight.fi USD+?

USD+ is a yield-generating stablecoin yielding 8-12% pa, via daily rebase. It is fully backed by a portfolio of liquid, yield generating, low-risk DeFi assets (mostly, lending protocols and stable-to-stable liquidity pools in a way that allows to (1) avoid losses and generate profit every day (2) mint and redeem USD+ against USDC instantly on request.

USD+ is used for (1) liquidity management - temporary parking of spare stablecoin cash (2) AMM trading and (3) leveraged yield farming. USD+ brings the benefit of capital efficiency to stablecoin usage, i.e. extra yield on idle stablecoins and/or used in major protocols

USD+ is currently on Polygon and expanding to other chains. We are going to market by establishing USD+ trading pairs at leading AMMs: (1) Stablecoin boosted pools on Balancer/Beethoven (2) ETH-USD+, Matic-USD+ on Quickswap/Uni V2, (3) potentially, Curve. The advantage USD+ has is our ability to maintain the peg without deploying our own capital - as USD+ can be minted/redeemed against USDC instantly, we are able to arbitrage our pools using flashloans, without our own capital, thus maintaining the peg.

How to add Overnight.fi USD+ to Metamask?

To add USD+ to the metamask you need:

  1. In the wallet select the desired network and then in the cryptocurrencies section scroll to the bottom - click "Import tokens".
  2. Copy the smart contract address for Overnight.fi USD+ from the list below.
  3. Paste into the "Smart Contract Address" field.
  4. Click the "Add Custom Token" button.

The USD+ is available on the 7 blockchain сетях. Below is a list of Overnight.fi USD+ smartcontract addresses to add to the metamask:

  • Base - 0xb79dd08ea68a908a97220c76d19a6aa9cbde4376
  • Linea - 0xb79dd08ea68a908a97220c76d19a6aa9cbde4376
  • Optimism - 0x73cb180bf0521828d8849bc8cf2b920918e23032
  • zkSync - 0x8e86e46278518efc1c5ced245cba2c7e3ef11557
  • Arbitrum One - 0xe80772eaf6e2e18b651f160bc9158b2a5cafca65
  • BNB Smart Chain - 0xe80772eaf6e2e18b651f160bc9158b2a5cafca65
  • Blast - 0x4fee793d435c6d2c10c135983bb9d6d4fc7b9bbd

Official websites and links for Overnight.fi USD+

There are currently about 5 official links to Overnight.fi USD+ websites and social media:

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