Onyxcoin (XCN)

XCN Onyxcoin

Price of 1 Onyxcoin today (24 March)
$ 0.01143

Price of Onyxcoin (XCN)

Market Cap
$ 376.9M
$ 553.3M
Trading Volume, 24h
$ 39.3M
In circulation XCN
32,973,852,816 68%
Max supply
Price Min/Max
24 hrs
$ 0.0111
$ 0.0186
30 days
$ 0.0106
$ 0.0212
1 year
$ 0.001
$ 0.0492
XCN Sectors:
Onyxcoin does not belong to any sector.

Exchanges where XCN is traded

Exchange Pair Price Volume, 24h
$ 0.0114
₮ 0.0114
$ 16,183,122 Go
2 Coinbase Exchange XCN/USD
$ 0.0115
$ 0.0115
$ 6,788,481 Go
3 BtcTurk | Kripto XCN/TRY
$ 0.0115
₺ 0.4359
$ 6,221,145 Go
4 Gate.io XCN/USDT
$ 0.0114
₮ 0.0114
$ 3,401,049 Go
5 Bithumb XCN/KRW
$ 0.0115
₩ 16.83
$ 1,399,416 Go
$ 0.0115
₮ 0.0115
$ 1,211,425 Go
7 BtcTurk | Kripto XCN/USDT
$ 0.0115
₮ 0.0115
$ 1,035,848 Go
8 Kraken XCN/USD
$ 0.0116
$ 0.0116
$ 833,801 Go
9 BitMart XCN/USDT
$ 0.0115
₮ 0.0115
$ 732,768 Go
10 Bitget XCN/USDT
$ 0.0114
₮ 0.0114
$ 571,933 Go

Today Onyxcoin (XCN) is traded on 23 crypto exchanges, including Huobi Global, BtcTurk PRO, Coinbase Pro, Gate.io and others. The maximum trading volume is observed for the trading pair XCN/USDT and reaches 23.8 mln. dollars (60% of the total volume across all exchanges). During the week, the minimum price for Onyxcoin (XCN) is fixed on Sunday at 0.0112 cent. Currently, the token Onyxcoin is trading in the range of 1.14 cent or 95.9 kopecks for 1 XCN.

Calculator XCN


1 XCN = 0.0114 USD

What is Onyxcoin?

Onyx is an infrastructure for a multi-asset, scalable, and cryptographically secure ledger. Onyx functions as a blockchain-based technology that enhances financial ecosystems by enabling a more efficient and interconnected economy, with a mission to develop cryptographic ledgers that optimize security, scalability, and usability. XCN is native to the Onyx XCN Ledger Blockchain and as an ERC-20 token for Staking and Governance.

How to add Onyxcoin to Metamask?

To add XCN to the metamask you need:

  1. In the wallet select the desired network and then in the cryptocurrencies section scroll to the bottom - click "Import tokens".
  2. Copy the smart contract address for Onyxcoin from the list below.
  3. Paste into the "Smart Contract Address" field.
  4. Click the "Add Custom Token" button.

The XCN is available on the 3 blockchain networks. Below is a list of Onyxcoin smartcontract addresses to add to the metamask:

  • Ethereum - 0xa2cd3d43c775978a96bdbf12d733d5a1ed94fb18
  • BNB Smart Chain - 0x7324c7c0d95cebc73eea7e85cbaac0dbdf88a05b
  • Base - 0x9c632e6aaa3ea73f91554f8a3cb2ed2f29605e0c

Official websites and links for Onyxcoin

There are currently about 5 official links to Onyxcoin websites and social media:

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