TOP 100 Cryptocurrencies

Top gainers in the last 24 hours
Market Cap Change (30d)
$ 2,321,383,501,976 -0.5%
Top 1000 Cryptocurrencies, 24h

10,606 cryptocurrencies found. The market capitalization of cryptocurrencies reached $2.3 Tn. in the last 24 hours. The rise was +0.03% or 630.2 mln. US Dollar. The 24-hour trading volume for all crypto coins has changed by increased by +0.03% and currently stands at $148.9 bln. The cryptocurrency exchange rate is updated in real time.

Cryptocurrency Price (30d) Price Market Cap 24h 7d
7002 CORAL Coral Swap +54.35% 0.01 $ -0.02% -12.18%
7003 MJT MojitoSwap -12.69% 0.01 $ -4.70% -5.16%
7004 CANDY Bored Candy City +359.65% 0.01 $ +0.42% +15.34%
7005 LQR Laqira Protocol -2.99% 0.01 $ -3.88% +6.69%
7006 NEWT Newt -12.69% 0.01 $ -2.84% +16.80%
7007 LFC Supernova Shards Life Coin +19.41% 0.01 $ 0% -0.47%
7008 DIAC Diabase -19.39% 0.01 $ -1.90% -4.70%
7009 SPDR SpiderSwap -20.07% 0.01 $ -2.17% +1.47%
7010 XBOT XBot -27.81% 0.01 $ 0% -0.91%
7011 PCE PEACE COIN +0.00% 0.01 $ +0.87% +0.84%
7012 BWL Blackwater Labs -61.89% 0.01 $ 0% 0%
7013 ATR Aternos Chain -48.41% 0.01 $ 0% 0%
7014 GXE PROJECT XENO -35.85% 0.01 $ -7.22% -22.53%
7015 JSM Joseon-Mun -2.97% 0.01 $ +0.37% -0.27%
7016 GENS Genius Yield -29.43% 0.01 $ -1.39% -20.53%
7017 MSOT BTour Chain -24.30% 0.01 $ -0.48% +4.96%
7018 UMC Ultramoc +561.98% 0.01 $ +0.08% +197.57%
7019 DLY Daily Finance -50.70% 0.01 $ -1.97% -6.08%
7020 BTRS Bitball Treasure -16.33% 0.01 $ -0.08% +54.59%
7021 VXRP Venus XRP -3.61% 0.01 $ -1.34% +0.70%
7022 IDA Xidar -24.34% 0.01 $ -1.20% -0.35%
7023 MCL Marmara Credit Loops +16.47% 0.01 $ +2.44% +0.67%
7024 METAX MetaverseX -5.35% 0.01 $ +4.46% +2.72%
7025 TOKKI CRYPTOKKI +38.69% 0.01 $ +21.45% +11.71%
7026 ETCPOW ETCPOW +10.71% 0.01 $ -0.74% +5.37%
7027 MEER Qitmeer Network -6.37% 0.01 $ -0.10% -0.92%
7028 F3 Friend3 -17.51% 0.01 $ -7.34% -12.49%
7029 TUP Tenup +8.33% 0.01 $ -0.82% +7.20%
7030 BMX BitMinerX -36.51% 0.01 $ +9.27% +2.50%
7031 FLACK Flack Exchange -69.58% 0.01 $ -0.52% -0.66%
7032 SRC Simracer Coin -3.90% 0.01 $ -2.53% -2.74%
7033 CC CCQKL +4.50% 0.01 $ -0.89% -5.78%
7034 CRETA Creta World -17.70% 0.01 $ +0.93% -2.42%
7035 WEIRDO Weirdo [OLD] -40.30% 0.01 $ 0% 0%
7036 MILO MILO -33.98% 0.01 $ 0% -44.10%
7037 BVT Bovineverse BVT -15.39% 0.01 $ -3.02% -4.95%
7038 JAB Jable -0.14% 0.01 $ -0.27% -0.76%
7039 ATP Alaya -14.85% 0.01 $ +0.72% +5.62%
7040 DFT DigiFinex +3.79% 0.01 $ -1.87% +3.81%
7041 HOM Homeety -18.69% 0.01 $ -0.64% +10.58%
7042 HMDX Poly-Peg Mdex -4.00% 0.01 $ -0.58% -3.40%
7043 COMA Compound Meta +26.97% 0.01 $ 0% 0%
7044 KBC Kabuni +61.04% 0.01 $ -47.35% -62.95%
7045 MTS Meta Plus Token -22.88% 0.01 $ -4.69% -8.99%
7046 $HUB Dogihub (DRC-20) -8.93% 0.01 $ 0% 0%
7047 BMDA Bermuda -44.56% 0.01 $ 0% +4.12%
7048 CRX MIND Games CORTEX -3.40% 0.01 $ -0.20% +2.04%
7049 VEST Vestige -22.66% 0.01 $ -1.87% -1.12%
7050 HO HALO Network +21.53% 0.01 $ +1.04% +29.93%
7051 RLOOP rLoop +13.75% 0.01 $ +6.50% +13.40%
7052 WDYM Web3 Whales -20.32% 0.01 $ -3.08% -8.20%
7053 ALT AptosLaunch Token +15.72% 0.01 $ -15.63% +8.46%
7054 SNG Synergy Land Token -29.08% 0.01 $ -7.02% -18.06%
7055 BLOOD Impostors Blood -14.99% 0.01 $ -0.70% -2.05%
7056 STAMP STAMP -37.80% 0.01 $ -11.04% -28.60%
7057 EAG Emerging Assets Group -41.89% 0.01 $ -6.78% -2.19%
7058 RPR The Reaper +17.80% 0.01 $ 0% -0.17%
7059 IXIR IXIR -36.96% 0.01 $ -0.11% -0.84%
7060 WJXN Jax.Network -52.26% 0.01 $ -10.38% -18.61%
7061 CLNY Colony Network +27.61% 0.01 $ 0% 0%
7062 SOURCE ReSource Protocol +1.43% 0.01 $ +6.28% -0.63%
7063 OLE OpenLeverage -6.43% 0.01 $ -2.25% +44.89%
7064 SHARES Cryptoshares -49.43% 0.01 $ +36.01% -13.91%
7065 KTX KwikTrust +1.52% 0.01 $ +0.90% +6.35%
7066 TEIA Teia DAO -18.26% 0.01 $ -0.05% -11.02%
7067 MAXI Maximus -9.22% 0.01 $ -4.97% +13.39%
7068 H2ON H2O Securities -27.58% 0.01 $ -0.69% +6.23%
7069 DICE Klaydice -7.38% 0.01 $ +4.32% -1.55%
7070 HYCO HYPERCOMIC +17.39% 0.01 $ +0.01% +8.01%
7071 VD VinDax Coin +17.89% 0.01 $ +32.19% +19.37%
7072 CML Camelcoin -70.86% 0.01 $ 0% 0%
7073 THZ TeraHertz Capital -32.08% 0.01 $ 0% 0%
7074 AIX AIgentX -78.42% 0.01 $ -66.33% -68.32%
7075 CPU CPUcoin +1.06% 0.0098 $ -1.41% +9.67%
7076 ALCA AliceNet -8.60% 0.01 $ +0.57% +4.41%
7077 TFT ThreeFold -7.26% 0.01 $ -2.70% -0.31%
7078 KAI Kreaitor -12.72% 0.0099 $ -4.25% +3.44%
7079 MONKEX Monkex -21.09% 0.0099 $ +3.33% +18.28%
7080 CENNZ CENNZnet -8.32% 0.0096 $ -26.86% -7.53%
7081 KTE Kyte.One +169.68% 0.0098 $ -0.60% -2.40%
7082 ARNC Arnoya classic +50.45% 0.0098 $ -0.97% -6.75%
7083 FOHO Foho Coin -31.18% 0.0098 $ 0% -3.25%
7084 EZ EasyFi V2 -11.07% 0.0098 $ -2.69% +9.63%
7085 MEM Memecoin -3.22% 0.0098 $ -0.68% +5.46%
7086 TRIO Maximus TRIO +65.83% 0.0097 $ +8.28% +72.40%
7087 EQ Equilibrium Games -33.26% 0.0097 $ -1.51% -1.71%
7088 ZKUSD zkUSD -98.58% 0.0096 $ -0.51% +3.01%
7089 STZ 99Starz +10.37% 0.0097 $ -14.57% -6.64%
7090 BPET BPET -17.52% 0.0097 $ -1.12% +3.91%
7091 PORT PackagePortal -33.48% 0.0096 $ 0% 0%
7092 QCK Quicksilver -5.86% 0.0094 $ -4.88% +56.49%
7093 ZZZ GoSleep ZZZ -77.33% 0.0094 $ -10.13% -25.80%
7094 MVU Memes vs Undead -11.02% 0.0096 $ -0.99% -1.78%
7095 ETH The Infinite Garden +85.40% 0.0086 $ -15.27% +67.06%
7096 :ZKT: ZkTsunami -36.16% 0.0095 $ 0% 0%
7097 UNA Unagi Token +5.97% 0.0094 $ +0.43% +1.11%
7098 PBOS Phobos Token +20.65% 0.0094 $ -2.91% +7.61%
7099 CCD Copycat DAO -37.47% 0.0093 $ 0% +3.24%
7100 BASE Maximus BASE +61.23% 0.0094 $ +8.02% +81.86%
7101 AKI Aki Network +6.29% 0.0093 $ -1.52% -3.20%

This page provides a snapshot of the cryptocurrency market, highlighting the top 50 cryptocurrencies by market capitalization. It includes an overview of significant price changes, market capitalization values, and trading volume changes without specifying exact numbers that could become outdated quickly.

What drives crypto prices?

Factors include:

  • News,
  • Big player actions,
  • Demand shifts.

Prices rise if people invest in cryptos like Ethereum and Bitcoin. Digital currency's popularity, like Bitcoin’s media presence, also affects its value.

Cryptocurrency rates allow for blockchain use, pioneered by Bitcoin. Platforms track all types of transactions. You can capitalize on cryptos at the best rate and transfer them to a blockchain wallet, featuring:

  • Unchangeable data without proper access.
  • Transparent transactions.
  • Exchange, buy, and sell capabilities.

Our site offers real-time updates and a cryptocurrency list. Today, Bitcoin's price is trending upwards. Just pick the best exchange offer. For better deals, use our calculator.