TOP 100 Cryptocurrencies

Top gainers in the last 24 hours
Market Cap Change (30d)
$ 2,321,383,501,976 -0.5%
Top 1000 Cryptocurrencies, 24h

10,605 cryptocurrencies found. The market capitalization of cryptocurrencies reached $2.3 Tn. in the last 24 hours. The rise was +0.06% or 1.4 bln. US Dollar. The 24-hour trading volume for all crypto coins has changed by increased by +2.18% and currently stands at $132.7 bln. The cryptocurrency exchange rate is updated in real time.

Cryptocurrency Price (30d) Price Market Cap 24h 7d
6702 UNILAPSE UNILAPSE +0.28% 0.03 $ +0.93% +0.05%
6703 MCH Meconcash +63.27% 0.03 $ +0.90% +0.71%
6704 SPARKO Sparko -49.80% 0.03 $ 0% +4.25%
6705 NEXM Nexum +0.38% 0.03 $ +86.79% +13.60%
6706 SC20 Shine Chain -19.47% 0.03 $ 0% -11.44%
6707 TMC Toman Coin -69.03% 0.03 $ -21.45% -68.80%
6708 KBC Kabuni +346.72% 0.03 $ +46.12% +2.80%
6709 XAH Xahau -15.27% 0.03 $ -1.71% +0.43%
6710 DAUMEN Daumenfrosch +17.25% 0.03 $ -12.40% +22.77%
6711 XWGT Wodo Gaming -14.98% 0.03 $ +1.98% -0.53%
6712 VICS RoboFi -4.42% 0.03 $ -2.52% +4.42%
6713 WEST Waves Enterprise -3.59% 0.03 $ -6.35% +1.35%
6714 SHR SHREE +107.31% 0.03 $ -31.20% +19.49%
6715 REAL Realy Metaverse +9.45% 0.03 $ +6.38% +20.60%
6716 PESA Pesabase -23.04% 0.03 $ -3.25% +0.59%
6717 FLUX Flux Protocol +14.08% 0.03 $ -0.68% +3.36%
6718 DDAO DDAO Hunters -35.91% 0.03 $ +0.94% +4.37%
6719 STSOMM Stride Staked Sommelier +28.90% 0.03 $ -3.11% +14.08%
6720 BLEO BEP20 LEO -8.51% 0.03 $ +0.78% -1.68%
6721 GINOA Ginoa -36.04% 0.03 $ -0.36% -16.18%
6722 QDX Quidax -10.82% 0.03 $ -3.03% -3.86%
6723 OBT Oobit -34.87% 0.03 $ -3.23% -5.57%
6724 EXFI Flare Finance +3.53% 0.03 $ +3.70% +13.23%
6725 KALIS Kalichain -4.56% 0.03 $ -0.33% -6.70%
6726 TRYT LiraT -0.39% 0.03 $ +0.05% -0.59%
6727 TRYC TRYC +0.16% 0.03 $ +0.97% -0.45%
6728 GLIDE Glide Finance 0% 0.03 $ 0% 0%
6729 GUT Genesis Universe -63.69% 0.03 $ +0.09% -0.87%
6730 COOP Coop Coin +0.72% 0.03 $ +0.85% +5.38%
6731 ALI Alita -8.12% 0.03 $ +0.21% +2.36%
6732 EDC Edcoin -14.06% 0.03 $ -1.20% +7.26%
6733 VXT VOXTO -18.66% 0.03 $ -13.01% -12.20%
6734 WXDC Wrapped XDC +13.34% 0.03 $ +1.16% +7.71%
6735 XPM Primecoin +0.63% 0.03 $ +0.73% +6.89%
6736 LOOP LoopNetwork +27.28% 0.03 $ +22.30% +7.12%
6737 EDAT EnviDa -2.64% 0.03 $ +3.18% +0.87%
6738 WFUSE Wrapped FUSE -19.37% 0.03 $ +2.19% +5.15%
6739 TPY Thrupenny -24.07% 0.03 $ +3.98% +1.19%
6740 ADDY Adamant -6.21% 0.03 $ +0.25% +4.94%
6741 ACX Apex Coin -1.33% 0.03 $ 0% 0%
6742 WIFI ioTube Bridged WIFI (IoTeX) -19.90% 0.03 $ -1.20% -7.16%
6743 PLT Palette +1.51% 0.03 $ -1.47% +0.08%
6744 MATCH Match Token -57.57% 0.03 $ 0% -3.30%
6745 CVXPRISMA Convex Prisma -25.02% 0.03 $ +1.60% +22.16%
6746 YPRISMA Yearn yPRISMA -5.83% 0.03 $ +1.54% +21.80%
6747 PLAYFI PlayFi -7.84% 0.03 $ +0.21% +14.12%
6748 NXN Naxion +28.20% 0.03 $ +0.76% +2.62%
6749 GLDX Goldex +82.78% 0.03 $ 0% 0%
6750 OMT Oracle Meta Technologies -8.32% 0.03 $ -1.18% +0.09%
6751 SORA SorachanCoin -12.36% 0.03 $ -0.26% -7.33%
6752 SOLR RazrFi +57.11% 0.03 $ +10.44% +21.78%
6753 HEEL Good Dog -50.73% 0.03 $ 0% 0%
6754 TNX Tonex -13.54% 0.03 $ -7.32% -14.33%
6755 TAVA ALTAVA -0.84% 0.03 $ -0.33% +3.69%
6756 DNT Space Guild Diamond Token -7.60% 0.03 $ 0% +3.97%
6757 NEUY NEUY -4.10% 0.03 $ -1.24% +4.94%
6758 GUARDAI GuardAI -50.98% 0.03 $ 0% -0.73%
6759 OPENX OpenXSwap +12.84% 0.03 $ -1.22% +7.06%
6760 MINAR Miner Arena -19.42% 0.03 $ -0.26% -1.69%
6761 DOJO Dojo token -23.92% 0.03 $ -5.58% +50.11%
6762 SUNDAE Sundae the Dog +7.25% 0.03 $ +0.71% -0.79%
6763 $ERR Error 404 -90.13% 0.03 $ 0% 0%
6764 MND Mound +0.59% 0.03 $ +0.71% +4.97%
6765 YFX Your Futures Exchange -10.84% 0.02 $ -0.38% -3.33%
6766 ODIN AsgardX -38.76% 0.02 $ 0% +4.94%
6767 EGG LoserChick EGG -3.84% 0.02 $ -2.94% -2.56%
6768 ART Salvor -13.31% 0.02 $ -4.41% -1.70%
6769 SHUI SHUI -5.95% 0.02 $ -3.27% +2.38%
6770 LUMI LUMI +15.59% 0.02 $ +1.50% +1.28%
6771 VUSDC Venus USDC +0.60% 0.02 $ +0.07% +0.09%
6772 KEN KOHENOOR -14.38% 0.02 $ +0.04% +68.56%
6773 VUSDT Venus USDT +0.48% 0.02 $ +0.07% +0.08%
6774 ZIP ZipSwap -29.06% 0.02 $ 0% -3.26%
6775 PALAI PaladinAI -16.80% 0.02 $ -3.43% -2.83%
6776 BEAT Beat -2.47% 0.02 $ -2.04% -1.54%
6777 VDAI Venus DAI +0.67% 0.02 $ +0.05% +0.14%
6778 CTCN Contracoin -3.03% 0.02 $ 0% 0%
6779 ATF ArithFi -8.00% 0.02 $ 0% -1.05%
6780 DVT SafeStake -20.45% 0.02 $ +0.00% +7.77%
6781 BO Wallet Sniffer -38.07% 0.02 $ 0% 0%
6782 WFT Windfall -24.58% 0.02 $ -7.35% -20.75%
6783 HBR Harbor -45.05% 0.02 $ +2.88% +3.16%
6784 GGR GAGARIN -24.65% 0.02 $ -0.06% -4.92%
6785 CHECK CHECK -50.03% 0.02 $ 0% -5.94%
6786 YACHT YachtingVerse +10.98% 0.02 $ +1.02% -0.87%
6787 CCY ChoccySwap +24.35% 0.02 $ +4.97% +8.74%
6788 RXT RIMAUNANGIS -1.71% 0.02 $ 0% +77.70%
6789 MDX MultiDEX AI -33.90% 0.02 $ +0.27% +7.00%
6790 BALL Ball -9.62% 0.02 $ -0.90% -0.85%
6791 QRO Querio +3.46% 0.02 $ -0.03% +2.99%
6792 IETH iEthereum +7.93% 0.02 $ 0% 0%
6793 HIPENGUINS hiPENGUINS -6.56% 0.02 $ +1.39% +7.42%
6794 LSULP CaviarNine LSU Pool LP -12.88% 0.02 $ -3.23% -1.53%
6795 BONE PolyPup Bone -8.92% 0.02 $ -0.93% -1.07%
6796 SMOG Smog -6.72% 0.02 $ -1.98% +6.17%
6797 $BIOP BIOP +10.91% 0.02 $ -6.54% -12.81%
6798 AUDT Auditchain +54.16% 0.02 $ -0.01% +28.16%
6799 OMKG OmniKingdoms Gold -34.29% 0.02 $ +0.67% -24.72%
6800 ARC Arcadeum -26.57% 0.02 $ 0% +1.36%
6801 JJ Jjmoji -45.69% 0.02 $ 0% -5.65%

This page provides a snapshot of the cryptocurrency market, highlighting the top 50 cryptocurrencies by market capitalization. It includes an overview of significant price changes, market capitalization values, and trading volume changes without specifying exact numbers that could become outdated quickly.

What drives crypto prices?

Factors include:

  • News,
  • Big player actions,
  • Demand shifts.

Prices rise if people invest in cryptos like Ethereum and Bitcoin. Digital currency's popularity, like Bitcoin’s media presence, also affects its value.

Cryptocurrency rates allow for blockchain use, pioneered by Bitcoin. Platforms track all types of transactions. You can capitalize on cryptos at the best rate and transfer them to a blockchain wallet, featuring:

  • Unchangeable data without proper access.
  • Transparent transactions.
  • Exchange, buy, and sell capabilities.

Our site offers real-time updates and a cryptocurrency list. Today, Bitcoin's price is trending upwards. Just pick the best exchange offer. For better deals, use our calculator.